Fall in Love with Jesus

Deuteronomy 7:9 – Know therefore that the Lord thy God, he is God, the faithful God, which keepeth covenant and mercy with them that love him and keep his commandments to a thousand generations;

Are you wary about meeting new people or making new friends? I know that I am. 

Due to past experiences, I am very cautious about making new friends.  I tend to be very guarded at times because of the unknown and not wanting to get hurt.

Thankfully, there is One who always has our best interest at heart.  He will never leave us nor forsake us.

Hebrews 13:5 – Let your conversation be without covetousness; and be content with such things as ye have: for he hath said, I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee.

Sadly, we tend to keep Him at arm’s length only calling on Him when we think we need His help. Or we call on Him when we have an urgent need.

It’s hard to love someone you don’t know.  In order to Fall in Love with Jesus, we must truly get to know Him.

Getting to know someone takes time and perseverance.  Keep a positive outlook and enjoy getting to know Him by spending time studying His Word.

God is My Super Glue by Dawn Mondt

God is My Super Glue

On June 14th, my youngest Son passed away. He was only 29 years old, the baby of the family. He was a Son, Brother, Grandson, Father, Husband, Friend and so many other things to people. He was funny, intelligent, caring, giving, special and super sweet. He was a 10 year Cancer survivor. That only tells you a few things about him.  To me he was my baby, my sweet boy who made his mom laugh and shared my love of pugs just to name a few things. 

June 14th was a Monday, I was sleeping still when my husband came to wake me up and tell me Johnny was gone.  As is my nature I wanted to run to him but was told no. I remember sitting on the side of my bed feeling like my world had crumbled and all was dark.  The next days were filled with all the things that have to be done and oh so many tears.  I can’t tell you much about those days except to say I felt like I was walking in a daze.

As the days turned into weeks I began to see myself as broken. Broken beyond repair by mans standards. I couldn’t do anything to make myself better. I couldn’t bring my Son back.  I wouldn’t want to do that.  He is finally completely happy, no pain, no sorrow, no tears.  But God can make me better so I talk to the Lord on a constant basis because you see He never left me.  Hebrews 13:5 …..I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee.  I can tell you that is very true.  It took a while before I could read my Bible without crying but that did not matter because His Word is Hid in My heart.  Psa_119:11  Thy word have I hid in mine heart,….  I can tell you that is true also.  And I turned to the same verse God gave me when Johnny had cancer. Psa_125:2  As the mountains are round about Jerusalem, so the LORD is round about his people from henceforth even for ever. 

As I looked at my broken self I began to see that I couldn’t be fixed.  I will never be whole in the way I was before again.  But what I did see is that God does not fix us he fills in the cracks and broken pieces of our heart with Himself.  Kind of like when you crack or break something like a vase and you fix it with super glue.  God fills in those cracks and broken pieces of our heart with Himself just like super glue.  But its better its God Glue!  

I feel like I am living in that Poem “Footprints In The Sand.” God is carrying me as He glues me together. How long will I need to be carried, I don’t know.  Will I be able to stand on my own sometimes.  I think so.

As I go on this journey with my Lord I have been asked by many. “How do I talk to a grieving person?”  The first thing I would tell you is make sure if you really want to ask them how they are doing.  I am a very honest person and not everyone can hear the truth well.  The second is if you do want to ask and really do care say “How are you doing today?”  That last word is very important!  In grief things change quickly.  Sometimes minute by minute.  The truth is I am still in the process and will be for a long time.  I have written this while tears stream down my face.  What the grieving person needs the most are your prayers and your love.


I CAN’T by Kristy Miller

Happy Monday! It’s the last Monday in August! Let’s strive to make it a good one!!! This week’s devo is “I Can’t” written by Kristy Miller! Please take the time to read as she shares her heart with us today! I know I needed to hear this, this week! I hope you have the BEST day ever!

I Can’t – Kristy Miller
Have you ever heard the verse “I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me” Philippians 4:13? Of course you have! I dare say almost every person reading this could quote that verse from memory. I memorized this verse as a very young child yet still – on the daily – I find myself saying “I can’t” – about good things – things that God wants me to do or help me through.

I can’t share a devotion…I can’t teach that class, I can absolutely NOT NEVER EVER be a pastor’s wife (and yes, I know that’s bad grammar, but I’ve said it). I’m pretty sure I am not the only person knows Philippians 4:13 and the other promises of God’s Word but still struggles sometimes with, “I can’t”. Maybe yours is – I can’t have a child with cancer, I can’t pay these bills, I can’t raise my kids alone, I can’t give up my Saturdays to work on a bus route, I can’t care for my aging parents when they don’t even recognize me, I can’t afford to tithe, I can’t homeschool, I can’t pay these bills…

I hope and pray that through reading some of my personal “I cant’s” that God has helped me overcome, that you can find encouragement in a current or even future struggle you may be facing.

One of my biggest struggles was when I was a senior in high school. I had the privilege of being born into a Christian home, went to a great church my entire life and had wonderful Christian parents, preachers, and teachers that taught me the Bible and how God wanted me to live. In spite of church 4 times a week, Christian education, chapel services, family devotion, etc., I still wasn’t really sold out on this whole living for Jesus thing. I had watched several people graduate from our Christian school and immediately begin doing the complete opposite of what we had been taught our entire lives.

I had really been questioning things, but then I went to a youth conference. The preacher preached about surrendering and the Lord got ahold of my heart like never before. It finally clicked for me that I was God’s and I needed to let Him have control of my life. I went to the altar and surrendered almost everything to God that night. I remember thinking “God, I’ll do anything you want me to do, but I cannot marry a preacher!” – Surely he knew that, right?!?

For some reason I had this picture in my mind of what a preacher’s wife was supposed to be, and I wasn’t those things at all! – Meek, quiet, able to run and organize ladies’ meetings and Bible studies, wonderful cook and hostess, definitely had to have the entire Bible memorized, know every single answer to every counselling question, must shake every person’s hand at every single church service.

I had had several different pastor’s wives who weren’t all those things. They were all different, but wonderful – It was just the devil lying to me and trying to discourage me from following the Lord.

I go on to meet this wonderful guy at Bible college. We become great friends, and I feel like God is telling me this is the man he wants me to marry. But God, Tim feels called to be an assistant PASTOR. I can’t marry a preacher! But I was reminded of Philippians 4:13, and decided that with God’s help I would try. We married March 1, 2002 and about 2 years later we moved and Tim took his 1st job as a full time assistant pastor. I was so sick nervous that 1st Sunday. God was so very good and helped me so much.

Not long after that move I faced another “I can’t”. All my life I had dreamed about becoming a mom. From the time I was a little girl I had prayed for, dreamed about and even named my future children. I wanted a big family but 5 years into our marriage and no kids, we were beginning to think it might not work out for us. Finally, the day came – A positive pregnancy test! We were thrilled and immediately started telling all our friends and family that had been praying for us. I don’t know why, but I just kept waiting for something to go wrong. I prayed every day, “Lord please don’t let us lose this baby.” We went in for our 1st ultrasound at 8 1/2 weeks and we’re told, “There’s your baby but we can’t find a heartbeat.” Again, Lord, I can’t! I can’t go back and tell all those people that we were just celebrating with that, Oh – Never mind. I can’t listen and smile to all their well-meaning, but often hurtful comments. I hid in my bedroom for a while, yelled at God a little that I can’t, but He so sweetly said to me – My grace is sufficient for thee: For my strength is made perfect in weakness. Most gladly therefore will I glory in my infirmities that the power of Christ may rest upon me.” II Corinthians 12:9 – and He did ever prove it true.

I went on to face several more I cant’s – pastor’s leaving, working without a paycheck, surgery’s, church splits, infertility treatments, but through all that God blessed us with a son. Then after 4 1/2 years another son. Then came one of my most difficult I cant’s.

God had blessed us with a baby boy number 3. He was born on a Saturday, beautiful, strong and healthy, but a few hours after birth started struggling to breathe. They took him to the nursery to give him oxygen and keep a closer eye on him. On Sunday my husband left to teach Sunday school, lead the choir, etc., and soon after my nurse came and told me that our baby was really struggling and would have to be transported to a children’s hospital. The doctor came in a few minutes later to let me know that Dawson’s lungs had collapsed and that he wasn’t stable enough to transport. She said the children’s hospital team was on their way and would hopefully be able to reinflate his lungs and get him stable. I could not wrap my head around this. (I had just given birth 24 hours prior and hadn’t slept the night before) The doctor was visibly shaken so I said “Dr., I need you to tell me if my baby is going to die. I need to get his Daddy here.” Her eyes welled up with tears and she replied, Honey, I just don’t know. Get him her because I just don’t know. Definitely a big I CAN’T! I was alone and my baby might not make it. The nurses started to prepare me for early discharge so I could go with my baby if he was able to be transported. Praise the Lord my godly dad walked in and started making phone calls asking people to pray. Just a few minutes later they came in with an update that they were able to reinflate the lungs and my sweet boy was ready to be moved. He spent a week in NICU with tubes everywhere, days of not holding him, wondering if he was going to be OK. I had a delayed postpartum hemorrhage a week after giving birth and an emergency bedside D&C. That week was just an entire week of I can’t, I can’t, I CAN’T. One thing in particular that stands out happened when they were loading my baby into the ambulance. My best friend was standing there with me and said, “I can’t believe how well you’re keeping it together.” That was only because when I was yelling, God I can’t, I can’t, with the help of the prayers of his people I could hear God saying, ” Fear thou not for I am with thee: be not dismayed; for I am thy God, I will strengthen thee yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness.” Psalm 41:10

Praise the Lord our boy recovered quickly and has been happy and healthy ever since.

I had barely recovered from that when I came to another I can’t. My husband came to me and told me that he knew God now wanted him to become a full time pastor. WHAT?!? It had taken 10 years but I was finally starting to believe that God could help me be an assistant pastor’s wife, but this. Ummm, No, thank you, God. It’s not only that, but the church he felt God had for us was in the one place I had told God I’d never want to live. It’s flat and ugly, it’s an ugly, the people are weird and it’s almost 10 hours away from my beloved Kentucky mountains and all my people. (I know I sound like a brat, but I really love Kentucky and I had lived there since birth) Sooo, God is asking me to be a pastor’s wife, leave my home and family and start over in the middle of nowhere where I know no one. “God, I can’t and I ain’t.” But again, God started talking and He’s kind of hard to argue with. In Joshua 1:9 He says, have not I commanded thee? Be strong and of a good courage; be not afraid neither be thou dismayed: for the Lord thy God is with thee whithersoever thou goest.” As I follow the moving truck into this strange little town where many of our precious new church members were waiting to help us unload I once again told God I can’t do this. I can’t be what they deserve. But God said, “Be strong and of a good courage, fear not nor be afraid of them: for the Lord thy God, he it is that doth go with thee he will not fail thee nor forsake thee. Deuteronomy 31:6

Just one more. This I can’t started the day after Thanksgiving 2016 with a physical pain that sent me to the ER. It turned out to be a gallbladder attack. To make a long story short, the doctor went from well you’re probably going to have to have surgery to, oh never mind, congratulations – You’re pregnant!

We were so surprised but so thankful! Even though I had gone on to have three healthy babies since I lost my first one I still had that fear of miscarriage so I was really careful. Careful to take the right vitamins, eat and drink the right things, careful with physical activity. Because of my prior complications this pregnancy was considered high risk so we were seeing the doctor fairly often.

My first few appointments went great. There was nothing like hearing the sound of that strong healthy heartbeat. We went in for our 12-week appointment and we were so excited – hoping to maybe find out the gender. They took us from doppler, to ultrasound, to another ultrasound before confirming the fear that had been growing in my heart as they moved us from room to room. There’s your baby but there’s no heartbeat.

No way! We had just seen that beautiful little miracle wiggling around and heard that strong little heartbeat days ago! I can’t do this again God! I can’t watch my boys’ hearts break as I tell them we are not having a baby after all.

They tell me I have to have a D&C. Going in for that was one of the hardest things I’ve ever done – I can’t answer the nurse when she asks me would you like the remains cremated or would you like us to dispose of them? I can’t go pick up that teeny tiny bag of ashes from the crematorium and figure out what to do with my baby – Again Lord, why…I thought I learned this lesson years ago. I can’t do this again God but He said…

Psalm 23:4 “Yea though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me.”

The surgery was pretty complicated and took several months to recover. So many times I told God I can’t, I don’t have the strength…again He said…

II Corinthians 12:10 “Therefore, I take pleasure in infirmities and reproaches, in necessities, and persecutions, in distresses for Christ’s sake: for when I am weak then am I strong.”

I’ve shared five or six of my “I cant’s” and there are so many more, but God has proven time and time again that with HIS help I can. Philippians 4:13

Even though He’s so faithful to show up with such an amazing grace, strength and peace…I still tend to fear, doubt and stress every single time I face a new trial or test. Maybe you are much stronger than me, you pull up your big girl underoos and say “I’ve got this,” but how much easier would your trial be if you would just let God have it and do what He wants to do in your life.

After my surgery the doctor told us that we were blessed to have the children we have and that to try and have anymore would be too risky. God however did not agree and blessed us with a precious baby girl about a year and a half later. As she grew into a toddler she fell in love with suckers. If there was one within a mile of her, she seemed to find it. She would get so excited and immediately start eating it wrapper and all. If I would try to get it away from her she would throw a fit! All I wanted to do was get the wrapper off. Obviously the wrapper is not good for her, and it tastes a lot better without the wrapper, but she would just fight me and jerk and cry.

I feel like we are just like that with our burdens and doubts. We fight and cry and try to handle it on our own and God is there just waiting for us to let it go. Give our burden to Him, surrender our will and He will make things so much easier and more pleasant for us. I’ve heard it said so often that faith and fear cannot walk together.

II Timothy 1:7 reminds us of this, “For God has not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love and of a sound mind.”

This makes me think of those intense scenes in the movies when someone’s dangling on the edge of a building or a cliff and the hero is there reaching out his hand saying “Let Go and grab my hand – I’ve got you” – But that person is slipping and they’re holding on for dear life to their fear instead of grabbing onto that strong hand of faith.

What is your “I can’t” that God is wanting to help you through? What is your “I can’t” that God is wanting to help you DO?

I can’t tithe? I already can’t pay my bills.

I can’t win anyone to the Lord.

I can’t teach a Sunday school class.

I can’t raise my dress standards; people will make fun of me.

I can’t trust the Lord to give me a better job so I don’t have to work during church.

I can’t commit to that ministry, I’m just too busy.

Matthew 13:58 says “And He did not many mighty works there because of their unbelief.”

Don’t let your fear limit God.

Matthew 17:20 says if you have faith as a grain of mustard seed, you shall say unto this mountain remove hence to yonder place and it shall remove; and nothing shall be impossible unto you.

If you will let God have your “I cant’s” and turn them into “He cans”, He will do amazing things through you.


How is Your Day? -Lucinda Metsinger

Happy Monday!!! Are you ready for another great week to spend with the Lord?!? This weeks devotion is “How is Your Day?” written by Lucinda Metsinger! Please take the time to read as she shares her heart with us today. I hope you have an amazing day!!!

How is your day?

One of the best things my father ever taught me was, “Never let anyone else decide what kind of day you’re going to have or what kind of person you’re going to be.” He was usually telling me this wisdom when I came crying to him about some ornery thing my brother had said or done. At the time, I just wanted my dad to scold my brother for being ornery. However, he knew that he would not be able to correct every person that came into my life and hurt my feelings or made me cry. My Dad was trying to help me realize that allowing someone else that kind of power in my life was giving them power that only God should have. God, and God alone should be the One to decide what kind of day I’m going to have or what kind of person I’m going to be.

Throughout my life, I have recognized that this wisdom can be used over and over again, not just on ornery brothers, but other prickly people.

– You can use it when it comes to the church lady who has to let everyone know ALL the gossip.

– Use it on the fella who cut you off in traffic.

– Use it when dealing with people who are unkind to your children.

– You can even use it on your willful child who seems to know just the right buttons to push to send you into “Crazy Mommy” mode.

No matter who the person is, they should NOT get to decide what kind of day you are going to have or what kind of person you are going to be. Only GOD should have that power.

Along the way, I’ve also realized that I can use this wisdom when it comes to hard circumstances that come my way. Hard times WILL come. We cannot control when they will happen, but we can decide what our response to them will be. Many things in life can knock the props out from underneath us.

– The loss of a job

– A wayward child

– A cancer diagnosis

– The death of a loved one…etc

Satan will use any number of things to try to make us bitter or angry or jealous or even spiritually paralyzed. As a Christian, we can decide to give God the hard circumstances that come our way, then, sit back and watch Him use them for our good and for His glory. Only GOD can do that!

Don’t let anyone or anything but God decide what kind of day you are going to have or what kind of person you are going to be!

Proverbs 3:5-6, Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.

Isaiah 26:3-4, Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee: because he trusteth in thee. Trust ye in the LORD for ever: for in the LORD JEHOVAH is everlasting strength:


Diligent Faith

But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him. Hebrews 11:6

This year I want to grow my faith – a FAITH that trusts that the Lord knows what He is doing even on my most difficult days. Days when my pain is so bad I can barely muster the strength to get out of bed. Faith that believes in the inspired, infallible Word of God more than in my feelings, in my circumstances, or in the thoughts or opinions of others.

God’s Word is full of examples of people who believed God at His Word when no one else did. Noah built an ark for a flood of waters that He didn’t know from where it would come (Genesis 6). Esther was brought to the king’s palace “for such a time as this” (Esther 4:14) to save her people. Gideon followed strange orders to dwindle his army down to just three hundred men to conquer their enemies (Judges 7). T here are many more that are part of our “great cloud of witnesses” (Hebrews 12:1) which are cheering us on to press toward the mark.

I want to please God by drawing closer to Him and in return, He will draw closer to me (James 4:8a).


photo courtesy of clipartkey.com

KJV Dictionary defines faith as the “Belief; the assent of the mind to the truth of what is declared by another, resting on his authority and veracity, without other evidence; the judgment that what another states or testifies is the truth. I have strong faith or no faith in the testimony of a witness, or in what a historian narrates.”

Webster Dictionary Defines faith as the “belief and trust in and loyalty to God; belief in the traditional doctrines of a religion.”

Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.  Hebrews 11:1

Faith is a vital part of our relationship with God.  Through faith, we have eternal life.  Without faith we cannot please God. 

Faith through the Holy Spirit will help the truth to be received.  Faith is the firm persuasion and belief that God will perform all He has promised.

Faith goes beyond the physical senses.  We cannot hear, smell, see, taste, or touch it.  Faith allows us to believe that a God that we cannot currently see can do what seems humanly impossible.  Therefore, our faith grows spiritually rather than physically.

Faith trusts that when we cannot see God working we can have the confidence that no matter what our situation may be God is working on it for our good and His glory.

Additional Scripture: Genesis 15:6, Matthew 21:21-22, Romans 10:17, Hebrews 11:1-6, Ephesians 2:8-10, Proverbs 3:5-10, 1 Corinthians 2:1-5, 2 Corinthians 5:7, James 2:14-26, James 1:5-6, Mark 11:22-24, Ephesians 2:16-17, Romans 16:13, John 11:40, James 1:1-5, Mark 9:23,


Lord, please help my family & me to fight the good fight of faith, taking hold of the eternal life to which we are called, and help us to be a faithful witness to all who cross our paths.  1 Timothy 6:12

Songs of Praise:

  1. Blessed Assurance
  2. Faith of our Fathers
  3. How Firm a Foundation
  4. The Solid Rock
  5. ‘Tis So Sweet to Trust in Jesus

My Anchor Holds

Image by Christo Anestev from Pixabay 

Hebrews 6:19-20
Which hope we have as an anchor of the soul, both sure and stedfast, and which entereth into that within the veil;
Whither the forerunner is for us entered, even Jesus, made an high priest for ever after the order of Melchisedec.

Thankful that my anchor is in Christ Jesus. He alone can keep me safe in the midst of stormy weather.

🎶”Will your anchor hold in the storms of life,
When the clouds unfold their wings of strife?
When the strong tides lift, and the cables strain,
Will your anchor drift or firm remain? We have an anchor that keeps the soul
Stedfast and sure while the billows roll,
Fastened to the Rock which cannot move,
Grounded firm and deep in the Savior’s love.”🎶

June 29, 2018


These things have I spoken unto you, that my joy might remain in you, and that your joy might be full. John 15:11

Webster’s dictionary defines joy as “the emotion evoked by wellbeing, success, or good fortune by the prospect of possessing what one desires.” That definition by the world’s standards leaves something lacking; however, Theopedia defines joy as “a state of mind and an orientation of the heart.  It is a settled state of contentment, confidence, and hope.”

The word Joy appears 155 times in the Bible.  It appears 82 times in the Old Testament and 73 times in the New Testament. Joy is the keynote of Philippians “Joy in Prayer” (Philippians 1:3-11).

“Joy” and “Rejoice” are repeated multiple times throughout Scripture.  Joy is not to be compared to happiness.  Happiness is an emotion based on your circumstances.  Just like holding your child for the first time or making a final payment on your car or moving into your first home – these things make you happy. As long as things are going well in your life, you are happy.  As soon as circumstances are out of our control or things aren’t going just so, we become irritated and disgruntled and lose the emotion of being happy.  Joy is being contented in whatsoever state you are in whether it’s good or bad (Philippians 4:11). 

Man has an inexplicable desire to seek Joy in all they do.  We seek out happiness through all we do.  Some seek to climb the ladder of success thinking that if they’ll obtain joy when they reach the top.  Some look for joy in seeking out fame, but they find no joy

“Joy isn’t a passing moment of happiness, but rather, an entrenched anchor that keeps our hearts from descending into the deep pit of bitterness, because thankfulness is what keeps us afloat.” True joy is found in having an ongoing relationship with God.  It is knowing that our lives originate from the True Vine – Jesus Christ (John 15).

And the Manna Ceased

Trumpet of Jericho

Joshua 5:12
And the manna ceased on the morrow after they had eaten of the old corn of the land; neither had the children of Israel manna any more; but they did eat of the fruit of the land of Canaan that year.

Just prior to this, Joshua led Israel in the crossing of Jordon. Twelve stones were taken from the Jordan River to be strategically placed as a memorial of God’s protection and provision.
Up to this point God had provided this extraordinary gift of manna to sustain Israel for 40 years. Their next step of faith was to conquer the land of Caanan in a most unconventional way – march around Jericho once quietly for six days and then seven times on the seventh day and then shout?
Can you imagine what was going through their minds? Where would their next meal come from? This is crazy! What in the world is he thinking?
Maybe God ceasing the manna was just what Israel needed to spur them on in their next step of faith. Many times I have looked back in my life once through the trial and I think if God hadn’t allowed — I may have not taken that next step of faith.
Thankful that Joshua had the courage and faith to lead Israel to face their giants and conquer the land of Jericho. Biblical history gives me courage to conquer the mountains in my life.
If it seems that God has ceased the manna in your life, take time to see if maybe God wants you to trust Him to help you take the next leap of faith in your life. God will never leave you nor forsake you (Hebrews 13:5-6).

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