LS Journal Entries July 4-10, 2021
July 4
700 I can not keep pushing it hurts so much. In great pain from head to toes. It hurts to even move. Let Joe know.
I can not believe I forgot about the birthday cake.
Bible Reading: Psalm 106-107, Psalm 105:8-11
Song: He’s Everything To Me
Joe sweet. He knew I was in much pain. He gave me massage with the essential oils pain oil. It helps enough to muster strength to get out of bed.
Remembered I forgot about a birthday cake for Jordon. Ugh.
Searched where I can find an ice cream cake. Wally world.
1130 feet freezing. Put socks on during church. I do not need a migraine today.
Having difficulty keeping hold of things today – keep dropping things.
147 exhausted and feel like I’m about to pass out. Hurting all over.
Ears keep ringing off and on today. Alternating ears lasting five or ten minutes at a time.
July 5
800 whole body hurts immensely. Muscles twitching in arms.
Song: Jesus, Jesus, How I love Him
Low back throbbing. Headache. Feet feel like I’m stepping on broken glass. Tired. Stomach hurts. Hands swollen and throbbing.
Bible Reading: Psalm 108-114, Isaiah 12,
All my muscles feel like their wound extremely tight making it hurt to move
On way to church for cleaning and picnic with some of church family, Someone was mowing lawn which shot an object at us as we were driving by. It sounded like a shotgun going off. Scared the tar out of me. Praying that we can get it fixed soon.
Praising God for His protection!
While my nerves are shot and on fire and found some glass in my hair, no one was injured. Thank the Lord.
Bad headache. Took Excedrin migraine to keep it from becoming bad migraine. Took while but it helped ease it.
Dinner at my parents. Burgers were good.
Girls decided to try on my Mom’s and my wedding dresses. It was funny to see.
Exhausted. Hurting all over.
July 6
550 exhausted but can’t seem to fall back to sleep.
Bible Reading: Psalm 112, Psalm 115-118,
Deep bone achiness in body. Muscles stiff and tight. Neck hurts. Headache.
I can hear thunder in the distance. It’s light raining.
Haven’t fall back to sleep. Need to get up. Need to locate a window replacement for van. Joe texted me with some quotes he’s found.
Bp 130/83 don’t like those numbers. I did just make the bed though. I’ll check it again after I rest later.
Called one in Theodore. Least expensive quote yet. Appointment made. Window needs to be ordered. May be tomorrow before he gets it in.
Decided to tell Dezirae we’ll work on cleaning bathrooms today then go have fun. Her reply okay but I don’t feel like going anywhere. I’m glad she said that I’m not really up to going anywhere either but I want summer break to be more fun this year since I’m slowly able to do a little more now.
1100a Worked on dusting bathroom. Whew! It was dusty!!! Cough cough. Took me an hour just to dust shelf and declutter. I’m exhausted. Need to rest little while to do more. It may take me all day but my goal today is to get my bathroom cleaned.
My lft knee is throbbing like a toothache. Low back throbbing intensely. Headache. Freezing. Socks on and covering with blanket.
118 Took over an hour to warm back up. Feet still chilly. rested for an hour then slowly worked on cleaning bathroom floor. Took me an hour and now exhausted and out of breath.
It continues to rain. At least my bathroom is clean.
Praise! I just finished figuring out the business miles. It only took me 6 hours. Ugh. Time to rest my brain.
800 Epsom Salt bath. Overdo for one.
1000 whole body hurts. Bad headache. Took Aleve. Neck hurts. Arms ache like I worked out hard. Low back throbbing. Rt hip aches. Hands swollen and achy. Rear end hurts near tailbone like I fell on it. Lft leg from knee to foot numbish and tingling. Feet throb with toes tingling. Tired but awake.
Top of tongue hurts. Took 1500mg Vitamin C along with night meds.
Night meds: Turmeric, Magnesium, Gaba, PEA, probiotic, Zyrtec
July 7
650 woke to extreme pain in center of chest. Had to roll to side to ease it. I overdid it y’day cleaning bathroom. Ugh. Costochondritis is flaring up. Ouch!
Whole body aches. Sinuses congested. Eyes watery. Slight headache. Lights bothersome. Arms ache. Hands throbbing. Center of chest hurts like I pulled a muscle. Low back aches. Muscles feel tight. Legs ache. Feet throbbing. Toes chilly.
Bible Reading: Psalm 119:1-88, Hebrews 8:3-5,
120 I’m plumb exhausted. Spent entire morning at auto glass shop for window to get replaced. Guy said he forgot how hard it was to replace it.
Decided to go to produce stand to get fresh veggies. Hit jackpot at clearance table. Bought bunch of green beans and pepper with intentions of putting them up when we got home.
Hurting so bad. Able to cut up peppers for freezer. Took break. Began cutting up green beans but fizzled out midway. Definitely no energy to can them. Ended up having Dezirae help finish and putting them on cookie sheet in freezer. Will have to finish tomorrow.
Watched 23 Blast with Dezirae. Good movie about keeping your faith through trials and overcoming challenges that others think is impossible.
July 8
Rough night. Trouble sleeping. Whole body pins and needles throbbing. Rt inner ear itches. Extremely tired.
Bible Reading: Isaiah 59:20-21, Psalm 119:89-176,
Juice: 2 apples, 1 orange, & 1 tbs lemon juice
Had Dezirae mow back yard.
Realized I needed to balance checkbook. Need to try to do better keeping up with the expenditures. Took me three hours. Ended up having to use computer to help. Ordered vitamins needed.
Took break. Put meat in instant pot for dinner.
Need to work more on audit. Thankfully I try to keep detailed records, but it’s still tedious to make copies of everything they want. Ugh. It gives me a bad headache. Made it to April. It feels like I’m trying prepare taxes for CPA again. Oh my aching head.
My head feels like it’s swimming. Moderate headache. I’m here but I’m not… it’s like everything is at the other end of a tunnel and I’m struggling to decipher what’s going on around me. I hear the conversation but I’m not comprehending what was said. Frustrating.
Brain has been stressed too much today it’s giving up. Took 3 Ibuprofen.
749 pressure feels like it’s building in top of head. It hurts bad. I want to holler while holding my head, “The pressure! The pressure!”.
Hungry. Ate few cheese & crackers. Switched to peanut butter and crackers. Orange. Drank glass of tea then bottle of water. Guess that’s what happens when I forget to eat anything all day.
1130 sinuses congested. Whole body hurts deeply. Head hurts. Eyes watery. Rt ear aches. Exhausted. Upper back stings. Low back throbbing. Muscles randomly spasming thru body. Tourniquet tightening feeling around both ankles. Feet slightly tingling.
Discovered I forgot to take morning meds. Took night meds plus l-thenine and pain rx.
July 9
Tossing and turning most of night. Slept soundly I think for couple of hours. Still very tired. Whole body stinging throbbing pain. Mild headache. Thirsty. Need to do better on drinking more.
Song: Oh say but I’m glad
Bible Reading: Psalm 120-132,
Bloody nose. I thought I had this under control. Guessed wrong. Headache is increasing.
Looked up side effects of Zyrtec. Wow! Time to stop taking it. No wonder my intense headaches have increased this past week. I’ve been more dizzy, constipated, etc.
Rainy day off and on. I’m so tired.
Worked on memoirs for blog a little bit.
Picked up Joe’s med from Dr office. Made her day when I asked if I could give her some of the meds I’m not using. Had to stop at store. Joe decided he wanted a seafood smorgasbord. That’s odd for him to say so I went with it. Him cooking is a plus for me.
Lft ear ringing loudly while in store. Tried adjusting my jaw like I was going to yawn, but it didn’t help. Had to wait til it stopped. Lasted about 10 minutes.
Back throbbing. Sharp headache on top of head. Rt ear throbbing. Throat hurts. Face itches. Neck hurts rt side. Shoulders ache. Center chest sharp stabbing pain. Rt hip throbbing. Hands swollen and aching. Joe says both sides back of neck is swollen. Legs ache. Lower lft leg tourniquet tightening feeling from mid calf to foot. Feet burning pins and needles to toes. Exhausted and tired.
July 10
630 rough night. Pain kept waking me. Once I woke very hot as if I was breaking a fever. Bad headache. Intense pain in rt side. Skin hypersensitive.
Guys have prayer breakfast at church this morning. Joe cancelled soul winning due to rain for the ladies.
Decided to help Dezirae a little with transplanting the aloe plants. Not able to do too much but even keeping her company helps. Tried digging some but got caught on roots ended up giving us a dirt shower. We just laughed. Able to get several aloe plants moved before it started to rain. My arms are covered in scratch marks from the aloe plants. I know I’ll feel this later.
230 thanksgiving meal at parents with my sister and niece. Sister will be going back to Nepal shortly. I’ve enjoyed her being here and will miss her but am glad she’ll get to be reunited with her family. Keeping her in my prayers for safety on many levels.
Went to store after dinner to get paper to print the bulletins for tomorrow. Legs cramping. Rt hip throbbing. Low back throbbing.
800 center of chest starting to hurt immensely. Keep moving to adjust chest.
1130 yawned and left side of neck cramped up bad sending shooting pain to head and down neck to mid back. I froze in tracks until it eased up after few minutes. Jordon got up and gave me a hug telling me it’ll be okay. His hugs melt my heart.
Center chest throbbing sharply. Entire back spasming and throbbing.
Feet cold. Put socks on to warm them up.
Drank chamomile tea. Took night meds and pain rx. Head hurts on rt side back with periodic stabbing pain. Very tired.