
How does one attempt to live a godly life when you live in a wicked sinful world?  Where there seems to be evil doings everywhere you turn…people have replaced God with whatever suits their fancy; God’s name is taken in vain even by those who call themselves Christian; Sunday services are no longer important; children disrespect and even hate their parents; killings everywhere; selfish pleasures come before serving others; there is lack of respect for other and their belongings; dishonesty is viewed as okay as long as it is for the greater good; immorality is praised everywhere we go; and you better keep up with the Jones in order to be happy.  This is not godliness.

Webster’s Dictionary defines godliness as “believing in God and in the importance of living a moral life”.   Godliness in the Bible is basically an active obedience that springs from a reverent awe of God.

It is virtually impossible to build a godly life without a foundation built on Jesus Christ.  To practice godliness, we must first develop a relationship with God, and further practice a life that is pleasing to God.  Our view of God and our relationship with Him will be portrayed in our behavior.

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