Journal entry 10.09.2017

October 9, 2017

8:40a- had rough night.  Took Epsom salt bath to calm itching and muscle cramps in legs.  Woke up in middle of night with burning indigestion and sick to stomach – vomited. Yuck!

Arms are aching and tingly, headache, tired, toes ache, calves ache, heart feels like its beating fast.

9:01a – Mark 2:16-17 “And when the scribes and Pharisees saw him eat with publicans and sinners, they said unto his disciples, How is it that he eateth and drinketh with publicans and sinners? 
When Jesus heard it, he saith unto them, They that are whole have no need of the physician, but they that are sick: I came not to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance.”
Thankful for Jesus’s unconditional love!

11:00a- Kids didn’t have school today.  Mom took us to Bass Pro.  We explored store.  I used wheelchair to get around. Played hunting range, got fudge & then we went to lunch at Moe’s.  Monday is discount burrito day.  Enjoyed ourselves.

11:00p – I’m exhausted.  Muscles cramping in calves, rt hip throbbing, headache has eased, itching skin, tired, lack of focus, upper back aches.  Neck hurts.

p.s. – keep eye on symptoms after taking new muscle relaxer…some side effects not good at all.

Journal Entry 10.08.2017

October 8, 2017

4:45a- woke to not being able to breath thru nose, used bathroom, wide awake, prayed for church family and family’s safety

5:00a- I hurt all over, lower back & right hip especially, headache slightly,

5:18a- sat up in bed bc something didn’t feel right, Joe pulled on covers and it knocked me backwards in bed, nose started bleeding. Ugh!

8:00a- we faired the Hurricane well – only have several limbs down in yard

8:15a- I hurt so bad!  Legs cramping, whole body just aches, sharp pain in rt hip.

5:26p- hands hurt, rt hip hurts, headache, grouchy

11:39p- horrible itching (soaked in Epsom salt bath) to cool it & took Benadryl, throbbing pain in rt hip, muscles cramping in calves, headache.

4:53p- trouble with leg muscles cramping most of day…the more I walk the worse I get.  Muscles twitching in thighs, low back pain, exhausted, pain in chest (left side just above breast bone)

Journal entry 10.07.17

October 7, 2017

7:00a- Joe woke me up to ask me to let Talina & Jinjer know that Sunday Morning services are cancelled due to Hurricane Nate.

Didn’t sleep well.  Muscles are cramping.  Pain all over.

11:49a- pain all over.  Muscles in back & legs are cramping.  Hands ache.  Not saying things right.  Forearms ache.  Slight headache.  Resting bc I’m tired.

11:59a- pain intensifying.  Rx.  Icy sensation in center of chest.  I’m cold.  Feet hurt. Skin itches.

6:55p- When I get upset, the nerves in my whole body tense up and hurt, gotta figure out how to get kids to do better at their jobs (not getting much support from Joe right now).

Just getting angry for no reason.  Got up and washed load of clothes, picked up pantry a little, made peanut butter cake.

8:30 – worked on transferring pictures to sd card for Jakob

11:50p- skin itches & sensitive, lower back hurts, tired

Journal entry 10.05.2017

October 5, 2017

6:30pm-  woke up several times during the night.  general aching throughout whole body, surprisingly, I don’t have a headache.  Stuffy nose.  Light cramping in calves.

10:59am – I’m exhausted (washed load of clothes, fried eggs for breakfast, shared testimony on FB homeschool group), and I didn’t do much.  Feet freezing, and I’m cold.  No fever.  Lower back throbbing.

11:27am- laying down resting, icy sensation in center of chest

1:56pm- new predicting that Hurricane Nate could possible hit us.  Had kids go in back yard to start cleaning up.  I tried to help.  Upper back throbbing like a toothache.  Icy sensation in center of chest.  Rt hip hurts a little.  Hand and arms hurt.  Exhausted.  I think I want to cry.

4:36pm- Oh things you forget when you have an injury! Ugh!

9:03pm – I’m in so much pain!!!

Possible side effects from lightning strike injuries:  peripheral neuropathy, traumatic brain injury, post-concussion syndrome, may later develop fibromyalgia.

Posted on LS&ESSI( Lightning Strike & Electrical Shock Survivors International) ht

I was researching for more natural ways to heal nerve pain – specifically regarding Diatomaceous Earth and if it would help. I came across the following two articles and thought I’d share.…/202203-diatomaceous-earth.html…/environment…/mad-as-a-hatter/

Personally, I took it several years ago when I hurt my foot and couldn’t walk on it. The doctors said it wasn’t broken and I probably just sprained it badly. A friend told me about Diatomaceous Earth. I began taking it couple times a week because I was skeptical at first. Within three weeks, my foot was better and free of pain.
I just started taking it again. Hoping it helps even a little.

Journal entry 10.04.2017

October 4, 2017

6:29am – Rough night.  I think I moaned and groaned several times in night.  I think Joe said awh come closer my baby.  It’s okay.

I hurt all over.  Calf muscles throbbing, feet ache, back muscles ache, arms ache, hand swollen and hurt, rt neck hurts.  I haven’t got up yet!

9:00am – forgot my phone at home.  I dropped kids off at school and went back to get it.  Stopped at store to get a snack.

1:30pm – stopped at Winn Dixie to get rx filled.  Had to wait one hour.

2:45pm – got home.  Ate lunch.  Took Rx muscle relaxer because leg muscles were spazzing and cramping.  Within 30 minutes, I was out!!!  I’ll only take at bed. Feeling loopy.

11:24pm– tired, but trouble going to sleep.  Lower back aches.  Calf muscles throbbing, but spams have ceased for now.  Rt hip aches. 

Feels like I’m forgetting something, but I can’t remember.  Sharp pain in left inside knee – lasted about 5 minutes.  Feet ache.  Headache for about an hour while at Co-op today.  Dizzy.  Thirsty.  Sensitive to touch.  Itchy skin.  Hot.  Tummy feels bloated.  Wrists ache. Stuffy nose

Journal Entry 10.03.2017

October 3, 2017
Today our daughter had a volleyball game in Saraland. That is about 40 minutes from our home. I chose to drop her off at the church/school just in case I couldn’t get there on time. I knew it would be a feat, but I asked the Lord for help. I also had to have our son be my navigator. I normally am not good with directions unless I drive the route several times.
The GPS wanted me to take the interstate. I knew I couldn’t handle that right now so we made it recalculate to go the back road which would have less traffic. By the time we got there (we actually beat the team  ), my muscles in my legs and back were spazzing. The noises at the game were quite unsettling. The girl’s attitudes were not that great either. I jumped from being startled several times. I didn’t cheer much like I would normally, but I was just glad I could be there to show my daughter my support. I was able to take pictures. I would like to say that I am very proud of our daughter as she handled herself well beyond her years when another teammate got angry and yelled in her face.
After the game, our son made a beeline to the opposing teams Pastor (Pastor Dean Miller) to reminisce about his “Pop the Cow” message he heard a few years ago. He also proudly told him that his dad was a Pastor now at Pine Air Baptist Church in Grand Bay, AL. He also told him about my getting struck by lightning. Of course, he was shocked! I think everyone is when they first hear about it. He said he’d be praying for me. I know there is power in prayer!
By the time we got home, I was done. I had exhausted all my energy and all my muscles were in spams! I think I went to be about 8:30pm.

Journal Entry 09.30.17

SWoke up with the following song on my mind…

🎶For He’s more wonderful than my mind can conceive 
He’s more wonderful than my heart can believe 
He goes beyond my highest hopes and fondest dream 
He’s everything that my soul ever longed for 
Everything He promised and so much more 
More than amazing 
More than marvelous 
More than miraculous could ever be 
He’s more wonderful 
That’s what Jesus is to me 🎶

9:56a – hands hurt.  Moving slowly.  Headache.  Very tired.  Back hurts.  Rt hip hurts.

1:36p – able to knock 5 doors today on visitation.  I’m exhausted.  Upper back hurts.  Head hurts. Arms ache.  Rt hip hurts.  Indigestion.  Stuffy nose.

Journal Entry 09.29.17

5:30am – Woke up with rt hip throbbing and pain shooting down right leg. Calves throbbing.  Eyes watering.  Stuffy nose.  Headache gone, but head hurts.  Belly itches.  Thirsty.

8:18a- Feeling nauceous.  Slight trouble swallowing.  Stuffy, runny nose.  ELft elbow hurts (feels bruised).

9:13a- Muscles in upper back are burning and aches.  Rt hip throbbing.

10:36a- Feel hot, but feet are freezing.  Burning, aching muscles in upper back starting to feel icy.

3:30p – God answered our prayers!!!  Just got of Dr office.  God is good!  He’s treated lightning strike survivors before!  He allowed me to record visit for Pastor Joe, my husband, to hear & know what’s going on.

He says i’m doing better than most survivors at this stage.  Gonna order MRI.  Says I’m smart!

He was very surprised that I had a list of symptoms, supplements, & rx medications.  He want to eventually get me off all medicines.  I go back again in a month.

What’s even more amazing!  Dr knows a program that will allow me to get MRI done for free!  How good is good!! He’s more than amazing!!!

Only negative is that I have to get off all caffeine.  I’m gonna work on it, but that’s gonna be a chore because I love sweet tea.

Neurologist said I have a long recovery ahead, but is hopeful that I could possibly make a full recovery. All the glory belongs to the Lord!

7:48p – Went to store.  Got shocked throughout store.  Wheelchair even shocked me!  Ugh!  It doesn’t feel good. How do you demagnetize an electric wheelchair so I don’t keep getting shocked!!! Normally, it’d be funny, but it makes me jump and makes my muscles spaz. Ugh!

Journal Entry 09.28.17

SYesterday’s episode did me in.  My whole body aches.  I have a migraine and I don’t feel like doing anything.  I got up and cleaned my room a little and I was done.  Laid in bed for most of day.  Need to be rested up for church tonight.

7:02am – Took a long time to fall asleep last night.  I think it was after midnight.  Lower back hurts, calves on both legs hurt, headache, eyes hurt, stuffy nose, sharp throbbing pain in left arm. I’m exhausted.  Bp 154/88 77

9:23a –  Sharp pain in left arm gone.  Left elbow feels like I bruised it bad, but I don’t remember hitting on anything.  Still have headache.  Eyes still hurt.  Rt hip Hurting.

11:05 a – Just noticed red looking welts on neck area.  Eyes hurt.  I’m exhausted.  I’m cold (its 86 outside).  Putting socks on.  Whole body aches.  Rt hip hurts.  Headache.

2:20a – Headache has gotten worse.  Sharp, burning pain in between shoulders. Forearms ache.  Been in bed half the day…when head hurts this bad I can’t do much. 

Lost my vitamin container.  Struggling to remember to take them now.  Rt hip hurts.

3:32p – Memory of our fieldtrip to the USS Alabama popped up in my news feed on Facebook. I had scored free tickets through some program (can’t remember name right now).
One day I will have enough energy to go exploring the USS Alabama again

USS Alabama Battleship, Mobile. AL

7:41p – HeadHeadache easing.  Took migraine medicine about 4:40pm.  Shoulders and upper back muscles ache.  Neck hurts.  Tinny taste in mouth.  Very thirsty.

11;39p – Muscles in middle upper back burning.  Rt hi throbbing – almost feels like it’s out of place.  Used pain balm about 20 minutes ago.  Nauseous.  Tired, but can’t fall asleep.  

*intergrated energy therapy?

Journal entry 09.27.17


7:50am – Rt hip throbbing with pain down leg to foot.  Sudden sharp pain in left toe.  Back aches & itches.  Rash on stomach is same.

1:18pm – Went to Co-op today to teach my Sign Language Classes.  First two hours are free for me, but kids have classes first hour.  One of the other mother’s was speaking unkindly about a local Christian school…that alone was angering me enough, but she had no idea that the other mother she was talking to actually went the church associated with that school!  I wanted to say something to politely shut her up, but I could feel my muscles all tensing and starting to spasm.  I chose to keep quiet, because I needed my strength to teach.  I let the person in charge of co-op know of situation.  By the time I got home, I was mentally, physically, and emotionally spent.  I was down for rest of day.

3:32pm – Friend, Kim, told me about Bentonite Clay treatment that might help.

3:55pm  – I’m utterly exhausted.  Muscles hurt all over.  Chest hurting in middle. I take a nap.  Heart beating hard.  Muscles starting to spaz.

5:58p – In much pain!!  Crying.  Need Epsom Salt Bath.

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