Lightning Strikes Memoirs 2021 February 1-2

Feb 1

700 rough night. Comforter felt like lead blanket and I felt as if I were suffocating yet shortly after I removed it I felt as if I were freezing. Woke to moderate stinging pain through body. Bad headache.

Read Psalm 70:5, Leviticus 11-13, Deut 6:4-5, 2 Cor 9:8-11

But I am poor and needy: make haste unto me, O God: thou art my help and my deliverer; O LORD, make no tarrying. Psalm 70:5

Thankful that God’s compassion, grace, and love are never withheld from me. He is always there no matter the circumstances.

Researching info on fibromyalgia…

Interesting info about Vitamin C, calcium citrate, and magnesium citrate. I already take C and magnesium. Need to add calcium. Added calcium to supplements.

Need to rest eyes and brain for little bit.

Decided to start drinking smoothies or juicing for breakfast to see it’ll help my overall health. Little concerned smoothie had banana in it. Only 1/4 a banana so I should be okay.

Got dizzy coming out of post office. Had to grab Dezirae’s arm in addition to using cane to stabilize balance. Wish I could figure out cause…why I get dizzy more at times than others.

1050 stinging headache. Deep achy soreness thru body. Low back & rt hip throbbing. Stuffy nose. Hands ache. Night meds taken. Tingly freezing cold feet. Neck hurts. Excedrin migraine for headache.

Burping hiccups hurt the esophagus. Not fun. Soo tired.

Feb 2

800 For what reason must I always wake in much pain? Exhausted upon waking. No energy. Pain from head to toe. Severe cramping in rt side as I get dressed for the day.

I love the sweet fellowship with Christ as I read my Bible and pray. Truly as I wait on Him He gives me strength for my day and encouragement to push through the trial at hand.

Slight bloody nose. Beginning to think they are a sign of migraine attacks. Not clear if they’re auroras or results from migraine. Had migraine before bed last night. Took otc rx. It’s eased but still have headache. Ears ringing.

Refilled meds in pill container for week. Made mistake of filling rx for this morning. Can’t remember if I took morning meds or not. Ugh!

300 been trying to gather info for taxes. My brain is fried. Need to rest a while. Feet freezing.

700 head pounding. Feel like I have fever but don’t. Temp 98.3. Slight bloody nose. Hands freezing. Feet freezing. Exhausted. Lights bothersome. I think I have a migraine. Ugh! Applied cool pack to head.

900 soaked in Epsom salt bath for an hour. Head feels like it’s on fire!  My migraine is still raging, but my skin so soft and smooth. Taking relpax  rx and going to bed. Hopefully sleep will help. Feet are finally warmed up for now.

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