LS Memoirs – 7-9 October 2021
Oct 7
Rough night. Awake every two hours.
400 throat starting to hurt more again. Nose runny. Taking Tylenol sinus. I feel horrible.
600 up attempting to drink hot tea with honey. Congestion is gagging me and making it difficult to breathe. Whole body throbbing in pain.
Matthew 11-12, James 1:3-4, Psalm 63:1
Song: Thou, Oh Lord
630 Helped Dezirae study spelling & vocab.
740 Dezirae off to school. Going to try to get some sleep. Eyes watery.
1045 Joe woke me to ask for the Excedrin migraine pills
My smell seems to be heightened. Most smells are nauseating me or making me sneeze.
Took Relpax for migraine. Applied Vick’s vapor rub to bottoms of feet and chest.
Face feels dried out – applied homemade face cream. Sinus cavities stinging burning – applied saline nasal spray. Throat starting to hurt (from breathing thru mouth – gargled with peppermint mouthwash. Trouble falling asleep – playing wholetones sleep music
-Don’t like this one. Leaves rattling in background sound like a rattler causing nerves to be in flight mode.
Deep breathing to calm nerves some
– Music is peaceful. I enjoy hearing the ocean.
430 Joe went to urgent care to get check bc his job suggested he get Drs note. Tested negative for covd. He has onset of bronchitis. Given shot in office and Rx called into pharmacy. Written out until Monday.
700 Joe made me eat small bowl of chicken noodle soup. I did, but 20 minutes later I’m loosing my cookies and having accident. I didn’t even get to eat cookies and milk.
Now I’m sitting up in bed not sure I should lay down for quite a while. Tummy hurts. Lots of gas. Sucking on ginger chew. It’s kind of burning my throat but it’s easing the nausea.
830 kids called asking if I need anything. Awh. Told them Tylenol sinus, popsicles, and marshmallows. They’re also looking for movies. So sweet
Nasal passages burning. Congested. Headache. Eyes hurt. Sinus pressure. Lft shoulder hurts as if out of place. Nerves burning. Exhausted. Lethargic, but can’t sleep. Legs and calves ache. Periodic spasming randomly thru body. Feet tingling including toes. Nose raw from blowing so much. Keep applying petroleum jelly after blowing to ease discomfort. Chest starting to ache.
Matthew 7:24-28, 1 Corinthians 3:11, James 1:12-15, 1 Corinthians 15:58
Oct 8
600 slept better last night than last few nights. Headache. Congested. Chest starting to feel heavy and aches. Eyes little watery. Whole body stiff and achy. Lft shoulder sharp stabbing pain if I move it wrong; otherwise, throbbing. Ears aches. Legs ache and feel heavy. Feet hurt.
Up to help Dezirae review for her quizzes and tests today then back to bed I go. Decided to drink some hot peppermint tea. It felt good going down, but it started helping to cough up mucus which doesn’t feel good. Need to amp up the C. Ready to go back to bed.
Song: Under Control & But Thou, Oh Lord
Psalm 86:15, Matthew 13-14,
100 nebulizer treatment of colloidal silver for bronchial spasms. Joe feels I have bronchitis worse than he does, but can’t get into Dr until next week and can’t afford a second urgent care visit.
2:36 this headache won’t give. I’ve used ice pack, replax, Excedrin migraine, Aleve to no avail over last few days. Ugh.
Taking 2 Tylenol and 2k/mg C. Joe says I’m running low grade fever. Thermometer is fritzing. I can hear it. It beeps twice once to let know it’s ready to take temp second is to let you know it’s done. One the second beep I can hear it sound like it’s shorting out. Weird.
Need to lay down a while.
600 2nd nebulizer treatment with colloidal silver. My chest is hurting greatly.
Chest pain eases after treatment until I start having coughing fits which in turn give me migraine as well. Icing doesn’t even help headache. Eyes watery, burning, throbbing. Every little noise bothers me right now. Healing music not helping. Skin hypersensitive. Grumpy.
Jakob received care pkg today. He thanked me and said with every bite of the cookies it feels as if I’m there giving him a hug. That melts a Mama’s heart.
This may seem crazy thinking, but with the added pain from the bronchitis it’s taken my mind off the daily nerve pain bc every inch of me hurts more. I don’t like being sick though.
Able to eat dinner and keep it down. Ordered Papa John’s so no one had to cook. Besides I had $10 reward money plus I got a free birthday cookie. Yay!
Praying I can fall asleep fairly quick to ight. I’m beyond exhausted.
Psalm 32:8
God can do what seems impossible…
Oct 9
930 up and down several times thru the night. Still have bad headache. Whole body stiff and achy. Lft arm sharp pain in top with numbness and tingling. Neck hurts. Low back aches
I have a migraine that won’t quit!
Trying to find natural remedies for this stubborn migraine.
Lft ear ringing. Eyes watery. Head feels like it’s going to explode. Lft shoulder sharp stabbing pain in top. Muscles very tight.
Decided to take an Epson salt bath with eucalyptus and aloe petals. Water too hot. Soaked for a while. When I started trying to move to bath my body started cramping all over. Whole Rt side of abdomen cramped so bad it felt like I was giving birth to a baby. I hollered in pain. Lower lft leg and foot cramped like Charlie horse. Hands cramped. Arms cramped. Pushed through bc I needed to get out and to bed. When I stood up I got very shaky as if I were to fall dizzy and nauseous. After dressing while holding onto sink, I called for Joe to help me to bed. Joe got me two ginger pills upon request to ease the nausea. Head still pounding. Out of breath as if I worked out. Feeling very drained and weak.
Looks like we will be moving at the beginning of next year. Jakob & Bri on board for our idea. I kind of helps confirm that Joe’s idea is right decision.
Drank 2 cups of alkaline water. Shortly afterwards I was able to fall asleep for about 15 minutes.
500 Need to get bulletin done for tomorrow.
Think water is maybe starting to help. Starting to get a chilling tingly sensation in center of brain at top of head. Weird.
Sensation lasted about a half hour then pounding pain increased again.
558 bulletin done. Now to go lay back down again. Feet freezing . Lights bothersome. Actually I’m freezing all over. Put thick socks on and under covers.
800 chatting with a friend on messenger. She asked how we were doing. I was telling her and dumb autocorrect changed one of my words to a cuss word. She pointed it out to me. I apologized. We laughed about it, but I was embarrassed . She hopes to see us at church tomorrow. Told her I’m hoping to if I could get rid of this migraine.
I’m tired of having to hide out in my dark bedroom because the lights hurt my eyes.
Talking with future daughter in law about my updating kitchen choices. Her & Jakob have given few ideas but bc I can’t picture it in my mind it’s hard for me to decide.
I know that’s one of the side effects of taking brain injury. I have become very indecisive and unsure of myself at times. I’m trying to work on it. It’s a process to work through definitely.
Psalm 29:11
Thankful for…
1. My husband helping to take care of me though he’s still not feeling well.
2. My Mom bringing us dinner tonight.
3. A couple of church family checked to see how we were doing.
4. My daughter bought me fall flowers.
5. My son bought us donuts and drinks. He brought me an apple cranberry juice.