LS Memoirs – December 10-11, 2021

Dec 10

550 woke to sharp stinging needle pain in arms, hands, legs, and feet. Skin itchy. Sinuses congested. Body stiff and aches deeply. Eyes watery. Tired.

Song: Christ the Lord is born today Ephesians 1-3; Deuteronomy 18:15; Colossians 1:15

Attempting to make bread but the yeast didn’t rise. First thought was to panic and throw it away. Second thought was can I still use it? Think I’ll put it in freezer to make pizza crust at a later date. Second attempt did good. Think I had the liquid the first try too hot. Divided dough into three rolls and braided it. Forgot for a moment how to braid. Took me a little bit but I figured it out. Yay! Allowing it to rise now. Decided it looks so good I want to make a loaf for dinner tonight. It’s so cool 😎 The first successful loaf is for a friend to commemorate a return of a memory. Thank you, Lord. My back, hand, and arms are severely throbbing now. Need to rest a bit. Then do some housework.

250 I’m feeling the extra exercise from rolling the dough for the braided bread. Ugh! Stinging burning throbbing pain in upper body. Still feeling accomplished for figuring out how to do it.

800 able to deliver the bread tonight. Enjoyed sharing the memory with them as well as the blessing of a cherished memory returning. It was enjoyable to surprise them and reminisce with them about the memory. I was able to straighten out and confirm some details in my memory this week about attending a school field trip to our local Greek Festival from about four years ago. The bread was delicious. What a blessing.

Following my lightning strike, I’ve had memory challenges like some type of amnesia as well as short-term memory issues. Thanks to a suggestion from a functional medicine doctor earlier this year, I started taking a natural supplement called Palmitoylethanolamide (PEA). It helps calm the gilia cells in the brain and eases nerve pain, among other benefits. I also received approval from my PCP to try it. I’m happy to report that this supplement has helped ease my migraines and headaches enough that I’ve been able to wean off my migraine preventative Rx as well as take less of the migraine emergency relief. I’m pleased that my memory is slowly getting better though I still have hiccups and challenges. This beginning of remembering things I thought I’ve forever forgotten brings renewed hope of continued healing. Thank you, Lord!

Afterwards, went to see the drive thru Nativity at a local church. Couldn’t go slow enough to get clear pictures. Kept telling Joe to slow down, but he said he had his foot on the break. My brain couldn’t compute all the scenery fast enough. Lol.

1054p I’ve had a full day. Didn’t necessarily get done what I wanted,.but it was productive. I’m stinging from head to toes. Burning fire pain in lower left leg to top of foot. Headache. Hands swollen and throbbing. Low back throbbing. Center of chest dull throb. Exhausted and sleepy. Discovered I forgot to take my am meds.


Dec 11

650 woken by extreme stinging pain throughout upper body. I may have used the bread maker for the bread dough and the mixer for the cookie dough y’day, but my body feels like I did it all by hand. Thankful for appliances that help me do some things that I enjoy doing – baking.


Ephesians 4-6; Isaiah 7:14; John 19:11

Song: Love Was When


Joe cooked breakfast – scrambled eggs and toast. A little while afterwards I had sudden onset of allergies acting up so I started gagging and had trouble swallowing. Took morning meds and got nauceous. Wished I had more ginger chews. Took Tylenol Sinus.


Ran errands with Dezirae in morning to get items for church. Need to finish up getting things ready for tomorrow. Joe worked on patching walls in mission house. Lots to do before it’s ready for us to move in. Need to decide on color for wall and floor.


3:00 I’m exhausted. Crashing on couch. Joe studying in bedroom.

Slept for 2.5 hours. Could have slept longer. Heard Joe stirring in kitchen. Need to get dinner going. Joe cooked the meat and I prepared the sides.


It rained some today. I hurt more while it was raining, but overall pain was bearable today – or maybe I was too distracted to notice but good day overall.


Entire body stinging needle pain moderately. Low back & rt hip throbbing. Neck hurts. Hands swollen and achy. Itchy skin. Thirsty.

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