Journal Entries Nov. 16-17, 2017
November 16, 2017
7:30a- Woke up late for an appointment. It’s hard to get moving in the morning.
Right side aches as though I’ve been punched. Low back hurts. Feet ache and have pins and needles sensation. Hands ache. Headache finally gone.
6:15p- Feet throbbing with pins and needles sensation. Rt hip & side hurts. Low back hurts. Hands ache.
Walked a good bit today. Walked into Costcos (rode wheelchair inside store) and back to car. Walked to neighbors three houses down. Visited a little while and walked back home again.
7:23p- Hot flash…skin is beat red from chest upward to face…running a fever too.
Icy sensation in center of chest. Splotchy red spots on upper chest – almost resembling hives.
November 17, 2017
8:05a – Woke up from a bad dream…being stung by a swarm of bees after trying to rescue someone stuck in a tree…
My whole body hurts horribly today. Slight headache. BP 135/94 hr 84
5:56p It’s amazing how much pain zapps your energy.
6:51p- I crashed for two hours this afternoon. Woke up not feeling well. Chilly. Forehead feels warm.
7:47p- Feeling sick to my stomach. Unexplained goosebumps.
10:18p- Pain levels have increased. Probably an 8. Low back throbbing. Middle back aches. Hands ache. Legs hurts. Feel like I was in a fight. Headache. Chest hurts. Stuffy nose. Tired but can’t sleep. Nauseous.
10:31p – Very interesting…
Journal Entries Nov. 14-15, 2017
November 14, 2017
6L45p- Woke up with headache. Whole body aches. Trouble focusing on one thing. Took me all day to get sign classes ready for tomorrow.
Excruciating cramp in right side of stomach today.
Rt hip hurts, pins & needles sensation in hands and feet. Still have headache.
November 15, 2017
Woke up with headache. Lower back hurts. Hands and arms pins and needles sensation. Legs and feet pins and needles sensation. Neck hurts.
10:08p- Emotional roller coaster day. Came home from co-op and crashed for 2 ½ hours. Lower back throbbing. Hands tingly with pins and needles sensation. Cramping in right lower back – like muscle spam feeling. Chest hurts with tinge of icy sensation.
Information to share: I thought I would share this information because I know many of us endure pain on a daily basis. My primary Dr recently added three supplements to my regimen of supplements…one of which is MSM.
I don’t know if it will help everyone. Personally, I would much rather take something that’s natural than a chemical that may have horrible side effects.
MSM is the abbreviation for methylsulfonylmethane. Some of the reported benefits are:
- pain relief
- reduces inflammation
- increases blow flow
- controls overactive nerve impulses
- reduces muscle spams
My doctor recommended me taking two capsules per day on an empty stomach. Of course, the dosage may vary depending on individual needs.
I’ve been taking it for almost two weeks now and have already noticed a slight reduction in my pain levels. I’ve even notices that my allergies that I would normally suffer with because of pollens isn’t as bad like it usually is this time of year.
Journal Entries Nov. 12-13, 2017
November 12, 2017
8:45a- Woke with both sides of nose bloody. Head hurts. Exhausted. Legs hurt. Arms hurt.
8:05p- Bright lights bother my eyes, light headache, trouble focusing, sporadic ringing in right ear, easily irritated.
2:20p – Praising the Lord not only for the visitor today, but also that he walked the aisle and got saved today! Hallelujah, what a Saviour!
🎶 If just one more soul were to walk down the aisle, It would be worth every struggle, It would be worth every mile…🎶
November 13, 2017
11:33a- Woke up in a lot of pain. Hard to get moving. Took Jordon to Dr & deposit check at bank. I’m exhausted. Chilly sensation at base of neck.
6:19p- We ended up being involved with media campaign regarding R Moore. Joe supposedly signed a letter that he never signed. We knew nothing of it. Joe getting phone calls all day. I can’t handle this right now. It’s making all my nerves hurt!!
9:49p- Very stressful day. Had melt down around 7pm. Symptoms are overactive and I have headache coming on. Hopefully, a good night’s sleep will help
Journal Entries Nov. 10-11, 2017
November 10, 2017
4:29p- Thought I was doing fairly decent keeping up with school work until today. Kids asked questions about Thanksgiving break. I told them I would check because I have to get their planner ready for next few weeks today. They informed me that they didn’t have a planner for this week. Ugh!
Not feeling well. Neck hurts. Rt hip slightly aches. Hands pins and needles sensation. Center of chest chilly sensation. Brain hurts. Got overwhelmed when I found out I was behind. Joe says I’m running a fever.
10:21p- BP 147/94 hr 85. Pins and needles sensation in hands and feet. Head hurts, but not headache. Slightly bloody nose. Little dizzy. Lower back aches. Back of neck hurts with occasional icy sensation. Feel achey all over. Left hand hurts more than right. Left shoulder hurts if I move certain ways. I need good sleep. I’m tired and Joe’s tired of me being ill. I can’t hurry my healing…it’s not in my power. Only with God’s help will I make it through this new jungle. I just want to cry.
10:34p- Sharp pain in right side of head when I laid down.
November 11, 2017
8:40a- Woke up to a bloody nose. Icy sensation in between shoulder blades. Head hurts. Legs ache. Sharp pain in left forearm.
10:53a- I need to find something I can create that means something to me and gives me purpose.
10:51p- Legs have felt very heavy. Haven’t been able to do much today without getting icy sensation in center of chest or in between shoulder blades. Hands numb and tingling. Legs pins and needles sensation. Headache. Extremely tired. Running low grade fever off and on.
11:01p- Not sure what’s going on but I’ve been running low grade fever off and on the past couple of days. Extra tired and nerve pain has been odd lately with new symptoms oncoming. Praying it’s temporary. Thanking God that He’s ever interceding.
Hebrews 7:25
Wherefore he is able also to save them to the uttermost that come unto God by
him, seeing he ever liveth to make intercession for them.
*Dr confirmed at my last appointment that I have actually been running a low grade fever since my lightning strike. He said that it’s normal because the heat from the lightning causes your body temperature to increase.
Journal Entries Nov. 8-9, 2017
November 8, 2017
6:49a- Left shoulder hurts. Woke with both arms numb and tingling. Lower back throbbing. Calf muscles tight and achey.
2:23p- I’m not feeling well. Going to crash for a while. Something’s not right.
7:28p- I slept for over 3 hours. My head feels like it could explode. My left arm is tingly and feels heavy. I’m freezing, but its 75 degrees inside. I have sock on and am under blanket.
November 9, 2017
10:07a- I feel slightly better than yesterday. Whole body aches. Pins & needles/tingly sensation. Head throbbing.
10:49p- Felt a little better after taking D.E. I’m still not feeling the best. Noticed that bump on head is gone, but had left an indentation. It sinks too. Don’t have an appetite. Joe made me eat something for lunch.
Pain got so bad…had to take Naproxen. My body still aches, but not as bad.
Vision got blurry after focusing on getting bulletin typed for Sunday & created event on FB. Hard time focusing to play the piano. Need to get some rest, but now that it’s time to sleep I’m wide awake.
11:05p- Random shooting pain in right hand & wrist, and left elbow.