Journal Entry 10.03.2017

October 3, 2017
Today our daughter had a volleyball game in Saraland. That is about 40 minutes from our home. I chose to drop her off at the church/school just in case I couldn’t get there on time. I knew it would be a feat, but I asked the Lord for help. I also had to have our son be my navigator. I normally am not good with directions unless I drive the route several times.
The GPS wanted me to take the interstate. I knew I couldn’t handle that right now so we made it recalculate to go the back road which would have less traffic. By the time we got there (we actually beat the team  ), my muscles in my legs and back were spazzing. The noises at the game were quite unsettling. The girl’s attitudes were not that great either. I jumped from being startled several times. I didn’t cheer much like I would normally, but I was just glad I could be there to show my daughter my support. I was able to take pictures. I would like to say that I am very proud of our daughter as she handled herself well beyond her years when another teammate got angry and yelled in her face.
After the game, our son made a beeline to the opposing teams Pastor (Pastor Dean Miller) to reminisce about his “Pop the Cow” message he heard a few years ago. He also proudly told him that his dad was a Pastor now at Pine Air Baptist Church in Grand Bay, AL. He also told him about my getting struck by lightning. Of course, he was shocked! I think everyone is when they first hear about it. He said he’d be praying for me. I know there is power in prayer!
By the time we got home, I was done. I had exhausted all my energy and all my muscles were in spams! I think I went to be about 8:30pm.

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