Lightning Strikes Memoirs – 1-3 April 2021

April. 1

4:30 woke to whole body stiff, achy, and in much stringing. Both hands tingling and stinging. Tummy insides cramping. Sinuses congested. Tinny taste in mouth.

Bible Reading: 1 Samuel 18-20;

Juicing: V8 Splash Island Strawberry, 1 tbs chia seeds, 1/2 cup frozen blueberries

Cooked 4lbs sausage in crockpot over night. Broke it up fine and put in ziplock bag in fridge. Cooked 4 lbs bacon and put in container for Sunday. Friend stopped by to deliver Color Street nails I requested. Visited with her for little while. Got Easter baskets out and put in them what I gave so far. Worked on blog for little bit.

Exhausted and nerves are burning throbbing thru body. Low back throbbing. Eyes getting heavy. Need a nap. Listening to Open Door.

Fell asleep for about 20 minutes. Having bad dream…dreamt that a semi truck rear-ended us and was pushing us into the back of a grey vehicle. As we were about to hit vehicle, I jerk awake at same time receiving text notification sound from Jakob. Whew!

It’s been a good day. I’m exhausted. Hurting all over. Low back throbbing. Tummy aches. Lower lft leg tourniquet tightening feeling with tingling to toes. Mild headache. Post nasal drip. Yuck. Skin sensitive.

On the way home from church, Joe asked me if I remember something ___ on Sunday to remind him. I said okay. Sitting in chair in Living room, I remember I’m supposed to remind him but forgot what. I was going to set reminder in my phone so I asked him what I was supposed to remind him. He got upset and said nevermind I’m not going there. That in turn upset me because I was trying to do better but I honestly don’t remember what it was he asked me to remember. Eyes getting heavy. I’m exhausted. Decided to go to bed. I’ll probably be sleeping before he comes to be. Having trouble even now keeping eyes open.


April 2

630 fell asleep quickly last night. Low back throbbing intensely.

Bible Reading: 1 Samuel 22-24; Psalm 34:6-8;

800 decided to work on my blog a little. Able to finish March 2019.

Joe decided for us to go look at a car.

Lunch date at Jereusalem Cafe. Started with Lentil Soup sprinkled with sumac. Soup was creamy with robust flavor. Delicious!

Beef Shawarmah – Grilled cubes of spiced and marinated tender beef topped with cucumber yogurt sauce. Plate came with a scoop of yellow rice. Rice was cooked to perfection and moist.

Joe wants to look at more cars. I’m done.

We ended up at 4 or 5 different lots. Much more than my brain or legs could handle. In much pain and brain is overload with too much information. Brain in shut down mode and I am now grumpy and angry.

I wanted to get little candy for kids easter baskets. Stores are too full of people for my liking. Trying to explain and it comes out all wrong. Upset Joe so he decided to go home without which makes more angry.

Once home Joe wants to talk it out but I don’t bc I need time to process and let brain rest. I end up saying I’m vacating premises because I need a break from you. Not what I wanted to say but instead of trying to explain I just walk out side and sit in sun for few minutes.

Whole body stings, low back & rt hip throbbing, legs stinging burning throb, feet tingle, post nasal drip tastes nasty in my mouth. Exhausted. Having trouble keeping eyes


April 3

700a lft arm sore, low back hurts, whole body stiff and achy, eyes blurry, neck hurts, hands throbbing and swollen. Strange uncomfortable dream…Joe finally appeared towards end so I reached out to him for comfort and protection. Still very tired.

Bible Reading: 1 Samuel 25-27; Hebrews 12:2; Psalm 54:4;

My legs, feet, butt, and lower back are throbbing. Headache moderate. Took Naproxen for pain, Advil sinus for sinuses, & 1/2 dropper cbd.

Today has been a roller coaster of emotions day. We purchased a 2nd vehicle. Family we purchased from asked us to come back at 3pm to give them time to clean it out, etc. As we left, we received phone call that a friend was being taken to ER unresponsive. Prepping things for Easter tomorrow. Picked up new to us vehicle. Took some stuff to church. Delivered food to a friend. Received word that friend passed. Finished picking stuff up for tomorrow. Several phone calls letting us know of her passing. Decided to let Rae know tonight.

I’m past exhausted and hurting.

Lightning Strikes Memoirs 23-24 February 2021

Feb 23

525 I’m so tired. Woke feeling very hot. Whole body hurts. Low back throbbing. Headache.

700 used the juicer Joe bought us. Made The Energized Juice – 3 carrots, 1/2 lemon, 1 pear, 1 green apple. I forgot about the ginger. Made 2 cups of juice. It tasted pretty good.

827 I’m flat exhausted already and need a nap. Laying down for half hour feel like I’m going to pass out.

936 hearing popping noises in my head

1200 been slowly working on gathering tax info. Finally finishe up mileage info but can’t remember how to enlarge font in excel so it’s legible when printing.

300 went to store to order Dezirae’s cake. Brought knee up to rest leg but hit the basket on the back. Ouch!!! Instant bruise just above knee. That hurts!!!

1035 just dawned on me that I misplaced the meal planner for the week and I cannot remember what was planned for tommorow. Might just do leftovers. Frustrating.

1030 whole body aches. Headache. Low back hurts. Upper back stings. Forearms sting & burn. Hands swollen & throbbing. Legs tingling burning. Lower lft leg tourniquet tightening feeling with some numbness. Feet tingling and burning – lft more than rt. Tired but awake.

Feb 24

500a woke with beginnings of a migraine. Whole body aches. Arms hurt.

Took one Excedrine migraine and laid back down for hour

900a this morning’s juice is Carrot Juice

Ingredients: 2 Carrots, 1 apple, 1/2 lemon, 1/8 tsp ground ginger.

1030 finally finished gathering info for taxes to give CPA. Glad that’s done. Now to make apt.

1130 headache

1030p sore all over. Exhausted. Legs ache. Lower lft leg tourniquet tightening feeling with numbness & tingling. Feet freezing.

Lightning Strikes Memoirs 2021 February 12-14

Feb 12

700 so much pain!!! Feel like I received a beat down. Head pounding. Whole body throbbing.

740 Joe was sweet and brought me hot tea. Said it was his thank you for doing awesome job trying to keep him calm thru the frustration of fixing the car. Awh!!

Read Number 7, Psalm 40:8

750 discovered it’s raining outside. Praying for Joe as he borrowed a car to go renew his license and exchange the part.

800 Two (2) weeks ago I started limiting my sugar intake more. Seriously reduced sodas. Began drinking smoothies or juices for breakfasts. Drinking more water.

I’ve noticed less abdominal pain and less bloating feeling. I’ve even been pushing myself to do more around the house and walk more instead of using wheelchair except on days my legs feel really weak and wobbly. Stepped on scale this morning… I’ve lost 10lbs!

1150 recvd call from Joe. Car is fixed!!!! Hallelujah!

1100p very lethargic feeling all day and it hurts to move much. Kept dosing off and on today. Hopefully get good night sleep and feel better tomorrow.

Skin hypersensitive. Sheets feel like I’m laying on gritty pebbles and it’s irritating me. Head pounding. Took night meds plus naproxen.

Trying to get comfortable. Rt hip popped loudly. Ouch! That hurt.

Feb 13

1045 can’t believe I slept that long. Nightmares. Deep bone and throbbing pain all over. I hurt worse than yday. It hurts to move. Bad headache. Can tell I haven’t taken much vitamin C or calcium lately. Need to remember to keep saturation levels up.

500 the loud booming music from cars hurts my brain and bones!


1000p costochondritis feels likes its fairing up. Center of chest feels caught and hurts like the dickens!!! Moved to uncatch it popped few times. Headache. Whole body hurts. Tired

Feb 14

700 tried to grab alarm to snooze but couldn’t control hand nor close it to grip and dropped my phone. Whole body hurts, but not as bad as yday. Feet feel like stepping on broken glass. Sinuses congested.

740 throat is swollen. Had trouble swallowing morning meds & vitamins. Not sure what I ate yday to cause it to flair up.?

Hands are so swollen my ring on my left hand is cutting circulation off. Eyes feel heavy and I even took extra vitamin for energy.

1115 vision starting to get cloudy while trying to focus on the sheet music. Wish I knew how to explain exactly…vision gets cloudy/blurry but I can still see right in front of me, but the peripheral vision begins to enclose like a tunnel. The vision in front gets to be like I’m trying to look through a sheet of water. Still get easily distracted by noises around me but am getting better at channeling my attention. Center of chest pain increasing. Throat hurts. Sinuses calmed down.

900 chilling burning sensation at base of brain traveling down spine down back. Lights bothersome.

958 I’m freezing. Literally shivering in bed. Glad I don’t live up North bc I’d be a popsicle. Lord, please protect those in winter advisery weather keep them safe and warm.

Throat still swollen. Difficulty swallowing. Almost choked on night meds. Took naproxen & 1/2 Benadryl to see if that’ll help. Center of chest throbbing stabbing pain. Lips chapped. Headache. Hands swollen & throbbing. Whole body deep achy pain. Sharp pain inner side of elbow area. Very tired. Stuffy nose. Sinuses congested.

Lightning Strikes Memoirs 2021 February 9-11

Feb 9

515 deep bone pain from head to toe. The tea helped sleep come quicker. Thankful bc the thunderstorm was getting fierce as Indozed off. Collar bone area feels damp and clammy.  Clammy feeling is moving down across shoulders and down arms.

Read: Numbers 3-4, Psalm 104:34, 1 Timothy 6:12-14

Goal today: put up hunting gear, take recycling to recycle center, start cleaning up/decluttering living room

300 In much pain and exhausted but feel good I was able to accomplish goals.

Now to rest 20 minutes so I can get ready for church.

Exhausted. Feel like I might pass out.

Muscle spasms in back frequent today. Trying not to make spectacule sitting in pew and getting it to stop is difficult.

1000 It so irritates me that I have to have someone in car with me for my safety. Grrr.  I know it’s for my benefit but it’s frustrating at times.

Whole body stings. Both legs from shin down to toes cold, and tingling.

Feb 10

800 collar bone popped while moving in bed. So tired and hurting aweful all over.

1000 thunderstorm rolling through. Bad headache. Body aches to bones.

700 center of chest throbbing

930 having car problems – possible alternator going bad. Joe informed that he won’t get covid pay…that’s a month without a paycheck! I have no clue how we’re going to pay bills. Rt ear throbbing, rt jaw throbbing, legs deep bone throbbing, skin hypersensitive, head itches,

1125 have bad headache

Feb 11

510 tired and exhausted. Ache all over.  Hot like I’m burning up.

645 car died on corner of body & Schillinger

950 all the excitement is too much I need to crash

1130 crashed for 1.5 hours.

920 Info on natural supplements for allergies

A Dr when I was going to Victory suggested Bromelain for allergies. Thinking Quercetin might help too.

Been drinking juice for breakfast or eating 2 eggs for a week now. Reducing sugars. I’m starting to feel better. Bloating and stomach pain has decreased. I’ve lost 4 lbs so far.

1150 muscles and nerves are in hyperactive twitching mode. Deep bone pain from head to toes. Whole body hurts. Bad headache. Hands ache. Exhausted. Car still not fixed all the way. They’re having difficulty with serpentine belt. Lord, please help.

In so much pain!  Took night meds and naproxen 500mg for pain.

Lightning Strikes Memoirs 2021 February 5-6

Feb 5 

800 pictures in brain are going wonky…they’re going counterclockwise and not in sync. It’s making me dizzy keeping eyes closed. Exhausted. Headache no longer migraine. Slight chilling sensation in rt side of head. Lights still bothersome.

It must be raining nearby…I hurt all over. Feel like I’ve been beaten up and it hurts to move.

500 brain fried…been working on preparing for Sunday’s Chili Cook Off. Head pounding. Brain fogging & vision crossing.

830 Feet freezing. Back of head chilling sensation. Lower legs throbbing.

1030 chilling sensation in back of head has slowly moved down spine to tail bone. Whole spine has chilling sensation now. It feels really weird. Muscles randomly spasming/ twitching in body.

Feb 6

800 rough night. Exhausted. Thirsty. I hurt from head to toe. Feet feel like I’m standing on broken glass. Nose stuffy. Headache.

Lots to do today. I pray God gives me the strength and wisdom to get what I need done.

900 drank strawberry breakfast smoothie. Made me have allergy reaction. Had to take Tylenol Sinus.

300p tired and hurting. Dezirae & I finished getting mission house ready for evangelist and his wife. Updated shower curtain and added rug in bathroom.

We also gave the church sign a facelift by weeding flower bed, planting Gerber daisies, and laying mulch. I couldn’t decide if I wanted to plant marigolds or not so we left them off for now.

I’m sore and will probably hurt more later but praise the Lord I was able to get it done.

Dezirae changed mulch out for dirt and planted marigolds in pots by front church doors while I trimmed the rose bushes.

Few more things to finish in morning but that’s okay. We got a lot done. Thank you, Lord!

545 migraine

How can one person cope with migraines better than another? Is it a good support system or quality health care? Or something else?

1159 finally getting to bed. Took me a while to finish bulletin. Had to make several changes to the song service to go more with revival. It takes me a couple hours when changes need to be made. Plus the way I have to print them now takes long time. Need to figure something out that more time friendly.

I’m in lots of pain. Hands and wrists slightly swollen and throbbing. Low back throbbing. I’d back itches. Legs throbbing. Feet cold, sting, throbbing. Skin itchy and hypersensitive. Sides cramping.


Lightning Strikes Memoirs 2021 February 3-4

Feb 3

530 woke several times in night to use restroom. Woke suddenly from terrible nightmare. Feeling very groggy from migraine ex’s.

700 migraines sure do take a lot out of a person. Slight bloody nose.

230 trip to Wal-Mart. Needed few groceries. Also chose to get needed items for church instead of treking downtown to Sam’s. Able to walk behind buggy, but struggled with pushing and controlling direction of buggy after Jordon put bottled water on bottom.

330 letting Jordon drive home. My anxiety levels are high! I can tell we haven’t been anywhere much lately. Let me clarify, Jordon is overall good driver. I get nervous even if Joe or I am driving. My brain kicks into hyperdrive…I envision defensive driving and what other drivers are going to do or car is going too fast for my liking. So many things could happen. I try to stay calm. I hum hymn in brain or quote Scripture. I pray a lot! Still my nerves are in flight or fight mode.

I have recently by accident discovered a new coping mechanism to help reduce my anxiety levels while riding in car. Joe was driving other day and I inadvertently picked up one of those squishy orange pieces that you plug your ears with to dampen sounds. I started squishing it to see what shapes I could make. This in turned took my focus off the road and helped to keep me calm enough that I didn’t once yell or scream. I noticed it upon reaching our destination. I mentioned I needed a larger one. Dezirae found a Yoda-shaped squishy toy at the thrift store the other day. We washed it and it has become my new riding companion while traveling.

700 chatting with friend via a texting. Discovered our CPA charges a lot more. May try a new one this year. It’ll save bunch of money.

In most cases it’s best to chat via phone, but with TBI it’s easier for me to chat via texting/messaging. I have difficulty comprehending what is being said because it takes all my energy to focus on person speaking and trying not to get distracted on whatever else is going on around me. This way if I don’t understand what was said I can ask Joe to interpret for me. It saves for lot less confusion.

1030 surprisingly had less pain today. Still got tired after activity but not terrible.

Headache it tolerable. Neck hurts. Hands ache. Skin itchy especially neck area. Low back aches. Legs ache. Lower lft leg slight tourniquet tightening feeling with minor numbness down leg to foot. Feet freezing. Toes sting. Ears humming. Muscles stiff.

Night meds taken.

1115 chest starting to hurt something aweful.

Feb 4

530 forgot to hang keys up from yday. Woken to ask where I put them.

700 bad headache. Going to try to sleep it off.

800 bad headache still here. Not sure why so sleepy. BP slightly elevated 128/89. Going to drink some herbal tea to see if that’ll help.

Headache has eased ever so slightly. Wondering if something’s a muck and need to get it back in balance


Info from LS&ES support group…try a supplement called PEA. This helps regulate glial cells in the brain.

A lightning strike can cause these cells to go haywire! I’ll send you a link. I’m (Matthew an ND (Naturopathic Doctor) so this is what I do.

Could glial activation be a factor in migraine?

Glial Cell Activation and Neuroinflammation: How They Cause Centralized Pain

1145 severe pain in center of chest!!!

Bent over to touch toes to pop chest back in place – small pops.

Feet freezing! Putting wool socks on.

300 took longer to help Dezi with her English. Kept getting off topic. Head pounding more. Brain & vision feel blurred. Eyes dancing rapidly.

400 headache won’t quit. Yawning a lot today.

My headache is affecting my speech. Saw a DG bag on side of road and tried to say “DG point for me – bag in ditch.” Instead, I said “DG point for me gab for me.” Ugh.

Heading to church. Have lots to do to get ready for services next week.

720 head hurts so much that my eyes feel like it’s going cross-eyed. Face feels flushed. Cheeks feel hot.

1100 still have migraine. Took night meds. Taking relpax. Only take it as last resort because it makes me drowsy.

Lightning Strikes Memoirs 2021 February 1-2

Feb 1

700 rough night. Comforter felt like lead blanket and I felt as if I were suffocating yet shortly after I removed it I felt as if I were freezing. Woke to moderate stinging pain through body. Bad headache.

Read Psalm 70:5, Leviticus 11-13, Deut 6:4-5, 2 Cor 9:8-11

But I am poor and needy: make haste unto me, O God: thou art my help and my deliverer; O LORD, make no tarrying. Psalm 70:5

Thankful that God’s compassion, grace, and love are never withheld from me. He is always there no matter the circumstances.

Researching info on fibromyalgia…

Interesting info about Vitamin C, calcium citrate, and magnesium citrate. I already take C and magnesium. Need to add calcium. Added calcium to supplements.

Need to rest eyes and brain for little bit.

Decided to start drinking smoothies or juicing for breakfast to see it’ll help my overall health. Little concerned smoothie had banana in it. Only 1/4 a banana so I should be okay.

Got dizzy coming out of post office. Had to grab Dezirae’s arm in addition to using cane to stabilize balance. Wish I could figure out cause…why I get dizzy more at times than others.

1050 stinging headache. Deep achy soreness thru body. Low back & rt hip throbbing. Stuffy nose. Hands ache. Night meds taken. Tingly freezing cold feet. Neck hurts. Excedrin migraine for headache.

Burping hiccups hurt the esophagus. Not fun. Soo tired.

Feb 2

800 For what reason must I always wake in much pain? Exhausted upon waking. No energy. Pain from head to toe. Severe cramping in rt side as I get dressed for the day.

I love the sweet fellowship with Christ as I read my Bible and pray. Truly as I wait on Him He gives me strength for my day and encouragement to push through the trial at hand.

Slight bloody nose. Beginning to think they are a sign of migraine attacks. Not clear if they’re auroras or results from migraine. Had migraine before bed last night. Took otc rx. It’s eased but still have headache. Ears ringing.

Refilled meds in pill container for week. Made mistake of filling rx for this morning. Can’t remember if I took morning meds or not. Ugh!

300 been trying to gather info for taxes. My brain is fried. Need to rest a while. Feet freezing.

700 head pounding. Feel like I have fever but don’t. Temp 98.3. Slight bloody nose. Hands freezing. Feet freezing. Exhausted. Lights bothersome. I think I have a migraine. Ugh! Applied cool pack to head.

900 soaked in Epsom salt bath for an hour. Head feels like it’s on fire!  My migraine is still raging, but my skin so soft and smooth. Taking relpax  rx and going to bed. Hopefully sleep will help. Feet are finally warmed up for now.

Lightning Strikes Journal Entries 26-27 January 2021

Jan 26

Every fiber of my being is screaming in pain! Bad thunderstorm passed through last night. Will have to take rx pain med to get about today. Sinuses severely congested. Post nasal drip causing cough. Headache.

930 received call from nurse. My retest came back negative. My theory worked! Now do I keep my quarantine or what? It isn’t over until Friday. Hmm?

1130 Joe picked up grocery order from Wal-Mart. 2nd time I’ve done it this way. Both times had several substitutes. Not happy but I can live with them. I still prefer in person shopping only doing this way due to quarantine. got very dizzy. Had to sit a spell til it calmed down.

200 went with Joe to pick up Jordon so I could take his car home. Stopped at Ulta for Dezirae. Just that little bit wore me out. Had to rest for a while when we got home. Gonna have to work on building back up my stamina.

Made dinner – taco stroganoff. Used Instapot to brown beef, saute onions, & melt cream cheese. It has been big help. Loving this God given thoughtful gift. Exhausted. Sat to catch breath and rest a bit before serving dinner. Guys came home from hunting as I sat down. Joe sweet enough to serve me. Told him just a little bc I’m not feeling well at moment. Kinda of feel like I took several steps backwards with this covid junk.



Jan 27

Been awake since 7:30. Rough night. Restless. Severe indigestion and much pain made getting comfortable near impossible. Fell asleep sometime after 2am.

Woke exhausted and hurting much. Headache. Eyes watery.

Coughing ensued around 8am. Applied Vicks to feet again. Took morning meds plus Tylenol Sinus.

Researching treating pain naturally. Came across following that seem to be worth researching further.

I have found on my own trials that the more C I take the less I hurt, but I haven’t figured proper amount for self yet. Going to try to learn more about juice fasting.

Folded and put away load of clothes. Wash load. Put load in dryer. Another load in basket to fold. Don’t have any more energy. Feeling weak and dizzy. Need to rest a while. Dezirae working on schoolwork.

Laying down while listening to rejoice radio.

Forgot to open curtains. Dark in room. Went in room to do something don’t recall what. Forgot the fan was near end of dresser near door. Bumped into fan almost fell and in trying to catch myself I knocked the tv & DVD player onto the floor. Ended up yelling Oh no! Dezirae came to check. Told her I was okay and attempted to tell her what happened except forgot what to call item under tv and called it a vcr instead. Picked them back up and checked to make sure they were still working. Thought I broke them. Ugh.

Dezirae helped with dinner. I couldn’t get the chow mein cans open. Cooked rice in Instapot.

After dinner, I was so wore out that I ended up crashing on couch for about an hour. Now will be up for a while.

Headache eased. Tired. Sinuses getting congested. Rt ear hurts. Skin feels itchy. Cold but no fever. Low back hurts. Rt hip throbbing. Lower lft leg tourniquet tightening feeling with tingling & numbish to toes. Lft foot freezing while rt foot is just tingly & firey pins & needles. Neck sore. It cracked several times today when I turned it too far to side. Collar bone cracked couple times today each time causing moderate pain in chest lasting for about an hour.

Upon taking night meds discovered I forgot to take morning meds. Ugh. Took additional C, zinc, & a melatonin. Taking naproxen to ease pain for sleep. Also applied sleep lotion.

Lightning Strikes Journal Entries 07-09 January 2021

Jan 7

750 almost forgot to write. Woke around 9:00am. Feel like I got ran over. It hurts to move. Need to try to move to loosen up my joints.

Washed load of towels. Decided to work on hanging up clothes and trying to straighten closet a little. 3/4 way through I turned and stepped wrong and hurt my lower back. Ough!

Need to sit for a while so I decided to balance the checkbook. Took me three hours because I wrote couple things in twice and didn’t write in several things. Had to use excel to help.

Using heating pad on lower rt side. It hurts like the dickens to walk

945 pain is off the charts!!! It hurts to move. Heat not helping. Skin stings. Arms & hands throb & burn deeply to bones. Headache. Thirsty like I’m dehydrated. Grouchy but trying to mind my p’s and q’s. Annoying cough today. Tongue hurts. It’s cover in white again and welts.

Forgot to take morning meds. Took evening meds plus 1/4 muscle relaxer & pain rx. Have Dr apt in am to finish from Wed apt. Will stop by chiropractor’s office to see if they can fit me in.

Joe says I pulled muscle. He applied pain eo rub to help.


Jan 8

7a rough night. Every time I turned I woke in extreme pain. Severe sharp pain in tummy at 1am. Constipation. Nightmare (taking a day trip on a beautiful Isalnd.


Evaluation questionnaire had almost 200 questions. Took me about 45 minutes to complete. Had to get permission to use dictionary bc I forgot what some of words meant and questions were bit confusing.

Felt like they were trick questions to see if I was delusional, or schitzophernic.

Peculiar orders come to me at times. T

I Have a great deal of stomach trouble. T

Dirt frightens or disgusts me. F

I am often sorry bc I am so irritable and grouchy. F

Often I get confused and forget what I want to say. T

Someone has been trying to influence my mind. F

I am never happier than when I am by myself. F

I feel helpless when I have to make important decisions. T

Most married couples don’t show much affection for each other. F

If people had not had it in for me, I would be much more successful. F

I recognize several faults in myself that I will not be able to change. F–assessment


Went to chiropractor next. Did accupuncture and adjustment. Confirmed that I pulled two muscles in lower back. Suggested I might be a little dehydrated. Most likely a freak accident bc of the stress from the neuropsychological testing I endured day prior. Will be sore for few days but am already moving better.

Cracked the Dr up. I don’t recall conversation, but I replied “I’m different than the average bear.” To which both hubby & Dr chuckled.

Dr corrected me saying, “Well it’s suppose to say I’m smarter than the average bear.”

To which I replied, “Even with a brain injury I’m smarter than the average bear. Hehe”

Joe stated while laughing, “See what we have to deal with she does this all the time now.”

Dr said, “Oh.”

I told Dr that when I realize what I said wrong and it’s funny I’ll join them laughing. Lol.

Humor is good medicine.

1110a sitting on heating pad now. I’m exhausted. Headache. Hands swollen. Tummy hurts.

1130a hubby graciously fixing lunch so I can rest.

Went to bed after lunch. Slept until 3pmish. Had to get up and moving. Hurts to lay still for long.

1130 indigestion is horrific. Nothing is helping. Ginger soothes only while sucking on chew. Feels like I’d feel better if I’d puck. Don’t like the feeling one bit. Nerves making skin itchy. Whole upper body stings. Chest center hurts. Ears hurt. Low back throbbing.


Jan 9

800a when I finally fell asleep I slept pretty good except for a bad dream (in middle of accounting for a job, but suddenly forgot how to do my job. Boss yelled at me and started chasing me. As I was running away boss turned into scarey creature trying to eat me.)

Trying to figure out why some of questions were asked in exam. Found following website explaining…


830 low back feeling some better. Able to slowly move without moaning in pain.

430 chilling tingling sensation down spine.

450 having trouble opening tuna can with can opener. My hands don’t seem to cooperate. Keep dropping things.

600p slight bloody nose. Mild headache.

1140p low back throbbing intensely. Straighten lr before going to bed. Get ready for bed. Maybe standing 10 minutes and low back hurting so bad need to sit. Bloody nose increases. Headache strengths. Hands swollen & cold. Chest hurts – it popped while raising arms to put pjs on. Tired but awake. Feet freezing. Mid back has warmed a little. Tongue not as white coated. Legs ache.

Leg throbbing – stinging shooting pain from knee to

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