LS & BC Health Memoirs – January 28-29, 2022

Jan 28

530 one thing is for certain – pain let’s you know that you’re alive

I’m in great pain this morning. My arms shoulders, neck, and hands throbbing burning stinging pain. Apparently did too much y’day. I hurt so much I don’t want to move.😢

Genesis 43-45

Having difficulty moving this morning. Whole body stiff and throbbing. Chest sore as if I did heavy work out. Whole body for that

After getting up and moving around a little pain eased to 5/6. Managed to push through and get 4 chores on task list today.

Good turn out for teen activity. Think it went well. Had to cut it short. Joe received call that Jordon was in auto accident. Called parents to let them know. Called Mom to ask her to pick us up so Joe could go help Jordon.

Jordon is shook up. No one was injured. No damage to either car though the other guy trying to say there is. I think the other driver was trying to pull a fast one. He made mistake of admitting that he had a break light out. Police took information. Will hear from our insurance adjuster next week to see what’s going to happen.

After getting home and seeing my boy was okay, I started feeling really weird. Don’t know how to explain. Nerves on high alert and feel like I’m on adrenaline overload. Weak like if I try to stand I’d fall. Heart feels like it’s beating hard but can’t tell if it is or not. Nerves stinging burning throughout. Coughing. Bad Headache. Thirsty.

Took tension headache medicine and night vitamins. Drinking water. Scripture Journaling. Reading few pages in book. Deep breaths. Applied immune blend to back of ears, neck, and wrists. Applied Vicks to feet.


Jan 29

100a still wide awake. Body having trouble calming down. Sinus congestion.

Dusted ceiling fan.

200a still awake. Cold tingling sensation in upper back. Post nasal drip causing cough. Took 1/2 benadryl. Pray for everyone that comes to mind.

640a woke to extreme stomach pain. Need to use restroom. Cold tingling sensation in upper back and traveling down spine slowly.

Genesis 46-47; Mark 9:35

710 have to make several trips to bathroom. Have runs now. Ugh

715 sudden severe tingling sensation in left foot and leg as if being woken from sleep.

716 back to bathroom

727 back to bathroom

Psalm 5:3

730 sudden extreme sharp pain in abdomen. I want to cry. back to bathroom. Belch.

744 sudden extreme sharp stabbing pain in abdomen. Back to bathroom.

800 sudden sharp stabbing pain in abdomen. Back to bathroom. I don’t know how people who have diarrhea problems don’t lose weight.

818 sudden sharp stabbing pain in abdomen. Back to bathroom

1000 fell asleep for couple hours.

Back to bathroom. Took a Pepto tablet. Jordon made breakfast – cheesy eggs with bacon bits.

1100 back to bathroom. Sinuses congested. Took 2nd Pepto tablet.

Apple Cider Vinegar Gargle & saline nasal spray help get rid of mucus and congestion. (1 TBS ACV, 1/4 c warm water, and pinch of salt). Helps with sore throats too

1130 promised girls I’d take them to thrift store today to shop for spirit week next week. Joe had some errands for church so he went with. Enjoyed it for most part until I couldn’t. Stomach started hurting really bad. Made three trips to the bathroom while out. Had to ask Joe to go home because I couldn’t take the pain anymore.

Laying down now. Not how I wanted to spend my day. Both ears ringing. Nerves stinging. Low back throbbing. Stomach hurts immensely. Probably need to drink something so I don’t get dehydrated.

Left leg went numb and tingling as if waking from sleep. It hurt something fierce and lasted about 20 minutes.

It wasn’t until after 4pm that I felt like I could try drinking or eating much of anything. Kept to breads and liquids because I didn’t want to start up again.

1000p think it’s about done. Stomach not hurting as much anymore. Exhausted.

1155p nerves stinging. Head aches but not a headache. Hands dry and achy. Low back throbbing. Legs ache deeply. Feet hurt and tingling. Rt hip aches. Tired and wore out. Praying tomorrow is a better day.

God please protect my family and keep us safe from any evil or harmful thing.

Thankful for

1. Understanding husband

2. Daughter willing to cook dinner – White turkey chili. I ate a partial spoon to taste it.

3. My stomach ailment is easing for now



Lightning Strikes Journal Entries 7-8 May 2021

May 7

700 woke in much pain – stinging needle pain thru body. Moderate headache. Neck hurts. Shoulders ache. Low back throbbing. Tired. Legs ache. Sinuses congested. Feet hurt.

Bible Reading: 1 Chronicles 18-21, Psalm 18:46

Song on mind: Bless the Lord Oh my soul…

Psalm 18:3 & 46

Have lots to do today…prepare graduation invitations to mail out, homecoming invitations, newsletter, bulletin, guy coming to fix the a/c, termite inspector coming, care pkg for Jakob, etc. It’s a bit overwhelming to say the least, but I’ll do what I can as I can.

Brain fried and vision blurring by noon, but not stop to eat lunch until about 1:30. Headache. Not hungry just eating for sustenance.

Went on walk with sister around 11am. Made it about 1/2 mile which is little farther than last time.

Dezirae helped label and stamp invitation envelopes. Trouble staying focused on one task.

1100m going to bed. Headache. Brain hurts. Neck hurts. Shoulders & chest ache. Hands swollen and throbbing. Back stings. Low back throbbing intensely. Rt hip hurts. Legs burn and throb. Stinging burning pain from calves to feet. Feet ice cold & tingling. Exhausted.  Muscles randomly spasming in legs


May 8

600 woke thinking I overslept. Woke several times in the night. One time I sat up too fast I suppose and got dizzy. Had to hold on to furniture to get to the bathroom without falling.

Enjoyed chatting about this & that with Joe for little while.

Bible Reading: Psalm 37:3, 1 Chronicles 22-24

Song: Psalm 18:3 & 46

Arms and hands ache like I did rigorous workout. Only thing I did yday was cut gift tags and postcard invites with paper cutter. Ugh! Sinuses congested. Took nasal spray and Tylenol sinus. Morning meds taken.

730 Mother/Daughter outing today. I’m not feeling up to it but will push myself so others can have a good time.

330 exhausted when we got home.

450 Joe said he’d cook dinner. Went to room to use restroom. Bed inviting so I laid down to rest head a moment ended up falling asleep. Next thing I know Joe’s waking me letting me know it’s time for dinner.

630 time to clean up from dinner. Wish we had a dishwasher. Can only stand for maybe 5 minutes at sink before back is hurting so bad that I can not stand back pain anymore. Need to sit & rest before I can do more.

Feel like I could crash again…so exhausted.

930 took me three attempts to get dishes washed. Dezirae dry and put away.

Girls helped with assembling mother’s day gifts.

Headache moderate. Hands and arms ache. Sinuses congested. Chest hurts. Back throbbing like toothache. Skin itchy. Legs ache. Feet cold and tingling. Exhausted. Going to bed.

Night meds taken plus Gaba, PEA, & 1 tsp Colloidal Silver in 8oz water. Also swished a tsp Colloidal Silver in mouth for a minute and spit out.

Colloidal Silver benefits:

Lightning Strikes Memoirs – 12-13 April 2021

April 12

5a Woke a little groggy and disoriented. Sinuses congested. Feel drained of all energy. Headache. Tummy bloated and aches. Whole body aches and burning throbbing. Hurts to move like Tinman trying to move for first time in ages and needs oil bc he’s too rusty.

Jordon has horrible indigestion and says he feels like crap. Lost his cookies few times. Called in sick. Guess I need to purify the air in house today.

Bible Reading: 1 Kings 1-2

Took Advil congestion. Laying back down for a bit. Hopefully I won’t hurt as much after some more rest.

645a laying here I just hurt more… stinging is getting sharper. Going to get up for a little bit and do some chores.

1226 decided to work on deep cleaning my room. Dust everywhere! Had to have Rae help me move bookshelf. Found mold. Wiped it down with theives cleaner. Sneezing. Doing little at a time to not overdo it.

Stopping to check on Jordon. Tummy still bothering him, but he asked for Sprite and soup. Gave him vitamins too. Reminds me I need to eat. I’m getting sleepy and hurting more. Think I’ll lay down a while.

That didn’t go as planned. Just as I was dozing off my phone blew up with msgs, texts, and phone calls. It’s okay all of them needed to be answered.

Decided to pick up livingroom some and attempt to vacuum. Wore me out, out of breath, exhausted, and every fiber throbbing greatly! But I did it. Haven’t vacuumed in over three years…at least I don’t recall I have.

530 Joe sweet enough to offer to cook burgers on the grill if I picked some up. Jordon requested they have cheese chunks. Told them I’d look. Good thing bc I had to walk behind buggy no wheelchairs available. Discovered I’m unable to talk on phone and shop too…miss too many items and have to double back. Rae getting tired of being in store.

My lft knee throbs immensely by time we get home. I look to check knee to find it swollen. Joe tells me to sit and rest my knee. Rae gets me some ibuprofen.

730 Rae & I take a surprise over to Dad to cheer him up. He wanted an Alabama t-shirt. I found a couple his size and saved it for him. It put a smile on his face. Dr thinks it might be his rxs that are messing him up. Blood work Thursday then they’ll go from there. He has us concerned. Praying God helps them get to bottom of his symptoms so he can get better.

918 going to bed early. I’m tuckered out. I hurt miserably from head to toe. Headache won’t quit. Neck hurts. Back stings and itches. Hands itchy, swollen, and throbbing. Legs ache horribly with periodic muscle spasms. Feet chilly and throbbing. Lower lft leg tourniquet tightening feeling with tingling and stinging to toes.

April 13

Bible Reading: 1Kings 3-5

I forgot to write today. Paying bills I remember that I needed to renew license. Tried to schedule appointment online but schedule said that it was booked for rest of year for our county and next doors county. I ended up calling baldwin county bc mobile wouldn’t answer. Nice lady explained that I’ll have to do walk in during week. Took me quite a while to get things figured out. Ugh.

Didn’t even get to work on school grades till just before dinner which was what I intended to do this morning.

LS Memoirs – 15-16 March 2021

March 15

500 woke burning up but no fever. Dr hip throbbing. Mild headache.

Bible Reading: Joshua 16-18, Psalm 7:11, Psalm 73:25-28,

Wore out after burning papers, and putting load of clothes in washer – laid down to rest a while. Listen to wholetones music while resting. It helps me relax. Music is soothing to my brain and being.

Research: benefits of collagen

Collagen is most abundant protein in body. Reduce joint pain (10grams daily)

Digestive aid

Realized I hadn’t balanced checkbook this month yet and decided to do it. After 4 hours checking & rechecking 10xs & using computer to help calculate. I’m down to $.10 off. I quit!!! My eyes and brain are blurred and hurt. Found several mistakes I was able to fix though. I hate when I can’t find error.

Symptoms: low back throbbing, multiple muscle spasms in legs simultaneously, whole body stiff and achy, center chest throbbing with mild icy feeling, arms ache, hands throbbing, tired, mild sinus congestion, stinging pain in arms, hands, torso, & feet-ugh!, brain & vision blurred, headache worsens, irritable and on edge, exhausted, lower lft leg tourniquet tightening feeling as if someone/thing was squeezing my leg, stinging, burning, throbbing pain in legs.

Took Tylenol for headache in am. Sleepytime tea, benadryl, & naproxen at bedtime and pm meds. Forgot to take am meds.

March 16

Joe woke me out of deep sleep. I haven’t slept hard like that in long time. Still tired. Legs still throbbing. Hands and fingers numb and tingly. Headache. Lights bothersome.

Fog very thick making it more difficult to see with all the bright headlights. Can’t get over how much traffic is on roads at 6:30 am. Seems to have tripled overnight in last few days. Road work people took stop sign down at end of our street making it difficult for me to see our road. Missed my road and had to turn at next road 2nd day in row. Ugh! Kid waiting for bus is going to get hit if he’s not more careful. At least I.could see his red jacket today.

Bible Reading: Joshua 19-21, Psalm 143:1-5,

Listen to wholetones while taking nap.

Breakfast: Ate scrambled eggs for breakfast.

Worked on writing devotional for my blog. Worked on cleaning out closets. Lost track of time. Hospital visit. Friend making progress in stroke recovery. Forgot to text TBI coordinator back to confirm visit for tomorrow so not sure if she’s coming or not.

In much pain today but able to ignore for short periods but very scatter brained. I don’t like it one bit.

While I was preparing meds for week, realized I misplaced my migraine prevention rx I just had refilled last week. I remember taking rx bag out of car but I cannot for life of me remember what I did with it. I start to panic bc it’s not cheap rx. I stop to pray and text Joe to pray as well. I text my daughter to ask if she recalled. She does not but offers to pray as well. I try to retrace steps I could remember – nothing. I call pharmacy and they confirm I did pick it up. Ugh! I pray again. I look everywhere in house I think I may have put them. I begin to scold myself but them Holy Spirit gently reminds me that won’t help. After 30 minutes or so, I choose to give up momentarily to finish prepping meds I do have. While doing so, I look over on night stand. Lo and behold they are sitting on night stand! Hiding in plain sight. I feel sheepish. Thank the Lord for His help.

Symptoms: headache, sinuses congested, stinging needle pain in legs, hands throbbing, muscle spasms random thru body, low back throbbing, lower legs tourniquet tightening feeling with numbness & tingling to toes, moderate to severe pain in center of chest, legs ache, severe indigestion. Severe pain must be indication of bad storm in next day or so. In exhausted.

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