Journal Entries Feb 21 -22, 2018

February 21, 2018

At least during this trial, I can keep my family laughing.  This morning I told my daughter to, “Take your elbows off your arms.”  Kids immediately cracked up laughing. 
(I meant to say, “Put your arms down because your elbows are sticking out”).

Mixing up words and sayings are one of many consistant struggles especially when I don’t sleep much the night before.   Only God can make this trial a blessing.

8:10a-I just realized that I am now 7 months post lightning strike. Praising the Lord for His mercies & faithfulness. 
I am at 25% in recovery…still have a long road to hoe, but at least I’m making small improvements even though it feels it’s at a snails pace.

Lamentations 3:22-23
It is of the Lord’s mercies that we are not consumed, because his compassions fail not. 
They are new every morning: great is thy faithfulness.

February 22, 2018

6:16am – Fasting labs today.  Chiropractor appointment today.  Dr was encouraged that I’m walking with a cane.  Better to walk with cane than to fall and break my hip.  Checked me out.  Pinpointed painful area…bout jumped off the table when he touched it.  Much, much inflammation.  Well pleasesd that I adjusted much better than expected.  Gave exercises to help.  Proud of me for not giving up.  I needed to hear that today.

Rt hip pain has eased a little.  Slight headache today.  Think some of it is from sinuses.  Been sneezing a lot.

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