December 5
630 woke to great pain in upper body. Getting Christmas decorations out of shed was way too much for me.
Song: Stranger of Galilee
2 Corinthians 1-4; John 10:7,9; Ephesians 2:20
Trying not to be grumpy. Asked Joe for help getting lunch prepared to take with us. He gladly helped.
Dezirae drove to church. Couple times it look to me as if she was going to go off road which scared me causing me to scream a little. After we got to church, she asked me not to scream while she’s driving because it frustrates her. Told her I’m not going to promise anything because my initial reaction when I get scared is to scream, but I’ll try.
Dezirae frustrated once at church because we forgot about bringing items to help with decorating. I misunderstood and thought she was blaming it on me which frustrated me.
Crashed quickly after lunch. Slept for over an hour could’ve slept longer. Lots to do and I need help. Feeling a bit overwhelmed.
Left arm and lower back killing me. We didn’t put decorations back the way I like to store them last year and it’s frustrating me. Sorting them out the way I prefer as we go. Missing a few decorations. Kids come in and ask to help put ornaments on the tree. It does my heart good and I’m thankful for the help.
Mom asks to help with the bulletin board but I don’t have a clue what to do next. My thoughts are so disorganized this year. I barely made it through Thanksgiving and now Christmas is upon us. I so need help but I don’t know how to ask nor who to ask to do what.
Lord, help me please.
Christmas Cantata practice goes fairly well. I need to practice one of the songs a little more this week. Cantata next week.
My whole body stings. Center of chest throbbing.lft arm deep sharp stabbing pains. I just want to cry out because of the pain. Pain level an 8/9. I did too much with attempting to decorate.
Mom reminded me I’m taking girls to school in morning. I’m glad she reminded me because I forgot.
Dec 6
Song Wonderful Story of Love
Whole body stiff and achy and stinging. Slight headache. Stomach aches.
2 Corinthians 5-9; John 10:14-25
Sinuses acting up. Vision a bit blurry. Pain increaseth in body. Legs throbbing. Shoulders hurt. Lft shoulder feels swollen. Center chest hurts.
Took girls to school. Stopped at grocery store to pick up few items. Once home, rotated laundry, worked on items for bulletin board, folded load of laundry.
Lunch and rested a while.
Muscles in stomach spasming – almost like a baby kicking. Happened three times.
Oops. I haven’t taken morning meds.
Taking now.
4:15 leaving now to find dress for Dezirae at thrift store and then on to piano lesson. Started down pouring while in thirty store. Prayed it’d let up once we head towards piano teacher house. It did – light rain until we got back home again. Explains why I was not feeling well today.
Two little ones were a bit rowdy tonight. Youngest had a melt down because there was no juice. I suspect their Mom was embarrassed. I grabbed him up and told her not to worry that I’d take care of him. He didn’t want water. Took him to his sister’s room. Found a cup with water. He took to it and was fine. Spent little time keeping him occupied.
Quite uneasy about driving in rain at night. Made it home safely.
Exhausted and hurting all over
Dec 7
Much pain throughout body. Hot. Very tired.
Trouble staying awake. Intense stinging needle pain. Small episode of muscles twitching in right leg.
2 Corinthians 10-13; John 11:25, Job 9:32-33
Talked with nurse about x-ray report. Says I have arthritis and degenerative changes in my shoulder. She will give report to Dr to see what she want to do.
Need to get back to juicing. I might try the lentils, but I’ll have to do a little more research first.
Went to church once Joe got home to work on finishing up church decorations for Sunday. Forgot to bring the items for the bulletin board. Ugh!
Worked as much as I could until I was hurting way too much. I’m so going to feel this later. Ouch!
Received call while at church. Dr confirmed arthritis in my shoulder. At least it’s not broken. It is actually feeling better. Aches but as long as I’m careful with what I pick up or don’t do too much it’s not the severe stabbing pain.
The longer I sit the worse I feel. It hurts to mover every fiber of my being.
Attempted to help Dezirae with her English homework. Didn’t help much. I used to love diagramming sentences, but I’ve forgotten how to do the complex sentences so much. At times, I feel like I need to go back to school to relearn things I know I should know. It breaks my heart 💔😢.
Every inch of me is tormented in pain. Headache. Sinuses congested. Ears ringing off and on all day. Neck hurts and pops frequently. Shoulders hurt. Arms, wrists, and hands throbbing. Torso huets as if bruised from a beating. I know not why I use that analogy as I have never been beat up. 🤔 Lower back and rt hip sharp stabbing pain. Legs throbbing immensely. Feet stinging burning throbbing pain. Toes tingly. Skin periodically itching. Periodic hot spells.