The Power of Encouragement
A Year of Gratitude – June
LS Memoirs December 22-24, 2021
Lightning Strikes Memoirs – 21-23 November 2021
Lightning Strike Memoirs 27-29 October 2021
Treasures in Trials by Amy Sapp
LS Journal Entries: 25-27 April 2021
April 25
I so hurt all over. It hurts to move. It lacks my motivation to move at all. Rt side of tongue feels swollen making swallowing difficult and painful.
Bible Reading: 2 Kings 12-14,
200p kids surprised me with Iris’s, card, & “hope” ornament for Mother’s day early. Ate at Mod Pizza after trying two other restaurants who had a problem sitting 8 people.
300 taking nap for an hour.
400 Joe wow me to get ready for church. I’m hurting horrible and exhausted.
Joe said I could stay back to rest for trip back home tomorrow.
Worked on devotional for a bit then laid down. Fell back to sleep and woke when they got back.
April 26
600a alarm sings. My body hurts and I don’t want to move. Snoozed alarm.
Bible Reading: 2 Kings 15-17
500 did fairly well with my anxiety while traveling until Jordon took over. Accelerating to quickly for my liking and having to apply the break often due to heavy traffic caused my anxiety to rise and yelling to ensue. Joe ended up telling me to be quite. I tried hard but it still came out some. Joe did coach Jordon with his driving.
530p made it home safe from KY. Every inch of me is stinging throbbing
April 27
In great deep pain to bones from head to toes raging! It hurts to move. Oh, if I could only snuggle in His everlasting arms of grace to soothe the pain while I cry a while.
Thankful that I can lay my anxieties and cares at His feet and leave them there.
Bible Reading: 2 Kings 18-19, Psalm 55:22,
Pain eased a little as I forced myself to get up and moving a little. Washed couple loads. Hung one load on line.
Juicing: Spinach, apple, mango smoothie. It was disgusting. Forced myself to drink most of it. Cooked two scrambled eggs to get rid of yucky after taste.
Few chores at home: auto ins change, submit proof of income for Jakob’s loan. Gave me a bad headache. Had to rest my brain a bit.
Joe informed me of funeral to attend Friday. Now have to reschedule Jordon’s Senior photos again. Plus it’s suppose to rain all day Friday. Ugh .
Got excited when I saw how many blooms the rose bushes had. It’s taken 5 1/2 yrs to get pink roses to bloom that much.
930 horrible indigestion. Took 2 ginger capsules. Had indigestion after lunch too. Need to call pharmacy to check on rx.
Hurt from head to toe. Exhausted. Indigestion making it difficult to lie down. Sucking on ginger chew. Eyes watery. Sinuses acting up as if allergic to something I came in contact with or I ate. Low back throbbing. Rt hip hurts. Lower lft leg tourniquet tightening feeling. Stinging burning pain all thru legs and feet. Parts of skin itchy. Slight headache. Toes chilly and tingling. Hands swollen and throbbing. Neck hurts. Tummy hurts and feels bloated. Balance bit off today. Peripheral vision off a little too.
Thankful for…
- Roses blooming bountifully
- A loving family
- Jakob able to get a dependable car
LS Memoirs – 22-23 March 2021
March 22
Bible Reading: Judges 10-12;
Rough night. Woke several times. Woke to arms and hands numb. Forgot to set alarm. Center of chest aches. Skin sensitive. Back stings. I’ve learned to tolerate the daily pain to a degree, but the stinging pain is not tolerable.
Stinging pain is now thru whole body. Taking tramadol to see if that’ll help.
Juicing: 3 handfuls of spinach, 1/4 lemon, 1 apple. It’s delicious!
Trying to clean ice build up out of deep freezer. Finger tips frozen and stinging. Had to ask Dezirae to help. Ouch! Sitting on hands to warm them up.
Center chest stabbing pains! Had Dezirae press on my back. She barely touched it and it popped several times. Oh, boy! Definitely time for visit to Chiropractor.
Extreme sharp pains in center of chest & lft torso!!! As if the stinging needle pain wasn’t enough. Ugh! Headache. Hands swollen and throbbing. Ankles swollen. Lower lft leg tourniquet tightening feeling with tingling to toes. Eyes are heavy. Calves throbbing. Exhausted. Rt hip throbbing.
Took pm meds, 1/2 Benadryl, Aleve, & applying heating pad to chest.
Things make you feel terrible:
- Extreme sharp stabbing pain in chest & left torso.
- Did too much between yesterday pulling dead leaves and today cleaning out freezer.
- Also, bad weather coming.
Anything else that is worth noting today?
Stinging needle pain thru body not helping either.
March 23
5:00 having trouble waking. Head pounding. Sinuses congested. Arms & hands numbish and tingling. Center chest aches.
Bible Reading: Judges 13-15; James 1:12
Juicing: 3 handfuls of spinach, 1/4 lemon, & 1 apple
Exhausted. Head pounding. Lights bothersome. Took Excedrin Migraine and laying down to see if I can get headache to ease. Listening to wholetones music – Open Door & The Majestic.
Started to rain on way to pick Jordon up. Forecast is severe thunderstorm next couple days. Decided for Rae & I to get our haircut today. Don’t want to be out in it tomorrow if possible.
On way to pick up Joe, semi truck scared me because he was going so fast on the on ramp to interstate. I slowed down to avoid being hit only to have a rock thrown at my windshield. I hollered bc I wanted to duck and cover but knew I couldn’t. Rae giggled saying Mom yelling isn’t going to help. To which I replied, it’s helping me. With spurts of moderately heavy rain, I was almost hit a couple times by other drivers. This put my defenses and nerves on edge increasing my pain. Then all of sudden had to slam on breaks praying I wouldn’t slide bc of accident causing back up. Tried to get Rae to have google tell us an alternate route but google being stubborn. I prayed asking God for protection and guidance. One google finally gave alternate route, I almost got hit by semi trying to pull off exit. By time we reached Joe my legs were throbbing and felt like jello so I scooted over instead of walking around car.
900 heading to bed. Pain increases and I’m feeling grumpy. Head pounding.
Is it possible to weather related migraines? Nose starting to be slightly bloody. Not a good sign.
Forgot to take morning meds and to prep them for week. Indigestion starting to show ugly head. Ugh.
Took night meds plus xtra C, pain rx,& migraine rx pill. Drinking stress relief tea.
Symptoms: pounding headache, nerves stringing, center of chest & left torso throbbing, feet tingling, sinus congested, rt ear hurts, feet cold -put socks on
Lightning Strikes Memoirs 27-28 February 2021
Feb 27
700 woke burning up feeling like I’m on fire. Entire body stinging!!! Not today.
900 on way to church. Car behind us decides to pass us on right almost hitting us!!! Scared me so bad I screamed!!! It was so close I could have reached out window and touch it from inside car. Nerves are tensed up. Ugh! Thank Lord for safety.
I am so stressed and feel cranky. Joe kind enough to say we’ll just go home tonight for me to not he more stressed thsn I am. Too many things for me to focus on right now.
1200p I’m exhausted and need a nap. Nerves stinging in upper back. Headache. Feel like I’m going to crash.
500 birthday party went well though I forgot how to do a snowball fight. Made rules up as I went. Kids had fun.
900 bulletin done but I don’t have energy to print them tonight. Feel like in gonna crash again. Need rest.
Whole body hurts. Eyes watery. Headache slight. Hands ache. Fingers sting. Lower let leg tourniquet tightening feeling. Feet nunb & tingly. Brain feels like mush. Vision tunneling and blurred. How is it that my vocabulary is superior but my comprehension is below normal? That’s mind baffling.
Feb 28
600 woke to severe pain in upper body. Entire back throbbing. Both arms and hands numb and tingling. Lights bothersome. Neck throbbing. Feet nunb and tingly. Stinging pain in back and arms. Muscles in legs , ankles, and feet feel like they’re wound tight as a rubber band. Headache mild.
Joe decided to rub my back which feels relaxing.
100 found my clipboard. Left it in mission house. Had my Scripture journaling notes on it too.
600 brain hurts. Eyes blurry. Headache moderate. Hands swollen and throbbing.
Ring finger on rt hand feels like ants are crawling all over it. Keep trying to wipe them off but there’s nothing there. Ugh.
Center of chest hurting. Can tell I quite taking the naproxen.
1000p learned for definite sure that I’m allergic or sensitive to whole milk. Been drinking 1% milk and seem to do okay with it. Decided to drink glass of whole milk tonight. After drinking about half the glass I began choking like my throat was swelling. Sinuses instantly severely congested and sinus cavities hurt. Belly feels swollen and bloated as well. Headache intensified. Drinking water to flush it out.
Took night meds plus 1/2 Benadryl and naproxen rx. Bummer but good to know.
Toes and feet tingly. Eyes watery. Rt ear hurts. Exhausted. Lower let leg tourniquet tightening feeling from mid chin down to ankle. Legs ache. Severely congested. Center of chest throbbing.