LS Journal Entries: 28-30 April 2021

April 28

Bible Reading: 2 Kings 20-22

Woke to much pain throughout body.

April 29

300 woken by intense burning pain in arms, hands, legs, and feet. Sinuses severely congested. Bad headache. Had to take tylenol and 1/2 Benadryl to get some relief.

Took couple hours to fall back to sleep.

700 woke thinking I overslept. Still in much pain. At least headache has eased a little.

Bible Reading 2 Kings 23-25, Psalm 51

1200 worked on completing Jordon’s grades and submitting them for graduation. Brain is tired, legs below knees tingling and burning, feet & ankles freezing. Need to rest.

Just went on trip last weekend and haven’t been able to rest and recoup. I’m hurting quite a bit, but praise I’ve not had a migraine since I started taking a Palmitoylethanolamide (PEA) supplement.

Dezirae and I finished up at Lawana’s house for her daughter, Gaynor, this week. The Estate Sales people take over now. It’s seams surreal and bittersweet.

We were able to lead a teenager boy to the Lord during counseling last night. Praise the Lord! I’m hoping he will ring the bell in church tonight.

Today devil is fighting thru some people that know better. The natural man wants to reach out and touch someone, but I know I can’t.

It’s all just catching up and hitting me at the same time. Lol. I’ll be okay just need a day to rest and relax.

Was supposed to attend another funeral tomorrow, but Joe is letting me off hook and will take Jordon with him instead so I can rest. He’s even going to cook dinner for me tomorrow

11:00p Praise! The young man that got saved rang the bell in church tonight.


April 30

700 saw Dezirae off on her trip with Grandma, cousin, & aunt to see her Great Grandma.

Legs below knees to ankles burning, stinging, throbbing pain. Feet cold and tingling. Eyes watery. Sinuses congested.

Bible Reading: 1 Chronicles 1-2

In much pain and feeling very lethargic today. Thankful to be able to rest today.

Went back to bed until 10am. Probably could sleep longer but won’t.

Thunderstorm began about 11am. Glad we postponed Jordon’s pics.

500 Joe cooked Bbq ribs , mixed veggies, and tator tots.

723 researching benefits of Gaba

“various lifestyle and genetic factors can throw GABA out of whack” what about traumatic experiences like a lightning strike? Hehe.

930 going to bed. Exhausted and did hardly anything today.

In so much pain, stinging burning throbbing pain throughout body. Low back throbbing burning. Took Gaba – 1 capsule – to calm brain and nerves. Hoping it helps.

Taking tylenol to ease pain so I can get some sleep.

Tummy hurts from eating sugary foods today. Ugh! They are not my friend.

Thankful for…

  1. A caring, loving family
  2. To be alive
  3. Even on bad days, I can put my trust in Him.

Lightning Strike Journal Entries: 18-19 April 2021

April 18

700a Woke late. Forgot to set alarm. Whole body feels like I was beat up badly. It hurts to move. Moving slowly.

Bible Reading: 1Kings 15-17

910 realized we forget the vegetables. Ugh. Have to run back home.

1129a sharp paying in lft shoulder blade.   Center of chest aches.

Mom told me she was talking to chiropractor about me the other day. He told her that it was good to see my progress. When I first started seeing him, my speech was slurred and thought process was slow. I’m speaking more clear now and am looking better. Good news to hear.

Need to rest my brain a bit in order to function through tonight’s service. Listening to wholetones music to help calm and quiet my brain.

Center of chest feels like I pulled a muscle and bruised it too.

300 can tell I forgot to take the PEA supplement. My brain having hard time quieting. Head hurts more.

Lft knee bothering me making walking difficult.

April 19

500 woke tired and aching all over. Feet feel like I’m stepping on needles when I first stand. Hands throbbing. Thirsty. Tongue coated in white again with lesions. Think I need to perdue food allergens testing in near future. Slight headache.

Bible Reading: 1 Kings 18-20

600 remembered that I’m supposed to go renew license today and I haven’t gathered all the information yet. Have to get star on ID and need specific info. Ugh!

Transfer towels to dryer. Start another load laundry. Print list if required documents. Double check time office opens. Business hours still aren’t what they’re posted due to covid. Have to be there at 8am. Praying it won’t take long.

Info gathered. Have time for short nap. Praying all goes smoothly and quickly (well not too quick so I have time to process info thrown at me and I can respond accordingly.

Got in trouble y’day bc Joe asked me two questions during his sermon. One right after the other. I was attempting to answer first question but by time I could spit it out he asked second question. And it sounded as if I was arguing with him. Ugh!  Frustrating and embarrassing. At least, I made people laugh. Don’t remember the questions, but later when we were talking about the day something that was said reminded me and I let him know about it.

I may not sound or look like I’m struggling or in pain from the outside, but I do so on a daily basis. It’s frustrating to tears at times, but I remind myself that God is with me and He us my refuge and strength (Psalm 46:1).

Feet  freezing. Tourniquet tightening feeling in both legs from mid calf down to feet. Putting on socks to warm up feet.

545 burnt index knuckle on left hand getting dinner out of oven. My hand jerked hitting top burner in oven. Ouch!

600p sharp stabbing shooting pain in lower back right quadrant of head. I’m exhausted and done for the day.

1030 whole body hurts something fierce. Exhausted. Brain hurts and is foggy. Tourniquet tightening feeling in lower lft leg with tingling in left foot. Toes tingly. Bad taste in mouth. Tongue coated with white patches. Rt hip throbbing.

Journal Entries 23-24 October 2018

October 23

7:00am – had trouble sleeping last night.  Woke at 7:00am.  Have TBI group today.  Can only stay till 12:30 bc Joe has to work midday.

Once I got there, spoke with Theresa about paperwork from ss oho?  Let atty know about attending tbi mtg.  She said she’d write a leter if needed.  I asked her for biz card bc I lost her info.

Two guys & a gal from USA came today.  They come to help us out but are also learning from us.  Stephen drew picture of brain and broke down different areas trying to explain each units functions.  I was surprise that several of other attendees knew what part of their brain was injured.  I must’ve had a lot of areas inured bc I resonate with several things.

I told them I’d like to pick their brains sometime.  I have lots of questions I’d liked answered but can’t seem to remember them when necessary or how to word them to make sense.

They had us play a new game to me.  I think it’s called Two Truths and a Lie.  I didn’t understand what they were asking at first.  Jameson gave example.  I don’t remember all I wrote, but when it came to my second fact I wrote…I survived being struck by lightning.  They were both shocked at that one.  They started asking a bunch of questions.  I answered the best I could before getting interrupted.  I figure I can just print out list of symptoms to help them out.  Had to set alarm on phone so I wouldn’t be late leaving.  Arrived at home a few minutes before Joe had to leave for work. 

My brain hurts after all that workout.

Need to rest.  Sat for 30 minutes or so in livingroom.  Not working.  Can’t focus.  Brain hurts all over.  Fingers and hands numb, tingly, and aching.  Legs and feet hurt.  Whole body aches.  Neck tingly burning up and down spine.  Feel like I’m going to pass out.  Feeling weekish.  Need to go lay down for a while. 

Ended up sleeping for 65 minutes.  Woke up to phone ringing.  Brain foggy  couldn’t figure out where phone was though on bed next to me.  Time to make the cookies.

Symptoms: brain hurts & foggy, neck chilly tingly, hands swollen and achy, calves crampy, whole body aches to bones, tired but wide awake.

11:17p – stinging nerve pain in legs from waist to toes, low back pain, hands swollen and achy, brain hurts, eyes sensitive to lights, tired but wide awake, every wrinkle in clothing is agitating my skin, rt neck hurts.

October 24

8:36a – woke up later that usual whole body aches. Made bed.  Not hungry but ate bowl of cereal.   Started research for Joe.  Thirsty so I go to get drink. Decide that cabinets are dirty.  In cleaning them, decided they need fresh paint.  It was very hard to stir paint.  It hurt my arms.  Need to take a break.  Started load of laundry.  Stir paint again.  Brush not working well.  Found small roller.  Took off handles.  Painted four cabinet doors above stove.  My arms are throbbing and I’m out of breath.  Load of wash is done.  Throw in dryer.  Stared water for new load.  Not enough clothes need more.  I’m tired and need to rest.  It’s a little after 12 kids need to eat.  Made Dezi pb&j. Made Tara chicken sandwich.  Made myself pb&j.  Sat to eat.  I’m exhausted.

Holly came over to see if we were ready to go.  Told girls to get ready to go.  We’re going to Orange Beach.  Enjoyed my “earthing” time at beach.  Tara fed bird from her hand.  I’m plum exhausted.  My body aches and I’m starting to get a headache.  Hands swollen and ache.  Feet ache to bones.  Skin itchy.  Indigestion.

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