Journal Entries 10.24-26, 2017

October  24, 2017

8:00a- Woke up late.  Wore myself out yesterday.

10:00 had unexpected call from Holly today.  Enjoyed talking to her.  Need to pray God will help them.

7:16p – I have a bad headache!  Had to prep ASL Classes today.  Couldn’t remember what lesson I taught last in ASL1…had to ask Marybeth. 

Remembered that I didn’t have all the grades input and had to finish that too.  It hurts my brain to concentrate that hard right now.

10:50p- my brain hurts, back hurts, rt hip aches, muscles in back pulsating tingly pain, eyes hurt, too many things to remember

October 25, 2017

6:46a- Rough night.  Trouble falling asleep.  Woke at 2:30am in a lot of pain.  legs & feet ache, lower back hurts, headache.

9:39- I am in extreme pain…legs throbbing, bad headache, low back hurts…just want to cry.  Soaked in Epson Salt bath for 30 minutes…not sure it even helped.  Good night.

October 26, 2017

So busy today…preacher’s fellowship…I forgot to write.  I’m utterly exhausted and in a lot of pain!!!

Journal Entries 10.21-23, 2017

October 21, 2017

5:04a- rt hip throbbing, lower back hurts, slight headache, grouchy.  Tired of hurting, tired of being limited on doing things.  I want to be better already.

8:00a- heart beating hard and fast, I don’t feel well, stomach feels bloated, low back hurts, rt hip & butt throbbing

9:30 – heart still bearing hard and fast, rt hip & butt hurting, lower back throbbing

October 22, 2017

7:00a- BP 137/84 hr 73. Headache, whole body achey, stuffy nose,

10:06a- feeling nauseous, headache, little dizzy

*I get wore out after playing piano.  Trouble concentrating.  Can only play familiar hymns.

11:24a- icy sensation in left side of chest, headache, dizzy

1:00p- sudden sharp pain in lower left back/hip area that shoots pain down left leg – only lasts a minute at a time (happened 3 times now)

1:51p- it’s down pouring outside – no wonder I hurt more than usual all over.

October 23, 2017

10:57a – Muscles in whole body ache, low back dull ache, rt hip hurts a little, arms & hands hurt the most right now, dull headache at present, tired already

1:45p – laid down for 15 min

2:47pm– Feeling hopeful at Providence Hospital. (*Having to have a follow-up mammogram for lump in breast checked to make sure it hasn’t grown any)

Journal Entries 10.19&20.2017

October 19, 2017

8:00 – woke up with slight headache, vision little blurry, feel like I’m in a fog, muscles ache

12:00 – able to carry a basket of laundry without my muscles going into spams!

5:01 – took me all day to prepare lesson for ASL 2 class for next Wednesday.

Have slight headache, legs aches, foggy brained,

*noticed a pattern – every time I overdo and get a migraine I struggle with talking more and am more unbalanced in my stance and walking

10:23 – muscles aching all over more than normal, rt hip throbbing, chest hurts, extra sensitive to vibrations, irratible, tired, neck hurts, eyes blurry

Positive – headache gone

October 20, 2017

7:14pm- I’m thankful that I am now able to carry a basket of laundry without it wreaking havoc on my muscles. Still have a ways to go, but any improvement is good news.
Thankful for the Lord’s mercies because they are new every morning…Lamentations 3:22-23

10:08pm – Waiting for my husband to bring me a nice boquet to put in my freezer. (He’s out hunting right today)

10:38p – I thought for sure I wrote today.  Rt hip hurts, slight headache, sore all over like I worked out (it’s called shopping at Sam’s), exhausted, chest hurts slightly, rt leg hurts, lower back hurts.

Journal Entry 10.18.2017


7:30 – woke up with headache, and a little achy all over

5:00 – rough day…working on grade for 1st quarter report cards.  All this extra reading & thinking giving me migraine.  Had to stop for a while…took Aleve, ice pack on back of neck, eo’s on neck & temples.  I just want to cry.

10:45 – Slight bloody nose before bed, still have migraine, lights hurt eyes, loud noises bother, touchy.  Joe preoccupied with hunting…fussed at me for not answering all of texts…don’t feel like he cares about me right now and I told him so.  (He does care he just doesn’t know how to help me sometimes. When I have a migraine everything rubs me the wrong way. It’s difficult to keep a kind attitude when you’re hurting so bad). Must rest tomorrow is another day. I must be brave and kind.  Psalm 61:2

 “From the end of the earth will I cry unto thee, when my heart is overwhelmed: lead me to the rock that is higher than I.” Psalm 61:2 

Journal Entry 10.17.2017

October 17, 2017

8:30a- hands tingly & achy, ache all over

7:45 – had trouble staying focused even with a list, muscles cramping in calves, feel like I’m in a gof/tunnel, icy sensation from inside out in center of chest.  I just don’t feel myself.

10:30- went to bed at 9:30 and still wide awake.  Leg muscles cramping, back hurts, shaky, slight headache, tired and wore out feeling, but trouble going to sleep.

Started taking a different muscle relaxer a couple of week ago… having nightmares now and wake up with heart beating hard!  I don’t like the side effects.  Muscle spasms are worse when rx wears off.  Called dr to see if I can get a different muscle relaxer.  Dr called in a different subscription – Flexeril.  I know I can take this without too many negative side effects.

Journal Entry 10.16.2107


7:45a- woke from a horrible dream…kidnapped from my husband, Joe, just before I was due to give birth to our first son by King Philip.  Joe & I had to sneak out to see each other.  I was distraught!!!  Woke up wanting to cry and be consoled by Joe, but already left for work.  I do not like the muscle relaxer – getting off of it.

Whole body aches, hands tingly, rt hip aches a little, tingling in legs, headache, tired.

2:19p- very irritable today, I hurt all over.

10:23- had to have kids help me take sheets off bed & remake when washed and dried.  Dezirae helped me make lasagna.  Jordon helped make his bday cake.  Mom did the garlix bread.  I did salad.

10:25p – Night time supplements: Losartan 50mg – 1 tablet; Plexsus Nerve – 1 caspule; Magnesium 500mg – 1 tablet; Benadryl – 1 tablet; Naproxen 500mg – 1 tablet

I came across this article and thought it might help someone else…

Journal Entry 10.14-15.2017

October 14, 2017

7:30a- woke up late..trouble falling asleep to stinging needle feeling in back

10:00a- not very stable on feet, dizzy a little, hands ache, upper back aches, headache, heart beating hard, tried, rt hip hurts, trouble with thoughts and talking

1:54p- taking a nap

3:30p- muscles all over tingly and hurting, hard to move when I hurt like this, took D.E. when I got up – took avout an hour before muscle spams started easing.  Think D.E. & Plexus Nerve helping most.

10:44p – finally going to bed.  Muscles ache all over, slight headache.  Most anything to do takes a lot longer cuz my thought process is slower.  I forget a lot & get confused easily.  Determined to keep moving forward even if I’m just a turtle on the fence.

October 15, 2017

4:00a- woke up from an unpleasant dream

7:30a- blew my nose and my right ear cracked now it’s hurting

8:00a- headache, rt hip throbbing, I don’t feel well, tired.

9:45a- had to go lay down fir a few minutes before services.  I don’t feel well at all.

10:28p- rt hip throbbing with pain down leg to foot, muscles cramping in leg

Journal Entry 10.12-13.2017

October 12, 2017

6:00a- had a nightmare last night – family on vacation together Jakob got bit by an orange, white, & black snake.  Car tire got stuck in mud.  In unfamiliar city didn’t know where hospital was.  Only had an urgent care.  Don’t remember the rest.  Woke up in a sweat.  Cycle heavier than normal.

Low back hurts, rt hip throbbing, legs cramp if on them too much, can’t spell well, forgetful, lack of focus, confused easily…

8:00a- went to get a pair of pants to mail to Jakob.  Ended up cleaning boys room for an hour while sitting on the floor.  Told Jordon tired of mess…if I have to clean it, I’m throwing things away (Buddy not happy)

3:00p- took me rest of day to get preacher’s fellowship letter and labels typed…had trouble keeping my place,

4:00p- took shower and realized I forgot to eat lunch…no appetite, just thirsty.

October 13, 2017

6:30p- didn’t feel like getting up today

Rt hip hurts, legs feel funny, balance is off, tired, stumbling over words

2:00p- went to mail preacher letters and pkg to Jakob.  Saw someone I recognize but couldn’t for the life of me remember what her and granddaughters name was.  Dezirae remembered later…Halo.  Frustrating!

5:21p- heavy rain…low back hurts, sharp random stabbing electrical pains in upper back.

(Attended daughter’s volleyball game) Cheering “Go Conquerors”.  Want to say something else but only thing that comes to mind is “Rickem rack um ruck”  don’t think that applies

*8:46p- stinging, needle pain in upper back, lower back pain, twitchy pain in legs and feet, a light headache, thirsty

Journal entry 10.06.2017

Oops, I missed a day…

October 6, 2017

5:58a – ringing in left ear, rt hip hurts, stuffy nose, hands swollen and ache, tired, itchy skin

8:00a – tried going back to sleep, but someone from251-408-8989 called me 6 times, but wouldn’t say anything. Irritated.

2:55p- worked on lesson planners for kids school.  Took me most of day just to get Dezirae’s done.  Thought I had grades due, but I forgot they had one more week in this quarter!  Now I have a headache.  Brain hurts.  Exhausted.  Hands ache.  Skin itches.

5:28p- attending Dezirae’s vball game…not a good idea yet.  Muscles spazzing.  I jump at every loud noise and whistle blowing.

11:07p- tired, hope to sleep some tonight.  Headache.  Itchy skin.  Stuffy nose. Hurting.

Journal entries 10.10-11.2017

October 10, 2017

3:55a- wide awake and can’t sleep, muscle spasms in calves and feet.


10:40a- very rough day.  Cramping in legs all day…can hardly stand…pain so bad at times I just want to cry.  Rt hip aches.  Fatigued.  Can’t focus or do much

October 11, 2017

6:00a- slept for 6 hours last night.  Legs still cramping but not as bad.

8:00a- Joe told me I had to drive our car today.  I don’t want to cuz it’s a standard.  Afraid it’ll make me hurt worse. Guess I won’t know until I try.

12:00p- ASL classes went well today.  I struggled with talking at times and trying to say what I mean, but kids were understanding.  Enjoyed fellowship with Kim & Julia’s mom (her name escapes me at present).  Invited Mary Beth and Madeline to church.

2:45p – went grocery shopping after co-op.  Jordon and Dezirae helped.  Picked up Joe’s Rx.

My legs are throbbing, headache, exhausted, hands ache, lower back aches, rt neck hurts.

8:19p – Psalm 61:3 “For thou hast been a shelter for me, and a strong tower from my enemy.”  Thank you, Lord!

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