Dec 8
230 woke by extreme pain in abdomen. Used restroom. nothing. Back to bed. Fell back to sleep before pain eased.
530 extreme pain in legs. Tired. Skin on neck sensitive. Hair touching neck feels like razors.
Galatians 1-4; John 14:6; Isaiah 7:14
Song: Love Was When
Extreme pain eased some as I got up and started moving, but still have much stinging needle pain through out body.
It’s lightly raining.
I feel scatterbrained today. Can’t see to get my thoughts all together.
Dinner in crockpot – beef stroganoff.
Balance checkbook – took quite a while bc I couldn’t figure out what or where I was wrong. Gave me a headache.
Paid few bills. Cleared some clutter out if hallway. Load of laundry. Worked on blog a little. Finished typing up bible study notes for ladies mtg.
Took recycling to recycle center. Dropped off some donations. Picked up Joe from work & girls from school.
Mom & daughter date – manicure and coffee date. Worked on notating Christmas gift ideas.
On way home, my insides started shivering uncontrollably making whole body shake as if I were freezing but I wasn’t cold. Made comment to Dezirae about it. She said she could see me shivering.
Joe says stroganoff was the best I ever made. Ingredients: mushrooms chopped, minced onions, cream mushroom soup, 3 cans water, 2 TBS cornstarch, 1 tsp beef consomme, 8 oz sour cream.
Called sister in Nepal to wish her Happy Birthday. Dezirae noticed I made mistake pushing wrong button. Hung up quickly to recall for video chat. It’s our night but her day.
Confirmed a memory with Jakob. He helped fine tune some of the details. Attended a Greek festival at the Eastern Greek Orthodox Church with the kids. It was a homeschool field trip. Not sure on year, but it may have been after Jakob graduated. I remember details of colors, exquisite ornamentals of the auditorium, homemade breads, funnel cake, a market to buy hand made goods. We bumped into some friends there. He likes homemade bread. I’m even thinking he said something about braided bread.
Confirming a memory brings happy tears and warms my heart. I’m starting to remember more. Thank you, Lord!
Thinking about making their family a loaf of homemade bread to commemorate. This means a lot to me. ♥️
Post lightning strike there have been gaps in my long-term memory as if I’ve had some type of amnesia. When others have reminisced about their family events or specifics about something their kids did when they were little, I just grinned and listened. Happy to share their memory, but sad inside because I didn’t remember. I have trouble with short term memory as well. It’s a work in progress. I’ve seen improvement since starting to take the PEA supplement, but even more when I got the one with luectin in it.
I’m exhausted. Entire body stinging needle pain. Hands and wrists swollen and very achy. Low back and rt hip sharp stabbing pain and throbbing. Legs throbbing. Muscles periodically and randomly spasming during day in legs and buttocks with occasional spasms in stomach and sides. Ankles and feet stinging tingling. Neck hurts. Lft shoulder popped a few times today and aches deeply. Brain hurts from over stimulation. Headache. Forehead itches. Skin sensitive to touch. Tongue burns on top.
Odd thing – when nail tech applied activator the skin underneath my nails left like they were burning. It only lasted momentarily. Just weird.
Dec 9
525 woke to use restroom. Multiple muscle spasms in legs below knees. Whole body stiff and throbbing. Muscles in arm hurt as if worked out or lifted something too heavy. Sinuses congested. Eyes watery. Skin sensitive – hair on neck feels as if hundreds of ants crawling. Tired.
Took me a long time to fall asleep. It was closer to 1am or so. Fell asleep praying.
Galatians 4-6; John 15:5; Revelation 1:5
Worked on lists for what items are needed for upcoming church Events. Made sweet potato pie. Already had a crust made in fridge. Scatter brained. Wasted some filtered water because I started draining it into pitcher and walked away. Only remembered when I heard water running. Swept and mopped kitchen area – that’s as much as I could do. Body screaming sharp stabbing stinging throbbing pain. Need to rest a while.
Down for couple hours. Cat surprised me by jumping in my lap allowing me to pet her and then curled up and took a cat nap.
Joe came home from work, took me to store to get things needed for Sunday and Tuesday. Thankful because it helps me save time.
Note to self: don’t use windshield wipers with window open while raining. You might just get an indoor shower lol
Put up bulletin board for December and maybe January. Too much. My arms are stinging fiercely. Whole body throbbing. Need to rest before church starts.
Left shoulder has popped four or more times today. Ouch! It’s burning throbbing pain. Lft arm swollen and throbbing down to fingers.
Exhausted. Should crash quickly tonight. Night supplements taken. Excedrin taken.