January 9, 2018
7:38a- Rough night…Joe woke me up around 2:30 because I was snoring differently than normal…quiet and almost rhythmic.
Around 3:30, I had a nightmare about snakes. About the time in my dream a snake was coming at me Joe touched me and scared me awake…thought I was going to have a heart attack! Couldn’t get back to sleep very well after that.
8:28a- Laid back down for a little bit…woke back up with left arm and left leg partially numb.
10:31a -Decided to do the copy work for the hymn studies with my kids today. It was actually difficult for me to write that large! Not bad I think, but there’s room for improvements. 😊

8:22p- Work out day 2 – 10 Standing bicycle crunches; 11 Wall push ups; 10 Clapping crunches; 10 Fire hydrant left; 10 Fire Hydrant right; 8 Claps over head; 10 second plank.
Exhausted afterwards. Muscles are sore, but feels good to stretch muscles. Hopefully, I can keep at it.
January 10, 2018
Luke 12:6-7 – Are not five sparrows sold for two farthings, and not one of them is forgotten before God? But even the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Fear not therefore: ye are of more value than many sparrows.
Thankful that not only is His eye on the sparrow, but He also watches and cares about me! We can take comfort in knowing that no matter what we may face in this world whether it is adversity, unfairness, fear, heartbreak or failures, God is in control and His goodness and mercy will follow us.
6:06pm – Amidst the frustrations of the day…….
God has an old friend call to check in on how I’m doing. She refers me to a doctor that does holistic healing.
Just realized I forgot to eat lunch.
Thankful that the Lord’s mercies are new every morning. Lamentations 3:22-23
9:12p- Frustrating day!!! Confused easily. Dezirae behind in Science. Jordon needs History worksheets copied off. Realized at 4pm that I needed to get to bank by 4:30pm. Decided to get oil changed. Fussed at because I forgot that Joe would need car to take coworker home around 5pm. Got home at 5:30pm. Realized while finishing dinner that I forgot to eat lunch.
9:19p- Stinging needle pain in back. Brain fog & easily confused. Tingling numbness in hands and feet. Stuffy nose and congested,
11:06p- Work out day 3 – 10 heel touches; 10 donkey kicks left; 10 donkey kicks right; 12 clapping crunches; 10 flutter kicks; 10 bicycle crunches; 15 second plank. Muscles ache a little, Tired out, nut not exhausted.