June 1
6:20 woke in much pain in arms and upper back. Low back aches. Legs and feet throbbing. Dry mouth and thirsty. Woke from strange dream (I was a lab rat trying to escape. I was treated nicer than others bc they thought I wasn’t an independent like the others). Sinuses congested. Feel like I was beat up. Hands and forearms swollen and throbbing. Tailbone hurts. Hands having difficulty holding phone to type this – dropped phone several times.
Bible Reading: Job 1-4, Psalm 97, Revelation 21:4
Song: “Arundel is in deep, deep snow”, His Grace Is Sufficient
Goals today: laundry, orthodontist appointment, dehydrated onions, pay bills, complete app for school registration
Hung load clothes, folded clothes from y’day wash, load of clothes in washer – arms throbbing like toothache and out of breath, legs throbbing too.
At Dentist office, nice chat with lady that is retired college professor of USA. Taught math for 26yrs. Gave insight that once one has certification for teaching be aware that just because you want to teach a certain grade you may have to be willing to teach other grades depending on the openings available. Also, if a child gets stuck in their mind they cannot do or are bad at a certain subject, you need to be willing to help them face that fear and find ways to help them overcome.
She gave her example of her husband stationed across seas for while. She didn’t need to work but desired to teach to help others. She inquired about teaching at the school there and was asked to teach 7th grade science. She was hesitant at first because she had just finished teaching college calculus class. She agreed but wasn’t quite sure about it. The more she thought and prayed about it, she realized she wouldn’t do the students justice teaching science when her proficiency was math. She spoke with the principal about her concern a few days later. Thankfully, he decided to adjust schedule so she could teach the maths.
Be aware of your inhibitions because without realizing you can pass that fear onto your students. You’re goal is to help your students succeed however you can. Even if you need to use other resources to aid you.
She also said that you need to be aware that not all teachers are teachers because they feel called to teach. Some are teaching because circumstances in their lives put them there. That’s not to say they aren’t good at what they do once they get there. It’s just facts of life. Remember your calling and enjoy what you do makes a big difference in yours and your students lives.
Very insightful.
210p made it home. Traffic was backed up across bridge because of tunnel. The more traffic backed up and slowed down the more anxious I became. Nerves are shot though I did fairly well handling myself. Dezirae had to direct me few times because I wasn’t sure where we were going, but God kept us safe. Thank you, Lord.
Exhausted. Need a nap. Legs throbbing. Arms and hands throbbing. Hot. Feel like I’m about to pass out.
430 onions diced for dehydrator. Mine eyes teareth greatly. You’d think I was having a good cry. Dinner is Sheet Pan Fajitas.
I feel so drained and exhausted today. In much pain.
1130 pain is keeping me awake. No energy. Headache. Ears hurt. Neck aches. Back aches. Center chest chilly. Low back throbbing. Rt hip throbbing. Legs throbbing. Lower lft leg tourniquet tightening feeling with numbness and tingling. Toes tingly. Feet hurt. Hands swollen and achy. Exhausted. Lethargic. Sinuses congested. Rt thigh burning.
June 2
700a woke from strange dream (cleaning and organizing everything every where I went. It was weird.)
Whole body stiff and hurting. Low back & rt hip throbbing. Exhausted. Stinging needle pain thru body.
Song: It’s a good thing to give praise to the Lord and sing praises to His name …
I wish I could remember the rest of it.
I search on Google and not find what I remember.
Bible Reading: Job 5-7, Psalm 72:17-20, Hebrews 9:28
Sitting in recliner. Sudden sharp pain in chest. I was just thinking about attempting to deep clean and rearrange living room. I guess that’s God saying no. Ugh.
Headache. Exhausted. Lethargic feeling. Taking a nap to see if that helps.
Decided to work on things that I can sit down to do. Work on following…
- *VBS snacks & sign up
- *Good Report Scripture Journaling
- *Blog
830 severe pain in center of chest – it’s taking my breath away
Took 4 ibuprofen. Laid on floor and had Joe press on my back. Back started cracking before he barely pushed. Pushed too far down on lower back causing extreme pain and me yelling in pain! Applying heating pad on chest.
Lower lft leg tourniquet tightening feeling from mid leg down to ankle with numbness and tingling. Feet cold. Rt hip throbbing.
10:50 pain in chest easing, but I can’t move too much without agrivating it.
Exhausted. Hurting all over. 3 Tylenol taken along with pm meds.