REST “nauch”

Image by Jim Black from Pixabay 

Psalm 23:1-2
​The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want. 
He maketh me to lie down in green pastures:
he leadeth me beside the still waters.

The word “rest” is mentioned 265 times in the Bible. The Hebrew word for rest is “nuach” – which means to rest, to be quiet. God knows that we need to take time out for rest and restoration especially from the influences of a fallen world.

In the midst of our busy lives, whether working a job, taking care of kids, studying for finals, or burdened with a heavy load, God wants us to take time to rest in His care. We are human and it’s necessary to take time to rest not only physically and emotionally, but also spiritually.

If we refuse to take the necessary time for rest, it will only lead to a discontented, distrusting, unsatisfied life. Resting in the Lord will bring refreshing peace and give us strength to face the next task ahead.

Let’s learn to depend on the Shepherd’s provision, guidance, and protection. In doing so, we will renew our strength (Isaiah 40:31), be encouraged (Joshua 1:9), increase our faith (Romans 10:17), remind ourselves that we are loved (John 3:16), energize our hope (Psalm 31:24), and glorify Him (Zephaniah 3:17; John 10:7-10).

Written April 19, 2018

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