LS Memoirs 28-30 November 2021
Nov 28
6a woke to both arms tingling. Stinging needle pain through body. Muscle spasms in back. Thirsty. I didn’t drink enough fluids y’day. Tired.
Song: Come ye thankful people come
Romans 11-13, 1 Chronicles 16:8, Hebrews 13:15
730 right ear ringing – lasted 20 minutes or so. Noticed swelling in arm and lymph nodes have diminished some
Easily agitated this morning. Don’t know why – nothings out of ordinary except we rearranged living room last night and things are still in disarray. Ill get it cleaned eventually. Joe made smart allec comment which irritated me further.
I don’t have lunch planned. Check freezer for meats. Decide on spaghetti and meatballs.
Trying to keep positive outlook. It’s steadily diminishing. Joe asks what’s wrong. I don’t feel like explaining bc it’ll cause argument. He pursues. I told him to stop pushing.
I’ll brew for little while and then it’ll subside and I’ll be okay. I don’t understand the sudden irritations post LS. Everything can be a okay and I’ll get upset for no reason. Or when things or plans get way out of sorts it’ll cause anxiety and frustration. If someone tries to make me talk it out while I’m out of sorts I blow up and have trouble verbalizing what I’m thinking bc what I think and what comes out is usually totally something different. This frustrates me more. Sometimes it’s best to just let me be to do what I need to calm my thoughts, brain, and emotions. Then I can better express what happened though sometimes it’s still not accurate.
120 made it through lunch. Now I feel like I’m about to crash. Laying down in nursery.
Broken sleep until 3:00ish. Still tired.
5:00 choir practice. Half way through my vision starts tunneling – blurring on outer edges. I can still see, but the blurriness makes it difficult. Brain fogging.
Headache is starting.
Services went well today. We had 26 today and 1 visitor. What a blessing. Thank you, Lord.
My headache continues to strengthen. Don’t know why. Tylenol didn’t help. Sinuses acting up. General stinging pain all over body. Low back throbbing. Periodic muscle spasms intermittent through body. Ears ringing off and on. Bouts of exhaustion other times just tired. Trouble playing couple songs, but over all I think I’m doing better. Easily sidetracked. Leftovers for dinner. Feet cold for several hours.
Swelling is reducing on left side. Taking 4k mg Vitamin C, Echinacea, colloidal silver, and applying pain rub.
Also took Benadryl and Excedrin headache.
Nov 29
545a feels like I just fell asleep. I’m so tired. Stinging pain throughout body. Stiff and sore. Feel clammy. Sinuses acting up.
Romans 14-16,
Managed to change sheets on bed. My whole upper body now stinging burning throbbing pain. Left shoulder and arm throbbing intensely. Need to rest a bit.
Drinking cup of hot cocoa with coconut oil and D.E.
My arm injury has put me way behind on chores. Thankfully as Joe & Dezirae we’re rearranging the living room they dusted as they went. Living room is mostly clean. I now need to rearrange the pictures on the walls. I want an “S” wall. Hmm?
Load of clothes washed and two loads folded. Arms burning throbbing. Need to rest a bit.
Loaded recycling in car. Whew! There’s a bunch more than normal. It sure saves on trash. Getting very tired. Whole body stinging burning pain. Resting a bit then I’ll go.
Spoke with nurse. Dr booked until January. Dr not in until Thursday. Asked about needing x-ray of shoulder. She is going to put message thru to Dr to see what she wants to do. Frustrating.
Desktop computer dusted and reconnected. Recycling dropped off. Christmas present picked up. Few groceries Had to park a ways from the front. Struggled to get to store. Had to stop a few times to catch my breath. No wheelchairs. My arms are cramping especially lft arm. Hurts to hold on to cart. Cart hard to push uphill. I’ll be glad when I can get home.
Eating leftovers for lunch. My body is throbbing intensely. Want to cry. I’ve done too much today. It feels like I did extreme workout.
Left foot keeps feeling like a razor is being dragged across the top, bit there’s nothing there. It’s getting annoying.
Need to lay down a little bit before taking Dezirae to piano lesson. Lft bicep feels like vice grip is squeezing it. Cramping. It hurts . Upper back stinging.
Studying bible lesson for ladies mtg. Discovered that I inadvertently covered Lesson 1 in my introduction last mtg. Will have to refresh Lesson 1 and do Lesson 2 as well.
My muscles hurt so much it hurts to even think about moving. I feel like Ive regressed. Exhausted.
Pm vitamins taken plus 2 Tylenol. Applied pain rub to lft shoulder
Nov 30
550 I’m so sore and stiff. Did too much y’day. Exhausted. Intense stinging burning throbbing thru body. Slight bloody nose.
1 Corinthians 1-4, 2 Peter 3:10-11,
I’m excited. I read an article on how to upload PDFs to my blog. Was actually able to comprehend some of the content enough to figure out how to upload a PDF and then insert in a post. On my way to learning how to create printables for my website. So cool!!! Next months Scripture Journaling is the Names of Jesus.
Able to get scripture journal post written and scheduled for tomorrow.
I’m so cold my insides are shivering. Feet freezing. Put another shirt on. Socks on. Under blanket. Turned heater on.
Pushed myself to make dinner. I’m exhausted and stinging throbbing all over. After dinner, told Joe I cant push myself anymore. Trying to stay awake so I’ll sleep tonight. My sleep pattern is off again. Joe suggested I go to bed. Told him it was to early. Asked him to wake me in 15 minutes or so if I fall asleep. Fell asleep in chair shortly after. He woke me but I fell back asleep. Woke around 7pm.
I hurt so bad it hurts to move. Finally got up when I needed to use restroom.
Waiting up for Jordon to get home.
Jordon received blessing at college tonight. My heart was blessed.
1000p sent Dezirae to bed. She fell asleep on couch. I got up and finished dishes. Straightened up and put clothes in dryer.
Night meds taken plus Vitamin C & Ibuprofen. Have moderate headache. Indigestion bad. Applied pain rub to lft chest and shoulder and back of neck. Discovered I forgot to take morning meds.
Having trouble with lft thumb cramping up on me today making me almost drop things. Now that it’s time for bed I’m burning up.
Song: In the morning when I rise give me Jesus.
Thankful for:
1. My loving husband. We may not always see eye to eye, but I know that he truly loves me
2. My children. They have been a big help in my recovery. I wish I could do more for them.
3. My bed. Even when I’m hurting the most it’s comforting to have a comfortable bed to lie on.
4. My salvation. Jesus loves me like I was His only child. Thank you, Lord.