LS Memoirs – 1-3 March 2021

March 1

500 woke to whole body being very stiffed if joints were rusted. As I began to move around body from neck to toes start stinging. Headache minor.

600 coming home from taking Joe to work my rt foot started going numb. Prayed for red light so I could move foot around only to realize I needed foot to press on brake. Took me a bit to coordinate feet to be able to wiggle rt foot little bit. No help. Ugh.

Made it home safely in dense fog. Exhausted. Put clothes in dryer. Need little nap.

Lights bothersome. Hands throbbing.

330 feel crash oncoming. Need to take cat nap before picking up Joe. Center of chest hurting. Hands and wrists throbbing. Body stinging.

It’s been raining most of day. Thankful it’s just light rain and not thunderstorms.

Whole body throbbing. Hands swollen and throbbing stinging. Skin hypersensitive. Headache moderate. Lights sensitive. Feet throbbing. Lower lft leg tourniquet tightening feeling. Shoulders sting. Felt hot most of day. Low back throbbing.

March 2

500a woke to arms & hands stinging. Whole body stiff and achy. Headache moderate.

Rt arm fell asleep for 10 minutes.

High pitch ringing in st ear lasting about a minute or so.

645 Sinuses congested. Legs & feet freezing. Headache getting intense. Arms & hands stinging more intense. Lights bothersome. Exhausted. Need a nap. Taking Excedrine migraine to ease headache.

700 family meeting to discuss graduation plans for Jordon.

830 feet and legs are freezing ice cold to knees. Under the covers in bed trying to warm up. Waist up is burning up. Face feels flushed. Upper back burning stinging. Wish I could get handle on this.

930 rt hip throbbing. Sinuses severely congested. Tired but awake. Whole body throbbing. Stinging pain in body from waist down to toes. Hands throbbing. Back burning pain.

March 3

500 woke with moderate headache and severe congestion. Whole body stiff and achy. Slow moving to start. Congestion making me gaggy.

700 headache worsening. Taking otc rx to ease headache and laying down for an hour.

Once moving around fair day. Able to do few chores, but wore out easily and out of breath.

Looked at calendar for something and remembered work day on Saturday. Oh no I forgot about planning lunch. After while, Decide on egg salad and chicken salad sandwiches, chips, and apples. Confirmed with Joe.

130 face and ears flushed and feeling hot

300 headache coming back strong. Lights bothersome. Exhausted. Took 2 Tylenol and laid down for 30 minutes.

1030 headache feels like migraine starting. Took Excedrin migraine plus night meds. Sinuses congested again. Sinus cavities hurting in face. Think sinus infection trying to settle. Go away.

Whole body aches. Head itches. Back burning. Hands swollen and throbbing. Legs and feet burning stinging. Skin itchy. Freezing cold.


Lightning Strikes Memoirs 2021 February 3-4

Feb 3

530 woke several times in night to use restroom. Woke suddenly from terrible nightmare. Feeling very groggy from migraine ex’s.

700 migraines sure do take a lot out of a person. Slight bloody nose.

230 trip to Wal-Mart. Needed few groceries. Also chose to get needed items for church instead of treking downtown to Sam’s. Able to walk behind buggy, but struggled with pushing and controlling direction of buggy after Jordon put bottled water on bottom.

330 letting Jordon drive home. My anxiety levels are high! I can tell we haven’t been anywhere much lately. Let me clarify, Jordon is overall good driver. I get nervous even if Joe or I am driving. My brain kicks into hyperdrive…I envision defensive driving and what other drivers are going to do or car is going too fast for my liking. So many things could happen. I try to stay calm. I hum hymn in brain or quote Scripture. I pray a lot! Still my nerves are in flight or fight mode.

I have recently by accident discovered a new coping mechanism to help reduce my anxiety levels while riding in car. Joe was driving other day and I inadvertently picked up one of those squishy orange pieces that you plug your ears with to dampen sounds. I started squishing it to see what shapes I could make. This in turned took my focus off the road and helped to keep me calm enough that I didn’t once yell or scream. I noticed it upon reaching our destination. I mentioned I needed a larger one. Dezirae found a Yoda-shaped squishy toy at the thrift store the other day. We washed it and it has become my new riding companion while traveling.

700 chatting with friend via a texting. Discovered our CPA charges a lot more. May try a new one this year. It’ll save bunch of money.

In most cases it’s best to chat via phone, but with TBI it’s easier for me to chat via texting/messaging. I have difficulty comprehending what is being said because it takes all my energy to focus on person speaking and trying not to get distracted on whatever else is going on around me. This way if I don’t understand what was said I can ask Joe to interpret for me. It saves for lot less confusion.

1030 surprisingly had less pain today. Still got tired after activity but not terrible.

Headache it tolerable. Neck hurts. Hands ache. Skin itchy especially neck area. Low back aches. Legs ache. Lower lft leg slight tourniquet tightening feeling with minor numbness down leg to foot. Feet freezing. Toes sting. Ears humming. Muscles stiff.

Night meds taken.

1115 chest starting to hurt something aweful.

Feb 4

530 forgot to hang keys up from yday. Woken to ask where I put them.

700 bad headache. Going to try to sleep it off.

800 bad headache still here. Not sure why so sleepy. BP slightly elevated 128/89. Going to drink some herbal tea to see if that’ll help.

Headache has eased ever so slightly. Wondering if something’s a muck and need to get it back in balance


Info from LS&ES support group…try a supplement called PEA. This helps regulate glial cells in the brain.

A lightning strike can cause these cells to go haywire! I’ll send you a link. I’m (Matthew an ND (Naturopathic Doctor) so this is what I do.

Could glial activation be a factor in migraine?

Glial Cell Activation and Neuroinflammation: How They Cause Centralized Pain

1145 severe pain in center of chest!!!

Bent over to touch toes to pop chest back in place – small pops.

Feet freezing! Putting wool socks on.

300 took longer to help Dezi with her English. Kept getting off topic. Head pounding more. Brain & vision feel blurred. Eyes dancing rapidly.

400 headache won’t quit. Yawning a lot today.

My headache is affecting my speech. Saw a DG bag on side of road and tried to say “DG point for me – bag in ditch.” Instead, I said “DG point for me gab for me.” Ugh.

Heading to church. Have lots to do to get ready for services next week.

720 head hurts so much that my eyes feel like it’s going cross-eyed. Face feels flushed. Cheeks feel hot.

1100 still have migraine. Took night meds. Taking relpax. Only take it as last resort because it makes me drowsy.

Lightning Strikes Memoirs 2021 February 1-2

Feb 1

700 rough night. Comforter felt like lead blanket and I felt as if I were suffocating yet shortly after I removed it I felt as if I were freezing. Woke to moderate stinging pain through body. Bad headache.

Read Psalm 70:5, Leviticus 11-13, Deut 6:4-5, 2 Cor 9:8-11

But I am poor and needy: make haste unto me, O God: thou art my help and my deliverer; O LORD, make no tarrying. Psalm 70:5

Thankful that God’s compassion, grace, and love are never withheld from me. He is always there no matter the circumstances.

Researching info on fibromyalgia…

Interesting info about Vitamin C, calcium citrate, and magnesium citrate. I already take C and magnesium. Need to add calcium. Added calcium to supplements.

Need to rest eyes and brain for little bit.

Decided to start drinking smoothies or juicing for breakfast to see it’ll help my overall health. Little concerned smoothie had banana in it. Only 1/4 a banana so I should be okay.

Got dizzy coming out of post office. Had to grab Dezirae’s arm in addition to using cane to stabilize balance. Wish I could figure out cause…why I get dizzy more at times than others.

1050 stinging headache. Deep achy soreness thru body. Low back & rt hip throbbing. Stuffy nose. Hands ache. Night meds taken. Tingly freezing cold feet. Neck hurts. Excedrin migraine for headache.

Burping hiccups hurt the esophagus. Not fun. Soo tired.

Feb 2

800 For what reason must I always wake in much pain? Exhausted upon waking. No energy. Pain from head to toe. Severe cramping in rt side as I get dressed for the day.

I love the sweet fellowship with Christ as I read my Bible and pray. Truly as I wait on Him He gives me strength for my day and encouragement to push through the trial at hand.

Slight bloody nose. Beginning to think they are a sign of migraine attacks. Not clear if they’re auroras or results from migraine. Had migraine before bed last night. Took otc rx. It’s eased but still have headache. Ears ringing.

Refilled meds in pill container for week. Made mistake of filling rx for this morning. Can’t remember if I took morning meds or not. Ugh!

300 been trying to gather info for taxes. My brain is fried. Need to rest a while. Feet freezing.

700 head pounding. Feel like I have fever but don’t. Temp 98.3. Slight bloody nose. Hands freezing. Feet freezing. Exhausted. Lights bothersome. I think I have a migraine. Ugh! Applied cool pack to head.

900 soaked in Epsom salt bath for an hour. Head feels like it’s on fire!  My migraine is still raging, but my skin so soft and smooth. Taking relpax  rx and going to bed. Hopefully sleep will help. Feet are finally warmed up for now.

Lightning Strikes Journal Entries 28-29 January 2021

Jan 28

544 startled awake by what I know not. Got up only to feel sharp stabbing pain in left foot when I stood. Lost balance. Used restroom. Checked house. Went back to bed as head is pounding – migraine. Background light on phone too bright though turned all way down. Think I’ll sleep it off.

930 still have migraine. Took Excedrin migraine. Closing eyes another half hour.

1000a headache is easing.

Goals today: deep clean master bath, begin gathering info for taxes.

100p yay  lunch date with Joe

300 completed documenting info for phone bill last year. Shower & toilet has been cleaned & trash emptied. Still have sink, walls, mirror, & floor.

Lost balance rehanging shower curtain liner and almost fell. Head hit curtain rod catching me from falling. Whew!

Out of breath. Arms fatigued out while hanging curtain. Ears ringing. Headache. Dizzy. Need to lay down a piece.

Joe & I agree on colors for auditorium.  Still not sure how far on accent wall due to odd shape in front.

Freezing cold. Joe says my skin is ice cold. Neck hurts. Headache slight. Sinuses congested. Exhausted. Rt hip hurts. Skin itchy. Reduced my milk to 1% seems to be helping. Hands ache. Periodic shocking stabs randomly through body making me jerk. Trouble with losing grip and dropping items. Shoulders ache. Nerves a bit stingy thru body.  Eyes look like I’ve been punched in face.

Took night meds, C, Zinc, melatonin, & naproxen.

Jan 29

730 eyes blurry. Having trouble reading Bible this morning. Head hurts neck stiff. Legs throbbing. Hands ache. Tummy hurts. Sinuses congested. Thirsty. Low back throbbing.

Recvd email about immunity. According to Dr Josh, a dysfunctional immune system can be an underlying cause of issues like:

  • Fatigue
  • Respiratory problems
  • Musculoskeletal pain
  • Poor digestion
  • Elevated stress levels
  • Difficulty concentrating
  • Depression
  • Poor sleep

930 phone apt with neuropsychologist went well. Not exactly comprehend all that was said, but I’m improving well.

In summary, I now have normal brain for my age instead of smart brain (I’m not really liking “normal”). Scores were all over the place from superior to below normal. Do have some signs of depression, but that’s to be expected considering all I’ve been through. No doubt I have had a TBI, but doing good in recovery. She was amazed at how well I am recovering from the brain injury. She said our brains are designed to heal themselves to a certain extent.

Asked her about trouble with playing the piano. Exercises to overcome coordination difficulty with brain and hands at times. She said just keep trying. With all the difficulties I’ve encountered from my LS injuries, I most likely will never be like I was before. I needed to focus on my strengths and not so much on my weaknesses

Need to figure out how to improve my comprehension.

120 shivering. Brr! It’s 65°. Raised rt arm above head to put sweater on. Right side torso cramped horrible stop me in my tracks.

Lightning Strikes Journal Entries 16-18 December 2020

Dec 16

Slept pretty good though had several weird dreams

Can’t seem to keep my days straight lately. Prepping for church Christmas party but randomly thought today was Tuesday instead.

Need to help Dezirae with Math. I do not like math anymore. That makes me sad and frustrated. Gonna have to slow down the lessons bc she’s not getting it. She really needs a tutor.  Two math lessons has given me a headache, blurred vision, and made me very tired.

1200p retrograde amnesia?  Center of chest lft side burning and aches through to left shoulder and upper back.

800 Christmas party went well. My sausage peppers wontons were a hit. Out of 58 there’s only 13 left. I’m exhausted. Back & upper shoulders stinging. Body aches.

822 I’m done for the day

1030 exhausted and hurting all over. It’s chilly in house. 39° outside. Shivering in my skin. Neck hurts. Congested. Eyes watery. Head hurts with throbbing pain on rt side. Low back throbbing. Tummy aches. Feet throbbing. Muscles randomly spasming through body.

Dec 17

800 slept hard. Several strange dreams I couldn’t get out of. Whole body fiercely aches deep to bones. It hurts to move. I could sleep longer.

Read Deuteronomy 29-31

Hands and arms keep going numb and tingling. Low back throbbing. Sinuses congested.

930 took morning meds and 1/2 dropper cbd oil subliminally. Decided to wash boys clothes. Ended up trying to clean up their room a bit in hopes that Jakob will be able to come home for Christmas.

1030 Mom came over to help me pick up the house some. I was grateful.

1200 exhausted and ready to rest a while.

200 decided to work on blog a little while. Bad headache ensues. Neck hurts. Low back throbbing. Thinking feels blurry & foggy. Put dinner on in Instapot. Laying down for little while to rest back and brain.

530 face feels flushed and hot. Neck hurts. Headache moderate.

700p face feels like it’s on fire. Mentioned it to Joe. Joe says it looks like it feels hot bc it’s really red. Trouble focusing playing piano. Hands throbbing and starting to feel hot.

Exhausted. Trouble thinking straight. Whole body stings and burns with pain. Skin itchy all over. Crashing.

Dec 18

3a woke tired and exhausted. Tossing and turning. In much pain and can’t seem to get comfortable.

7a woke to use restroom. Exhausted. Whole body throbbing in pain. Eyes leaking .

8a need to get out of bed and heat the house up to take chill off. It’s 57° inside/and 39° outside currently. Will turn venting around on dryer to help heat inside. Ended up cleaning behind dryer. Took me longer than expected. Putting purification oil in the water base to purify air and make house smell good.

1100a chest and body hurting strongly. Overdid it.

1120a temp now 63° inside. Mid & Low back icy burning sensation.

430 exhausted. Need to rest a while.

1050 night times are tough. Just as I’m laying in bed and beginning to relax my nerve start hurting worse to sometimes almost makes me want to scream.

Bad headache most of day. Seen few pictures of what a migraine sufferer may see. It was weird to see bc that is what I try to explain when I say my brain and vision feels like it’s blurring. Apparently, I’m having migraines more often than I thought.

Whole body itches. Tummy feels so bloated it might explode. Gas bubbles keep moving back up my esophagus. It feels really weird but funny sounding too. Not sure how to explain the nerve pain tonight…l I e a million nerve fiber endings are exploding and shooting sharp needles thru my skin from inside out. It’s rather unnerving (not correct verbage but the correct word escapes me right now). Rt hip throbbing. Random muscle spasms thru body mostly legs and sides. Hands swollen and throbbing. Congested. Chest center aches.

Night meds taken. CBD 25mg sublingually.

Lightning Strikes Journal Entries 18-19 June 2019

June 18

8:00a- rough night. Didn’t fall asleep until after 1am so much pain. Woke every about two hours. 

9:30a- made pineapple upside down pancakes for Jakob. They were delicious.

10:36a- its thunderstorming! Every nerve hurts. Extra unbalanced. Sinuses congested in overdrive. Brewing some thyme tea with oil of oregano to help.

1:53p- need to pick up few items from store. Sitting on floor in Wal-Mart. I’m wore out from shopping for few items. No wheelchairs available. Realized I forgot to drink my tea.

2:30p- came home, ate lunch, and crashed for about hour. 

10:29p- kids finally home. Whole body aches. Lower left leg numbish. 

Rt hip aching. Headache – was migraine earlier but took rx to ease it. Low back aches. Muscles randomly twitching throughout body. Neck hurts. Muscles fewl tight. Having trouble remembering to do things.

June 19

Had tough day trying to get things accomplished. Scatter brained today even with list. 

Head & brain on the dizzy side most of day. If move head too fast .

Recvd bad new that my chiropractor had massive heart attack over weekend. Next 24  hrs critical. Prayers for his survival and comfort for the family.

Rt hip throbbing intensely. Arms and lft hand numb. Headache. Lower left leg numbish with tourniquit feeling. Hands swollen and achy. Whole body aches. Upper shoulders burning and sting.

Took walk with Joe short ways. Had to stop part way to catch up with sea tossed brain. Felt like I was about to tumble.  Happened at store couple times too. 

Lightning Strikes Journal Entries 2019 Feb 16-18

Feb 16

8:30a Thankful that I have unlimited access to my Heavenly Father on a daily basis.

9:00a- Fell asleep just after midnight. Woke around 4:30 am in serious pain! Doze off and on rest of night. Terrible dream that turned crazy. 

Serious pain all over. Rt hip throbbing! Pain rate 9. Need pain rx to move much.

 11:42p- Treated kids to Marble Slab. Tasted a little of their ice cream but held back on ordering one for me. I’m trying so hard to get rid of this thrush. Joe not convinced it’s just thrush could be geographic tongue too. I’m confused. Just want it to go away. 

Ended up having a long discussion on my research about getting better. Didn’t understand what Joe was trying to say and took it the wrong way. All I want to do is get better. I’m tired of not being able to do things that I know I used to be able to do or think I should be able to. Joe wants me to stop stressing myself out trying to research what to do and allow my brain and body to rest so it can heal. I just want explanations of what’s going on. I guess I just need to learn how to balance it all.

Feb 17

1:37a- very rough morning. Woke with a migraine. I down spiraled from there. Overwhelmed by previous night’s conversation and not getting better. Tongue is getting worse again. I’m exhausted and tired of fighting it all. I’m discouraged but not defeated. Can’t seem to think straight or keep things straight.

Ended up arguing with Joe. Anxiety overtook and I did something dumb – getting out of car while it’s moving. Almost fell in process. I need help but don’t know who or where to turn. Keep quoting Lord lead me to the rock that is higher than I for thou has been a shelter for me.

9:45p- solemn day. Took two hour nap this afternoon. Joe actually had to wake me up. Took nap on mattress in nursery. I’m still tired. Trying to relearn some music for offeratory. Coming along slowly. Singing same songs repetitively is irritating to me. Just want to be held and told it’s gonna be okay. I’m so tired. 

Gonna call dr in am to see if they can test for strand candida and cost to see if we can get rid of this junk once and for all. 5 bites of ice cream and this much reaction is insane (tongue slightly swollen, difficulty swallowing, more rash patches on tongue, etc)

Low back throbbing, headache has dimished but not gone, exhausted, discouraged, hands swollen and achy, rt hip aches. 

10:55p- hands and arms went numb had to change position, legs throbbing, feet pulsing throb, blankets feel like lead, skin itchy. Took melatonin and pain rx

Feb 18

5:30a- long night. Up since 3am. Fell asleep close to midnight. I’m exhausted and in much pain. Rx didn’t do much. Can tell I’ve run out of MSM. Having more muscle pains and spasms. Odd how one thing can affect the whole.

6:24a- still an emotional basket case… tears leaking out of mine eyes.  I guess it’s worse when I don’t get much sleep. Gonna try to take nap before kids get up. Did Bible reading. Will do devotions a little later. I’m freezing right now. Need to warm up.

9:30 1/2 muscle relaxer knocked me out for three hrs. Got to get up. So sleepy.

11:57a- I’m so tired. Two loads washed. Jordon helped me finish making bed.  I hurt all over. Touched up walls in Dezirae’s room. I’m exhausted. Upper back stinging needle pain. Hands swollen and achy. So lethargic must lay down for a piece.

12:16p- Atty called. Court getting ready to schedule hearing. Atty collecting additional info to build my case. Sending me paperwork to take to doctor. 

4:11p- center of chest hurting with a chilly tingling sensation, stomach hurts, made dr apt for Thursday re thrush is getting worse again 10:00p- gotta remember to get more MSM. Muscle twitching in legs. Center chest pain increasing. 

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