Falling in Love – Amy Sapp

HAPPY OCTOBER! Does it feel like Fall yet??? This year is flying by!!

This week’s devotion is “Falling in Love” written by Amy Sapp! Please take the time to read as she shares her heart with you all about Falling in Love with Jesus!

I hope you have an absolutely amazing week!!!

Falling in Love – Amy Sapp

“Falling in Love…”

When you hear those words what comes to YOUR mind? I know I picture that special someone that makes my heart “pitter patter”. If you are single, it may bring hope to your heart of what may be. If you have been married for a bit, it may make you think back to “the old days” when you felt those first sparks. BUT most likely, falling in love with Jesus is not the first thing that comes to your mind.


When I was younger, I loved the idea of meeting my “prince charming” and falling in LOVE, just like all of the Disney princesses did. I wanted to be somebody’s special ONE, and for them to be mine. Since I have been saved, I would say that I LOVE JESUS. But when I was younger, I would not say that I saw Him as the one to fulfill the longing of my heart. He was more distant / unseen / more like a character in a story.


My guess is many of my friends and other generations have felt the same way to some extent.


To Fall in LOVE with Jesus and to KNOW Him… What does that really mean?


The dictionary explains “falling in love” as the development of strong feelings of attachment and love, usually towards another person. The term is emphasizing that the process is like a physical act of falling, sudden, uncontrollable, and leaves you in a vulnerable state, like “falling in a trap”.


I do agree that this would apply in some areas… BUT not all “falling in love” situations are sudden and uncontrollable. Some develop over time



The Urban Dictionary states… “He will be the first thing you think of when you wake up, and the last thing when you fall asleep. You will constantly think about him throughout the day. When he smiles your heart skips a beat. Your eyes are glued to him, and you can’t take your eyes off of him.


NOW… When I think back to when I fell in love with my husband, these are the things I identify with. As time has passed those things have become less, if we are perfectly honest. Not because my love is less, in fact… It has grown deeper as the years have gone by


I decided to ask a group of 10 friends that are close to my age TWO things…. First, what they looked for most in a husband when they were in their 20’s. Second, what they love most about their spouses now that they are in their 40’s. And guess what??? For the most part, all of their answers were pretty much the same.


20’s… These women hoped to fall in love with someone fun, loved to laugh, was good looking, and shared things in common with them.


40’s… They now themselves tell women to look for someone that will be a good provider, a help, a communicator, someone who listens, someone that makes them feel loved, and someone who will keep them in line spiritually. Because… those are the things they love about their spouses now.



THAT is where our answer lies. These women want more than a feeling. They want a personal, known, practical, intimate love. ONLY Jesus can provide all of those things consistently without fail, forever. He is so easy to “fall in love” with.


What does the Bible say about “falling in love with Jesus”?


The bible never directly mentions falling in love with Jesus, but it does point us to what love is… in 1 Cor 13, how we should love others in Mark 12:31 and most importantly, how Jesus loves us in John 15:9.


Jesus is the only One who can be our everything, who can fill every role and every longing of our hearts. So many times, love is felt, given, received in ways much different than those first “butterflies in the stomach” feelings, that we hope for when we are young. He is all of these and MORE!


He is…


~ A Provider

Phil 4:19


~ A Helper

Heb 4:16


~ A Listener

Psalm 116:2


~ A Lover of Our Soul

Jer 31-3


~An Accountability Partner

John 14:15


With all of these truths, what keeps people from falling in love with Jesus? I think for many it is the “how to” that holds people back…


How to…

In a typical relationship falling in love is based on the who, what, when, and where. Waiting for that perfect time and place…. BUT with Jesus He is already there. He is always available, just waiting for YOU. For you to grasp a greater love than you could ever imagine. Not something that is temporary. But for eternity.


The awesome thing about Jesus is that He meets us where we are. If you are looking for practical love, or deep intimate love full of emotion, He is all of those. Jesus is the same yesterday today and forever! Heb 13:8


He can meet every expectation without fear of disappointment. He is the God of the universe, who knows us inside out because HE created us. Jer 1:5


His is the perfect love that casts out fear. 1 John 4:18


He draws us to His side. John 6:44


So, what is holding us back????

Choose love over fear….

Fear is powerful. Overwhelming. The devil uses it to keep us from having all that the Lord has in store for us. Maybe fear of abandonment, ridicule, pain, or maybe rejection. Is he whispering in your ear… You’re not enough? You’re not lovable? You’re not wanted? You never will be.


Friends… Those are lies straight from Satan himself. When you hear those whispers… Talk to the Lord, do NOT listen to those lies. 2 Tim 1:7


Decide WHO you belong to…


Do not be torn between Earthly things and Heavenly things. If you want to fall in love with Jesus.. You must choose a side… 1 John 2:15-17


Open your heart to a love like no other, and KNOW.


Of all of the reasons we hesitate to go “all in” with the Lord, I think the story of the Woman at the Well is the biggest reason. She couldn’t understand why HE as a Jew would even think about asking her as a Samaritan for water! Did He even know who she was? Of course, He did! He is Jesus.


If we only knew, there is a love so deep and wide and full of JOY, and peaceful… We can’t even imagine it. But so often we reject that love. We settle for imperfect earthly love alone.



Dig into God’s Word, Pray like never before. Ask HIM to reveal himself to you more fully. Stay close to His side!



Dive deeper than religion, or appearance! Get to know the one who loves us more deeply than we can ever imagine!







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