June 7-12, 2021
650 woke from a nightmare. When I started singing in my dream, I woke.Song: I’m just a sinner saved by grace”Whole body stiff and hurting. Feel like I was beat up. Headache. Hurts to lift head. Tired. Nerves burning stinging. Sinuses congested.
Bible Reading: Hebrews 6:19, Job 21-23, Psalm 90:2
Deep breathing exercises makes chest hurt more. It feels bruised. Eyes watery. Very tired and lethargic feeling. Tailbone throbbing. I don’t mind the rain but I need the thunderstorms to go away.
Decided to try to work on organizing curriculum books by grade. Couldn’t remember which books went to what grade. Got distracted looking for curriculum guides. Decided to print them to keep in binder. Found editable Transcript Sheet. Cool. I need to organize my files better so I can find them easier.
Whew! Hard to believe we only have two grades left for homeschooling. Glad I’m staring to get my wits about me back. It’s been quite a struggle keeping things coordinated (which I have flubbed up many a times over the past few years😮). I’m praying for God’s help to enjoy the last two years I have with Dezirae.
Most of books organized. Need to sit and rest – out of breath and my lft knee is throbbing. Tired and hot 🥵.
1030 in much pain all over. Low back, rt hip, and left leg throbbing. Lt leg tourniquet tightening feeling
Song: I Surrender All, Give Me Jesus
Headache. Nerves stinging thru body. Eyes watery. Sinuses congested.
Bible Reading: Job 24-28, Habakkuk 3:19, Psalm 71:18-24
Actually able to listen without having to put in ear plugs this time. Lights started flickering during middle of services. I had to close my eyes bc it was giving me a headache. Tech guy able to correct issue.
Lunch fed.
230 home from morning services. I’m exhausted and need a nap.
430 slept for two hours. I needed it. It rained while I was sleeping.
One of the Evangelists saw Joe wanted a book and he volunteered to purchase it for him. Neat. We had just given Mrs Crane a little bit of money to help towards the supplies for the Deep South Ladies Conference. Here God is already returning dividends three fold. Amen!
I enjoy going and rubbing elbows with great men of God hoping even a little bit will rub off on us.
I’m going to bed with my quiver full and a happy heart. Nevermind that my body is riddled with pain but there’s a peace deep in my soul. Thank you, Lord.
June 9
700ay body hurts from head to toes. Headache. Eyes hurt and feel like I was punched in face. Strange dream. Calves burning throbbing. Ears ringing. Sinuses congested. Tired and want more sleep.
Bible Reading: Job 29-32, Psalm 81:1-5, Zephaniah 3:12-13
My rhomboid muscle ( in between shoulder blades) is stinging throbbing.
Low back & rt hip burning throbbing pain.
830 feet starting to freeze. Put socks on to warm up.
1040p recvd calls for help today. Gladly offered help. Realized that I forgot to take morning meds bc anxiety gearing up on hwy and it’s storming. Asked God for help.
Ended up being on run most of day. Rain stopped about 2/3 into day.
Stopped at DT for VBS supplies to attempt trash bag jellyfish. Found bunch other stuff too.
Dinner: Slow Cooker Potato Corn chowder with Homemade biscuits. Made too much chowder. Decided to share with parents. Biscuits tasted funny. Not sure what I messed up on.
Head hurts. Inner ears hurt. Face itches. Hands throbbing and swollen. Indigestion bad almost sick to stomach and reflux burning esophagus. Arms ache. Neck aches. Back hurts. Low back throbbing. Rt hip throbbing. Legs burning throbbing deep to bones. Feet too. Feet finally warm back up after couple hours. Feet, ankles, & toes tingling. Sinuses congested slightly. Lower lft leg tourniquet tightening feeling.
June 10
730a woke to arms and back stinging and very hot.
Bible Reading: Isaiah 41:10, Job 32-34,
Stressing out about audit letter we recvd yday. Called CPA to get her to explain ltr to me. Took me most of day to figure out kind of ltr needed for church info.
Tried to help Holly and Mom with a tree, but just ended up on my butt. Dezirae fussed at me. I told her I won’t know what I can do or not do unless I try first.
Realized auto insurance renews on Sunday and I haven’t heard back from them agent yet. Guy I talked to seemed like he didn’t know who I was. I requested this info with him a month ago to start with. Frustrating me. Sent email to other secretary explaining what was going on and that it wasn’t sitting well with me.
Realized that Mtg was due soon and needed to be paid. Need to balance checkbook first. Haven’t notated things for almost two weeks . I don’t like that I have trouble with this anymore. At least got Mtg paid and nothing bounced.
Left knee giving me fits today.
7:30 nose slightly bloody. I hope this isn’t sign of migraine oncoming.
1030p left knee is killing me and is swollen. Took three Tylenol with night meds. Legs throbbing to bones. I hurt everywhere. So tired. Exhausted. Left leg burning throbbing to toes. Headache.
June 11
730 woke from a dream I remember not to being drench in perspiration I know not why. Slight headache. Legs burning throbbing deep to bones. Low back throbbing. Hands swollen and hurting. Center of chest chilly.
Bible Reading: Daniel 3:16-18, Job 35-37, Jonah 1-4, Deuteronomy 33:28
I find myself looking forward to quiet times spent with my husband on Friday mornings. I miss us working side by side 24/7. One day it will come.
Bills taken care of – not exactly how I wanted but it’ll do. School things taken care of. Wifi soooo slow. Internet applied for.
410 If I stand for any length my knee throbs more. Need to rest a little bit so I can finish getting ready for tonight.
550 neck hurting. Turned neck to stretch a little to ease pain. Instead cervical spine popped making me hurt more. Ugh.
1130p great time at Deep South Youth Conference. Took 4 teens with a total of 7 from our church. Theme: Remember the Cross. Heard Abdel Judah & Dan Carr Jr preach. Convicting and encouraging messages.
Lft knee throbbing like a toothache!!!
June 12
1235 just now settling into bed. I’m exhausted and will fall asleep soon.
Twas encouraged seeing old friends again.
Slight headache. Lights bright and bothersome. Neck hurts. Upper back stings. Hands swollen and achy. Low back aches. Rt hip hurts. Legs throbbing. Left left tourniquet tightening feeling with tingling and numbness to toes. Feet cold. Sinuses congested. Center of chest hurts. Arms ache. Took three Tylenol with night meds.
Sweet dreams
730 I could sleep longer. Whole body stinging.
Bible Reading: Job 38-39, Psalm 85:4-7,
940 Joe asked if I could play Go Tell It on the Mountain. I played through it slowly. Apparently he watched me while I played it. When I finished he asked How in the world are you even playing the piano?
I replied, I don’t know. By the grace of God. Why?
He replied because your eyes bounce all over the place while you’re playing. No wonder you say you get dizzy. We really need a pianist so you don’t have to play. I replied that’s why I have to take naps after each service to give my brain a break. It gives me headaches.
My eyes are hurting now. Head hurts more. Close my eyes to rest brain for little while.
900 Had Jordon drive van to church and I rode with Joe. Joe remind me to take pain pill.
1100 followed Joe to area we were knocking doors today. We have 11 people come out today. Yay.
Thought I could remember how to get back to church, but proved futile. Had to get Holly to get gps going bc I somehow ended up on Pascagoula and March Rd. Ugh! Made a joke out of it to not be so serious.
205p room is spinning. Have to sit and close eyes for few minutes.
226p need to go lay down a bit. Can feel a crash oncoming. Energy feels like it’s quickly being sucked out of me. Nerves thru body stinging much.
Question – can nystagmus seriously impact piano playing?
430 didn’t intend on taking two hour nap. Could’ve slept longer.
Got up to make dinner though not hungry and work on bulletin for tomorrow.
1050p bulletins printed, VBS invitations printed, tract labels printed. I’m tired.
Whole body stinging y pain. Lower lft leg tourniquet tightening feeling with tingling to toes, low back throbbing, rt hip hurts, skin itchy, lights bright and bothersome, tired, feet chilly, brain aches, slight headache.
Took night meds, cbd oil, and pain rx.
Hi there , how are you feeling (my journal suddenly started asking me these questions? weird.)
I’m feeling just fine
What activities made you feel just fine?
weather, Sleep , Food , Exercise
List down why these things make you feel just fine
Woke to whole body stinging
Anything else that is worth noting today?
Walked a little today, played piano, tried to figure out directions for making a jellyfish decoration for VBS – had to improvise bc I couldn’t figure it out