Journal Entries Jan 20-22, 2018

January 20, 2018

Went soul winning though I had muscle hurting and bad attitude.  Dezirae’s birthday party went well. I’m exhausted and hurting

Praise the Lord!!! Pastor Joe & Jordon were able to lead 3 people to the Lord while out on soul winning today! To God be the glory!!!

January 21, 2018

10:30am – woke up in excruciating pain around 4am.  Horrible pain in center of chest like it’s caught.  Extreme pain in rt hip.  Joe adjusted back around 6am.  Took naproxen about 6:15am.

11:25am – Having trouble wearing watches.  They quite working afte wearing a little bit even with new battery.

January 22, 2018

Galatians 5:22-23 – But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, Meekness, temperance: against such there is no law.

Whether we are starting a new journey or facing a detour in life, we can choose to either be controlled by the Spirit or walk in the flesh. We can only succeed if we keep trying. If we slip and fall, we can ask for God’s amazing grace.

8:40am-Rough night.  Woke at 12:30am to excruciating pain in my stomach.  Had to go to the bathroom.  Had diarrhea.  Multiple trips about every 20 minutes until 3:30am

8:13p- When life seems to get you down because the struggles are real, a good movie to watch is Soul Surfer.


11:13p- I’m starting to dread writing things down.  Feel like I’m focusing too much on negatives, but these notes have helped me see how I’m progressing.

*Please note that the link I include in my post I don’t necessarily endorse, but they are things that I have researched trying to find answers to problems because the doctor’s I have seen so far don’t seem to have a clue how to help me.

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