Signs of Gratitude
Experiencing thankfulness and appreciation is the foundation of gratitude, a positive feeling linked to numerous advantages for both mental and physical well-being. When you are feeling thankful, you react with kindness, warmth, and other expressions of generosity to something or someone in your life for which you are grateful.
Rejoice evermore. Pray without ceasing. In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you. 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18
Expressing gratitude can make a significant difference in your own life as well as the lives of the person you are expressing gratitude toward. Research has shown that when people start focusing on what they already have in life rather than waiting for more happy experiences and things to be thankful for, their baseline level of happiness tends to rise.
Depending on the context and how others use it, the word “gratitude” can imply different things to different people. Scientist define gratitude as “a socio-emotional process that results in a sense of happiness, joy, or appreciation due to the appraisal of having received something based not on one’s own efforts but on the giver’s free and unrestricted intentions to give.”1 Generally speaking, being grateful is acknowledging that you have been blessed with something positive. Gratitude acknowledges that someone is responsible for it.
Gratitude is a powerful practice that involves recognizing positive events in life and the role of others in them, and can significantly improve health and well-being. Cultivating gratitude isn’t hard; all you need to do is dedicate a little period of time each day to thinking back on the things that went well and for which you are grateful.
What then does gratitude look like? How can you tell whether you are feeling thankful? There are many various methods to show your gratitude and appreciation for what you have.
For instance, it could involve:
🌺Taking some time to reflect on the blessings in your life for which you are thankful.
🌺Pausing to appreciate and acknowledge the wonder and beauty of something you come across every day.
🌺Appreciating your good health.
🌺Expressing gratitude to someone for their meaningful contribution to your life.
🌺Demonstrating your gratitude to someone by acting kindly toward them.
🌺Focusing on the tiny things in life that give you happiness and tranquility.
🌺Giving thanks in meditation or prayer.
Often, gratitude is a spontaneous feeling that arises in a moment’s time. Although some people are more inclined than others to feel gratitude on a daily basis, gratitude is a quality that can be developed and trained to be more frequently exercised.
I hope that as you write down God’s promises this month, you will sense His presence all around you—within you, beside you, all around. I pray that you will always be aware of His presence.
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- King James Bible. (2007) King James Bible Online.
- Henry, Matthew, 1662-1714. (1991). Matthew Henry’s commentary on the whole Bible : wherein each chapter is summed up in its contents: the sacred text inserted at large in distinct paragraphs; each paragraph reduced to its proper heads: the sense given, and largely illustrated with practical remarks and observations. Peabody, Mass. :Hendrickson Publishers,