Lightning Strike Memoirs 30-31 October 2021

LS Memoirs 30-31 October 2021

Oct 30, 2021
6a Woke in much pain. Center core of torso stinging and throbbing intensely. Sinus headache w/post nasal drip. Trying to think where the sinus meds are but I can’t remember. Lft upper arm and shoulder sharp pain. It hurts to move it.

Song: He does all things well

Joe randomly decided to give me a massage with the pain rub. It helps ease pain some.

Luke 14-16, Ephesians 2:8-9,

Went on visitation with church. Started working on organizing homeschool library. Wore out.

140 need a nap. Feeling like I’m about to pass out.  Feet freezing.

300 woke to feet freezing

500 feet finally warmed up. Started craving pumpkin muffins. Decided to make a batch using homemade Bisquick mix.
635 left ear ringing high pitched
Lasted 30 minutes.

Center of chest stabbing pain. Leaned over a few times today either to pick something up or do something. Apparently I’m not able to do that without causing great pain. Took 4 Ibuprofen. Aleve isn’t doing anything for me.
Applying heating pad to chest to help ease pain.
Low back throbbing intensely. Head and neck hurts. Turning head wrong to pop neck made me slightly dizzy.
Feet chilly again. Whole body aches. Turning too far to right or left causes sides to spams and cramp badly.  Lft arm aches deeply to the bone.

2 Corinthians 5:4, Hebrews 11:14-16
Are you seeking the city which is to come?

1100p Power flickered off and on a few times. Wonder what happened?

Oct 31, 2021
445a woke to extreme sharp pain in top of lft shoulder shooting down to fingertips as well as severe tingling and numbness. Once I move my arm the tingling and numbness feeling began to ease.  Now I’m wide awake.

Song: Because He loved us so

Luke 17-18, 1 Peter 5:8-9, Psalm 104:33-34
Song: I will sing of the mercies of the Lord forever

Decided to get up because I couldn’t sleep. Posted Bible reading schedule on Facebook. Worked on prayer list for November. Fixed nail polish on two toes. Worked on planning meals for the week.

830a  in great pain in left shoulder. Pain is shooting to center of chest. I think it might be out of joint.  Joe told me to make Dr apt.

955a pain increases making it hard to move. Mom suggested my pain ointment. I forgot about it. Had a roller in my purse. Went to bathroom to apply. Had to turn a little to left to apply. Upon doing so, my rt side cramped immediately stopping me in my tracts.
Upon coming out of bathroom, Joe motioned it was time to start. It irritated me and I snapped at him.
Playing piano is very painful today. Sweet spirit in church today.

120 oven not working right at church. Frustrating. Joe took over and heated up the fish in the convection oven.
I’m in much pain with my shoulder and it’s making me grumpy. Feel like I’m fading fast.

230 laying down for nap. Worked on choosing verses for my scripture journaling post for November. Crashed while doing so. Woke 30 minutes later due to extreme sharp pain in shoulder.  Dozed off again for 20 minutes.

Choir practice was torture from pain.  However, I’m learning to play a new song and doing decent job. Proud of myself.

Don’t get same brand each time. Rotate.
Look at how many different strain rather than billions.

Mom and my daughter suggested I soak in epsom salt bath. My arm hurts so much I wouldn’t do so good getting in and out of tub. Dezirae got the foot bath soaker to soak my feet instead. Applying ice pack to shoulder.

Those helped ease pain for a couple hours. Pain in shoulder and arm beginning to increase after moving arm. Feet freezing and feeling as if frost bitten. Exhausted and fading fast. Trying to help Dezirae proof her PowerPoint presentation for English class tomorrow.

Applied pain rub to shoulder and center of chest.

Thankful for:
1. Family willing to help me
2. Sweet spirit at church today in spite of my grumpiness from being in much pain
3. Dress we found at the thrift store fit KK


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