Journal Entries Dec 22-23, 2017

December 22, 2017 · 

12:52p- Sore/indentation on head is still oozing fluid.  Not sure what to think.  Treating it with frankincense.

5:32p- Went with Mom to help her grocery shop.  Wore me out.  Crashed about 2pm.  Sprained my left hand trying to lift a box in my room.

9:46p – Praise: I was able to open a new pickle jar by myself. Continuing to make improvements is encouraging. Still have a ways to go. 
Even in the valley God is good!

December 23, 2017

8:22a- Woke at 11:30pm last night sick to my stomach.  I ended up sitting in front of toilet vomiting and shaking for a while.  The stomach acid burned my esophagus and throat.  I was crying.  Took a rantadine and chewed 2 tums to ease the pain. Woke at 2:30am to empty my bladder.  It was full!!!

Woke at 7am because I was hot.  My body hurts, left wrist and hand ache.  Rt hip throbbing.  Low back aches.  Tired, but I’m going to make breakfast.

Isaiah 9:6
For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace.

Thankful for Jesus’ sacrificial, life-giving love for a sinful human race. Jesus came because He loves you and me.

“Not a palace for the little King, Nor a pillow for His bed; Not a scepter for His royal hand, Nor a crown adorns His head. Born in a manger long ago, How could the Savior love me so? He left His throne for Calvary, He came to earth for me.” ~Ron Hamilton

🎶 Jesus knew when he came
He would suffer in shame;
He could feel every pain and sorrow.
But He left Paradise,
With His blood He paid the price–
My redemption to Jesus I owe.

Born to die upon Calvary,
Jesus suffered my sin to forgive;
Born to die upon Calvary,
He was wounded that I might live.🎶

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