January 17, 2018
It’s hard to believe that our baby will be a teenager this week! She has been such a blessing. I thank the Lord for all my miracle babies.

January 18, 2018
8:44p- Center of chest hurts like its caught. Rt hip hurts.
January 19, 2018
8:41a- Had a nightmare…being attacked by snakes!!! I hate snakes.
Rt hip throbbing. Whole body aches. Make breakfast for Dezirae’s birthday…now I’m exhausted. Have a lot to do today to get ready for her birthday party tomorrow.
10:51p- Wore myself out trying to get ready for her party tomorrow. Walmart didn’t have any available electric wheelchairs so I had to push a buggy. Dezirae was a big help, but about ½ way through I had to sit on floor to rest a while before I could go anymore. LOL! J
House isn’t quite clean like I’d like, but it’ll have to do. Not sure how I’m gonna make thru tomorrow, but with God’s help I’m not about to mess it up for Dezirae. Help me, Lord. In Jesus’ name, I pray.