June 13-19, 2021
June 13
700a whole body stiff and achy. Hurts to move.
Bible Reading: 1 Peter 4:15-17, Job 40-42,
Stove at church not working right. Put Dezirae’s dump cake in oven before Sunday School and it still wasn’t done all the way after morning service.
Joe had Mtg after church. I waited a while then thought I’d try to help by starting the potato chip casserole. Joe didn’t take to kindly to my trying to help at first. He was fussing at me telling me I didn’t know how to do it. I told him I didn’t appreciate him treating me as if I were stupid and walked away. He called me back and apologized. Told me that I did good because I got it right. Dugh!
I can feel a storm coming. Told Bro Daniel it’s fixing to rain. He smiled. Been praying it would rain good in Bayou. Heather called her in-laws to see if it was raining there. It’s raining good there. Told them sometimes God says to wait awhile but it’s coming. Thank you, Lord.
Worked on trash can liner jellyfish for VBS. Got three made with help before vision and brain got too swirly.
Tired and need a nap to rest brain.
4:25p oops. Forgot to set alarm and slept longer than intended even though the ground feels harder than normal.
620p my back started cramping while playing piano for church. Messed up a bit but able to push through.
644 hit my rt hand on lip inside Joe’s cabinet in office. Cut it and had to put a band-aid on to stop bleeding. Hand now swollen and throbbing. Applied pain eo rub to hand.
June 14
500a woke in a lot of pain. Low back throbbing immensely. Legs burning throbbing to feet. Headache. Neck hurts. Hands ache. Can’t seem to get comfortable.
Bible Reading: Psalm 1-8, Matthew 16:24, 2 Timothy 4:6-8, Jonah 1-2
Song: In the morning when I rise give me Jesus
700a Dezirae has dental appointment this morning. Praying Dr can do the crown bc it’s in a odd placing.
1030a center of chest throbbing sharp stabbing pain. Stood up. Bent over toward touching toes in effort to pop chest. It pops a little. I don’t want to scare people with my pain bc they might call ambulance on me thinking it’s heart attack. It’s my costochondritis flaring up again. Ugh
1240p Just finished at the dentist office. Dezirae has permanent crown in place. Thank you, Lord. That was long appointment.
3:28p can’t push any longer. I need a nap. Feel crash oncoming. Laying down is safest thing to do when I feel like this.
530 took a swim in pool once Joe got home. Left leg cramped trying to get out. Had to have help more than normal. Shoulders sting.
700 sharp stabbing pain in center of chest. Took 4 Ibuprofen.
1130 exhausted. Ibuprofen seems to be helping ease the chest pain. Sinuses congested. Shoulder blades sting. Face feels funny & itchy. Sucked on a ginger chew. Hands swollen and throbbing. Low back throbbing. Rt hip aches. Headache. Left leg mid calf tourniquet tightening feeling with tingling to toes. Legs ache. Toes in rt foot tingling too. Tummy little bloated. Tired.
June 15
814 rough night. Woke around 330 to severe stomach pain. Had diarrhea for over an hour. Lft ear high pitched ringing. Stomach still hurts. Low back throbbing. I’m exhausted. Lights bothersome. Stomach still tore up.
Bible Reading: Psalm 9-16, Proverbs 23:24
Song: It’s amazing what praising can do
Looking up issues with stomach pain and came across this article…
Drs should have done a scan of my brain the day I went to ER with the massive headache I had from the lightning strike. The first and only MRI I got was four month later.
Legs, feet, arms, and hands are stinging throbbing. Mild headache. Neck rt side hurts.
1050 eating toast and drinking Powerade to see if that’ll help. I feel plain awful. Bad headache.
130 still feeling quite awful. Cancelled Ladies Bible Study for tonight. Let all the Ladies know.
Trying to eat some soup, but my tummy is hurting more again. Center of chest throbbing sharp stabbing pain again. It’s now starting to storm. Ugh! Nerves stinging.
500 Joe sweet enough to pick up dinner on way home.
600 ate one piece of chicken and some mashed potatoes and went to bed.
1120p having difficulty falling asleep. I suppose it’s because I took several naps today due to not feeling well.
Decided to work on blog a little. Will be glad when we finally get our own internet in house so it’ll make things easier.
Whole body stinging throbbing. Face itches. Skin feels like ants crawling. Hands achy and swollen. Shoulder blades sting. Low back throbbing. Rt hip throbbing. Legs sting, burn, and throbbing. Feet throbbing and tingly. Headache has eased up some. Neck aches. Center of chest sharp stabbing pain. Taking 3 Tylenol.
Think I’m on the mends. Prayerfully so.
Hi there , how are you feeling
I’m feeling terrible
What activities made you feel terrible?
weather, Health
List down why these things make you feel terrible
Stomach bug hit at 3am with diarrhea. Lethargic. Whole body hurts more than normal. Severe stomach cramping. Miserable.
Anything else that is worth noting today?
Thunderstorm developed around 5pm
June 16
800 laid awake what seemed like for hours trying to fall asleep…prayed, sang songs in my head. Strange dream (something about a princess of another country wanting to get married in New York City and being stuck at camp for two weeks with only few days worth of clothing)
Exhausted. Whole body stinging, stiff, and achy.
Bible Reading:
Song: Psalm 18: 3 & 46 -I will call upon the Lord, Psalm 19:7-10 -The law of the Lord is perfect…, Psalm 19:14 – Let the words of my mouth…
Remember that Joe told me Jordon called in sick because he’s not feeling good. Need to go to store to get sicky supplies. Plus Dezirae needs items for camp next week. Thank you, Lord, for the ability to get needed items without worrying about how I’m going to pay for them.
Decided to drink hot green decaf tea with oil of oregano and peppermint oil. I enjoyed drinking tea, but hardly ever take time for me.
Diffusing thieves oil in house today to purify the air to keep us healthy
Went to store to get few items. Dezirae needed camp items too. No wheelchairs available. Walking behind buggy. Had to pull up a chair and sit on the floor to rest my knee.
2:30p recvd call from Oral Surgeon. Insurance has approved Jordon’s wisdom teeth removal surgery. Surgery is scheduled for tomorrow morning at 7:30 am in Spanish Fort. Praise the Lord for answered prayers.
945 hanging curtains back up from wash today. Lost balance and fell forward. Good thing the window was there to catch me.
Peripheral vision still slightly off. Stepping into closet I kicked the pink crate hurting my little toes on lft foot.
1000p my back is killing me with throbbing pain!! Rt hip hurts. I feel like I’m burning up but no fever. Lower lft leg tourniquet tightening feeling. Toes & lft foot tingling. Neck hurts. Bad headache. Hands ache. Tired, but mind is going 100 miles a minute.feet are chilly. Left knee swollen and hurting making walking a challenge.
Need to make a chiropractor appointment.
Eyes randomly spasming today. Makes for weird feeling.
June 17
500a it’s too early. Tired. Hot.
Song: He’s Everything To Me, Psalm 25:1-4,
Bible Reading: Mark 16:3-7, Psalm 21-25,
Jordon has oral surgery today at 7:30a. Arrived 45 minutes early. No one is here.
7:00a Dr arrives. 7:10 receptionist arrives. 7:15 went in to check in. 7:40 Dr comes out ask about apt being scheduled and when. Apparently the nurses knew of a cancellation but didn’t know that it had been refilled. Dr apologized for the delay. 7:45 nurses start coming in. 8:00a Jordon is called back for surgery. It should take about 45 minutes. 8:50 I’m called back to sit and talk with him to get him to wake up out of anesthesia. I have no clue what to say and his mouth is stuffed with gauze.
In the interim, I brought papers to work on next “whatsoever” thing to work on.
Jordon asked to make detour on way home. Reluctantly I obliged. While trying to figure out in my head how I’m going to hold onto him but keep myself upright, he suggested he use the other cane I had in car. I was pleased with his solution and agreed.
Close call on highway made me jump and scream shortly. I loathe driving in heavy traffic. Praying whole way for God’s protection and mental alertness.
Final stop before home was Pharmacy. Had to wait 30 minutes for filling so we went shopping for soft food items. I googled a list of items and let him choose which ones he wanted.
11:30a finally made it home. I’m tuckered out, but need to keep pushing to get Jordon settled. Keep having to sit in spurts to not crash.
200 couldn’t push anymore. Have to lay down for short bit.
Trouble keeping up with what I’m to give him when. Remembered I had a medication tracker saved somewhere. Took a bit but found and printed it out. That makes it easier.
7:50p rt ear ringing. Whole body throbbing, stinging pain. Headache.
10:38 made it thru first day. Joe taking over watch in case anything happens overnight do I can get some sleep. I’m plumb exhausted and hurting from head to toes.
Thankful for…
- God’s provisions
- Loving husband
- A bed to sleep in and roof over my head.
June 18 – no entry
June 19 – no entry