Journal entry 09.26.2017

8:31a- Woke up with my calves cramping.  Discovered a small rash on my belly.  I hope it’s not chickenpox again.  Ugh! Right hip hurts.

10:24a- heart beating hard.  Body aches.  Hand cramping.  I’m exhausted.  Must rest a while.

3:19p- I’m very hot and mildly perspiring.

11:03p- back muscles throbbing, and lightly spazzing.  Sudden sharp pain in bottom right foot causing me to jerk.  I hate when jerking unexpectedly because it causes my muscles to start spazzing.  Slight headache.  Slight bloody nose most of week.  Rt hip hurts.  Having  aweful time with remembering things – couldn’t find my ASL 2 binder, reminder notebook, etc.

Read devotional today about “Why God Allows Trial and Temptation” by Lance Hahn. 

God allows temptation and trial because they can be good for us.  Yes, seriously.

Temptation is a lure to sin.  God doesn’t do that, but He does test.  Read  James 1:12-17. 

Jesus came out of the desert trial more powerful than He was before. He underwent temptations at the beginning of His public ministry so that His power would be present for His work. Obedience results in power. When we emerge from a trial successfully, not only is God glorified, but also we are strengthened in confidence and in the certainty of God’s will for our lives. The Holy Spirit comes in and fills that empty spot (where we empty ourselves of our pride, our needs, our cravings, or our agendas) with Himself, and we are empowered even more. God brings trials to our lives for this outcome. – Lance Hahn

Additional Reading: Luke 22:31-32, John 13:2, Acts 5:3, 1 Corinthians 10:13, Hebrews 4:15,

1 John 4:9-10, Ephesians 2:4, John 15:13, Romans 5:8.

I pray that this trial will become a blessing.

Journal Entry 09.25.2017

September 25, 2017

Today is my birthday.

6:12a- Feels like all my nerve endings are twitching.  Heart beating hard.  Rt hip hurts.  Stuffy nose.  Trouble holding things without dropping.

9:00 researching how to improve brain functions.  Found the following:

9 ways to improve brain function:

1. Exercise, 2. Omega-3, 3. Sleep, 4. Coconut oil, 5. Vitamin D. 6. Probiotics, 7. Vitamin B-12, 8. Listen to music, 9. Challenge your mind

10:08a- Listening to Classical Music while practicing writing Scripture for improving neurological function after nerve injury.  Scripture writing for today:  Lamentations 3:22-23 & Matthew 7:4-6

1:33p- Involuntarily jerking  throughout body. Only able to get 2 loads of laundry done before hurting bad.  Had to have help making my bed. 

Hard to talk on phone.  It’s a chore to try to focus on what the person is saying. It’s worse when other people talking around me.  Cramping in rt leg.  Rt calf is throbbing. Rt hip stabbing & throbbing pain down leg – can’t get comfortable no matter what position.

*Received several Happy Birthday notifications on Facebook today.  Made me smile.  Today was a blessed day.

Journal Entry Sept 24, 2017

September 24, 2017

8:16a- Woke up with tailbone throbbing.  I’m exhausted already.  No energy today.

10:10a- Icy sensation in middle of chest.  Feel scatterbrained.  Trouble focusing.

2:09p- Tailbone hurts!!! Pain Rx not touching it.  Muscles in upper back are burning, twitching, and hurts.  Butt muscles hurt.  Tired, but can’t sleep.  Heart beating hard.  Middle of chest hurts.

2:47 – posted on Facebook –

Everyone has a “giant” in their life or a storm they face. Sadly, many allow that giant to defeat them on a daily basis. 
I have a GOD who is BIGGER than any giant in my life or your life for that matter. He can perform miracles if we only allow Him.

I may be struggling with difficulties because of recent events. There are many days that it is a chore to push forward to even get out of bed.
Yes, I am willing to admit that I have had several days that I feel defeated because there are many things that I just cannot do right now. I even have my moments that all I can do is cry.

What does one do when their trials seem to be more than enough? You lean on the Everlasting Arms of the Heavenly Father. He will carry you through. 
Deuteronomy 33:27
“The eternal God is thy refuge, and underneath are the everlasting arms:”

I believe without a shadow of a doubt that GOD WILL perform the miracle that only He can do. God will make this trial a blessing.

Philippians 1:6
“Being confident of this very thing, that he which hath begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ:”

6:10p- Shortly after chest started hurting it turned to icy sensation from inside out.  Loud noises hurt my ears.  Hard to concentrated.  Slide presentation was way too loud for me causing an extremely sharp pain in brain that hurt so bad it brought automatic tears to eyes.  Instant headache!!!  I had to leave the room!  Random hiccups.

10:49p- Extreme pain in tailbone area.  used heating pad for 30 min.  Sensitive to sounds I didn’t notice before – have to investigate to figure out what it is.  Very tired, but can’t sleep.  Don’t think I drank enough today.  I’m thirsty now

Journal Entry Sept 23, 2017

September 23, 2017

8:00a – burnt my left foot trying to cook breakfast.  Making grits – tried stirring and hand slipped causing hot water to spill out onto floor and hit my foot.  Lavender oil to the rescue & Joe too.

10:19a- Face and entire inside of rt arm itches.  Horrible headache.  Rt hip throbbing.

12:53p- can feel my heart beating hard. Headache has eased slightly.

1:27p- hung shower curtain liner now I’m exhausted and muscles in back are spazzing

2:30p- Mom took me to get rx and some groceries.  Took me forever to make decisions on what to buy even though I had a list.  Wore out from trip.  Muscles spams in back most of day until I soaked in Epsom Salt Bath.  Muscles twitching inside of lft hand.  Headache finally gone.

*In case you’re wondering… Yes, I know there are a lot of grammatical errors. I wanted you to know how my brain was processing things. It will take quite a while before I actually begin thinking in correct grammar. Not only am I dealing with what happened and the lasting effects, but also my brain is quite mixed up at present and it’s difficult to actually speak what I’m thinking. Most of the time it comes out jumbled, backwards, or not even what I was thinking. It is very frustrating at times.

Journal Entries Sept 19-21, 2017

September 19, 2017

2:20am – Jerked awake, muscles ache and hurt.  Muscles twitching.  Right hip hurts.

4:00am – Jerked awake from bad dream.  Extremely hot.  Feel like I’m burning up.  Whole body aches, extremely thirsty.

7:00am – Headaches, legs, and feet throbbing. rest of body aches, stuffy nose.

10:00am – Lost control of my left hand and dropped my cell phone.

2:39 – Upper back muscles are burning, right hip throbbing, headache gone, got confused preparing lesson for tomorrow, exhausted, need to rest, trouble reading today.

September 20, 2017

7:00a- woke up with horrible headache

11:05a- ringing in right ear – last for a moment then gone.  Got confused on signs I should know.  Stuttering.  Exhausted and need to rest.

3:45p – Can’t figure out how to open rice bag.  Had to get help.

4:50p- headache worse. Sounds & lights are bothering me.  Neck hurts. Fiber endings ache.

8:00p- sharp, tingling sensation in middle of shoulder blades, headache has eased slightly

8:45p – icy sensation from inside center of chest.

September 21, 2017

2:20a- woke to use restroom. Still have slight headache. Lower back hurts. Extremely thirsty.

6:30a- both calf muscles cramping. Lower back throbbing. Very tired. Slight headache. Stuffy nose and trouble breathing. Very thirsty.  Rt hip hurts. Eyes watering.

8:30a- cried today because I don’t want to be a burden to my husband and family.  Need to meditate on Scripture more. Lights bright bother my eyes. Have to make lists to get things done.

12:43p- muscles in back feel like they’re on fire and cramping. Butt muscles throbbing.  Feel scatterbrained today.

3:30p – left knee popped twice, whole body aches awful, feel like I’m burning up, but have no fever.

6:14p- Sharp pain in left forearm!!!  Tailbone throbbing like I fell and bruised it, but I haven’t fallen.

11:45p- muscles spazzing, rt leg cramping…gonna be a long night!

Philippians 4:6-7
Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God. And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.

Looing forward to no more pain

Journal Entry Sept 22, 2017

September 22, 2017

6:50a- woke with headache.  Cramp in right calf.  Rt hip hurts.  General aching all over.

7:00a- talked with friend about helping a young boy who got struck by lightning recently.

7:15a- In my research of trying to heal, I came across a website to help with brain injury recover.

Games for Brain Injury Recovery

1. Sudoku

2. Card Games

3. Lumosity (memory, attention, speed of processing, problem solving, and flexibility)

4. Therapy (reading, writing, comprehension, and naming)

5. Tetris

For more apps, tools, and aids for TBI, check out Brain Injury Peer Visitor info on this website.

12:30p- put hamburger on stove to cook for lunch.  Got asked a question.  Went to the room to get something to answer it…got side tracked and forgot meat was on stove.  Smoked the kitchen up!!! 

1:00p- got stressed out trying to cook lunch and get ready for ladies conference and started falling apart…bout to have a meltdown.  Joe came to my rescue!!!

2:49p- I have a bad headache.  Rt hip and leg hurts.  Fleeting sharp pain down rt arm.  I yelled ouch!  Dezirae was a doll trying to help me get ready.

4:11p- I am extra jumpy in car.  Ugh!  It’s making my body tense up.

6:24p- Met another pastor’s wife that has been struck by lightning – Robin Ogle!  She was special speaker for DSLC2017.  Theme this year is “Keep Calm. He’s the Master of the Sea.”

She was telling me some of my symptoms.  (I was surprised that someone else knew exactly how I was feeling physically and emotionally – it was refreshing though I don’t wish on my worst enemy). She told me that I’m in the middle of a miracle.  I told her we were “One in a million”.  She said it took her about a year to recover.

Deep South Ladies Conference 2017

10:12p – head throbbing – if I could just open it up and let the pressure out it might feel better.  Rt hip screaming hurt.  Sharp pain down right leg to ankle.  Overly exhausted.  Lower back screaming throbbing pain.

Journal Entries Sept 16-18, 2017

September 16, 2017

6:16am – Body aches all over.  Muscles in arms cramping.  Right hip throbbing.  Fingertips ache.  Sinuses hurt.  Face swollen slightly.  Snot green & blood tinged.  Yuck!

*I’m tired of having to write my symptoms down because it feels like I’m complaining.  I want to get better and move on with life.  Feels like I’m stuck in repeat.  Need to find a way to overcome.

7:00am – Sharp pain just above right eye.  Getting a headache.  Leg muscles cramping.

9:10am – Body aching all over.  Feeling dizzier than normal.  Hard to walk.  Tailbone throbbing.  Using heating pad.  I’m exhausted.  Need a nap.  Chest muscles starting to feel like their burning

3:55pm – Frustrated right now…can’t even complete a dinner meal without wearing out before getting wore out and hurting.  If I bend over for any reason, my lower back hurts like the dickens.  I used to think I had a high tolerance to pain, but lately I feel like it’s kicking my butt.

September 17, 2017

9:35am – Woke with a headache right side.  Right hip aches.  Right leg and right foot throbbing.  Body aches minorly.  Hands ache and are swollen.  Struggling with memory.  Couldn’t remember where I put my cane.

Wrote a TO DO list and forgot where I put it!  Realized once at church I was suppose to get Faith Promise Cards.  Ugh!!

Quite a chore (more than normal) to play piano for church today – trouble keeping track where I was, hands throbbing, and head hurts.

2:23pm – Back pain increases taking pain Rx.  Slow to speak and trip over words when I do.  Slightly dizzier today.  Had trouble swallowing pill…feels like throat is swollen.  I’m tired.  Taking a nap.

5:38pm-  Thankful that my Heavenly Father careth enough about His creation to shew little ole me the wonder of His grace on a daily basis.

September 18, 2017

10:24am – Woke with lower back and tailbone throbbing.  Spot on head hurts.  Washed load of clothes – entire back is throbbing now.  Right hip hurting and pain shooting down right leg.  Starting to get headache.

10:41am – Weird occurrence…

I just tried to turn on lights in bedroom.  Fan came on, but all the lights flickered and sparked. I did this twice.  I called kids into room and asked them to turn lights on.  Dezirae flicked light switch on, but only fan came on.  Jordon had to pull string for lights to come on.

4:21pm – My brain hurts.  All back muscles hurt and tingling.  Wrists aches.  I’m tired and need to rest.

8:25pm – I’ve overdone it again – my whole body is throbbing.

Journal Entries Sept 13-15, 2017

September 13, 2017

8:03pm – Headache.  Whole body aches. Tired.

1:59pm – Headache.  Struggling with focus.  Trouble remembering things.  I am physically and mentally drained & exhausted!  Heart beating hard.  Whole body aches.

11:29pm – Still have headache.  Tired.  Took 2 naps today.  Teaching wore me out.  Muscles ache.  Periodic muscle twitching in legs.  Hard to focus.  Tripped over words in classes a few times today.

Joe got a job today.  He starts tomorrow. 

Jakob got assurance.  Missing home.  He’s going to be okay.  Just need pray hard from him to get a job.

September 14, 2017

I have a new appreciation for Lamentations 3:22-23 “It is of the Lord’s mercies that we are not consumed,…”

7:14am – Massive headache mainly on left side of head.  Lights hurt my eyes.  Lower back hurts.

I saw spots last night before falling asleep, but I didn’t think about it until now. Ugh!

(7:12) Headon – not working

(7:30) Saline nasel spray – no change

(7:45) Naproxen 500mg – eased slightly

(7:45) Peppermint oil – eased slightly

8:08am – Starting to get icy sensation from inside out in center of chest. (Lasted one hour)

Headache easing slightly.  Sharp pain in back between shoulders.  Neck hurts.  Hypersensitivity to things touching me.  Right hip hurts.  Ugh!

(8:15) Ice pack – hurts, feels too heavy

(9:43) Drank Cinnamon Coconut Latte – eased a little more

(10:46) Headache has down graded to tension headache – able to start thinking a little better

(4:00) Still have headache.  Applied pain relief Blend essential oils to back of neck

(4:00) Headache is gone. YEAH!

Blooming flower at church

7:56p – I love, love, love how the Lord provides little blessings in the midst of our trials!

9:47p – Heart beating hard and fast.

September 15, 2017

Woke up with “His Grace Is Sufficient for Me” song on my mind.

8:36am – Woke up at 4am with all my body parts hurting except my head.  Skin hypersensitive – sheet sifted and it felt like bugs crawling on me.   Extra sensitive to loud noises.  Slightly bloody nose.

12:20pm – Asked Mom to take me to P.O. to mail pkg.   Had Dezirae take it in because it was raining.  Can’t walk fast and still walking with cane for balance. 

Went to the produce market to get veggies.  Using buggy to walk with and still have to take breaks of rest. 

Went to bank to deposit a check.  Forgot I couldn’t deposit check not written to me. Ugh!

Had to sit in car rest of errands because first few errands wipe me out and my right hip and legs were throbbing.

10:16pm – Body aches.  Right hip is throbbing like a toothache.  Out of breath, but I haven’t done much.  Muscles are cramping in calf area.  Noticed a sore on my head (left side) today not sure how it got there.  Applying Frankinsence oil to keep it from getting infected. Can’t remember if I took my vitamins today.  Tired, but can’t sleep.

Journal Entries Sept 10-12, 2017

September 10, 2017

7:38am – Woke up with Charlie horse of a cramp in my right leg (thigh, calf, & foot).  Toes are tingly and feel funny.  Slight headache. 

Can’t talk right this morning either.  Family getting a kick out of my speech problem. (i.e. Cinnamon up in the cinnamon thingy instead of spice cabinet).

Burning sensation in front of right calf.  Noticed that I have to use the bathroom more than I used to.

Struggle with remembering things.  Ugh!  So frustrating!!!

6:22pm – Muscle cramp in thigh and calf.  Muscles tense…hurts to stretch.  Sudden sharp pain in right leg…made me jump.  Random hiccups throughout day.  Loud noises make me jumpy.  Hands and feet are swollen.  Noticing small bruises I didn’t know I had.

8:30pm- Had to stop for milk on way home from church.  Got shocked 4 different times while in grocery store. 

Jordon patted me on back and shocked me pretty good. I touched shelf and got shocked.  Dezirae touched me two different times and shocked me both times.  Not fun!

September 11, 2017

11:04am – Helped clean living room (put movies away & dusted some).  Now every inch of me hurts.  Applying heating pad to lower back.  End of fingers tingly.  Movie drawer fell on right leg.  Ouch!!! I have instant bruise & lump on leg.

11:11pm – Had missionary family McLean’s over for dinner.  Eventful night.  Several kids got stung while exploring in wood.  Baking soda paste, Melaleuca & Lavender essential oils to the rescue!

Glad to be a blessing to someone else.  It encouraging me. 

I’m exhausted and in so much pain!!  Right hip throbbing and pain shooting down right leg.  I’m foggy brained.  Joe says right lower back is swollen and hot to the touch.

September 12, 2017

9:13am – Hurt so bad I had a hard time getting any sleep even took pain pill & muscle relaxer.

Woke up to feeling like my heart was racing & tired from being in a race.  Whole body aches.  Eyes watering.  Stuffy nose.  I’m tired and slow moving.

5:47pm – Having tough day staying focused on tasks.  Need to prepare for my classes tomorrow. 

It’s difficult to stay positive when things around me seem to be falling apart.

11:08pm – My right hip is really hurting (scale 9)!  Muscles is mid & upper back are twitching.  Neck on right side is aching.  Slight headache all day.  Extra sensivity to loud noises.  Extremely exhausted, but can’t sleep.  It’s warm in house, but I’m cold have to put socks on.

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