Journal Entry 10.12-13.2017

October 12, 2017

6:00a- had a nightmare last night – family on vacation together Jakob got bit by an orange, white, & black snake.  Car tire got stuck in mud.  In unfamiliar city didn’t know where hospital was.  Only had an urgent care.  Don’t remember the rest.  Woke up in a sweat.  Cycle heavier than normal.

Low back hurts, rt hip throbbing, legs cramp if on them too much, can’t spell well, forgetful, lack of focus, confused easily…

8:00a- went to get a pair of pants to mail to Jakob.  Ended up cleaning boys room for an hour while sitting on the floor.  Told Jordon tired of mess…if I have to clean it, I’m throwing things away (Buddy not happy)

3:00p- took me rest of day to get preacher’s fellowship letter and labels typed…had trouble keeping my place,

4:00p- took shower and realized I forgot to eat lunch…no appetite, just thirsty.

October 13, 2017

6:30p- didn’t feel like getting up today

Rt hip hurts, legs feel funny, balance is off, tired, stumbling over words

2:00p- went to mail preacher letters and pkg to Jakob.  Saw someone I recognize but couldn’t for the life of me remember what her and granddaughters name was.  Dezirae remembered later…Halo.  Frustrating!

5:21p- heavy rain…low back hurts, sharp random stabbing electrical pains in upper back.

(Attended daughter’s volleyball game) Cheering “Go Conquerors”.  Want to say something else but only thing that comes to mind is “Rickem rack um ruck”  don’t think that applies

*8:46p- stinging, needle pain in upper back, lower back pain, twitchy pain in legs and feet, a light headache, thirsty

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