Lightning Survivor Journal Entries 28-30 November 2018

Nov 28

7:00am- woke to slightly bloody nose. Neck is hurting. Chest hurts when I yawn. Broken sleep last night. Woke at 3am not sure why. It’s 33 degrees outside & I’m freezing.

9:53am- still have headache. Please go away!

11:25am- eyes are hurting. Loud noises hurting head. Headache getting worse. Thirsty. Feet freezing (have socks & boots on inside). 

Traumatic brain injury info

12:10pm- Christmas play practice went well. Now having Christmas co-op luncheon. It’s amazing how much sound effects the brain. Wearing sunglasses inside to keep headache from becoming migraine. Sitting on sideline until crowd for food subsides. Don’t want to have meltdown.

Friend, Melina, told me she saw a video about someone getting struck by lightning wanted to know if I had that type of scarring. Told no but I do have scar on head though not sure if it’s the entrance or exit wound. Let her feel the indentation.

8:01pm- rt hand going numb & tingling

Lower back is throbbing

Nov 29

1:36 am – my lower back is killing me!  Decided to help with dishes. Now I’m regretting it!! Still have headache but its eased maybe. Missing my hubby. Him & buddy went hunting. 

He’s been such a trooper through all of my ordeal. I’ve been very moody at times and he’s been so gracious most of the time. 

Rt leg hurts, rt hip & thigh ache, low back throbbing, neck hurts, limited turnability in neck

8:18am – woke at 7:30. It’s chilly and hard to get motivated to get up. Neck is throbbing. Rt hip aches & rt leg hurts when I try to sit indian style. 

Bloody nose at 8:15am. Wish I could figure out what’s triggering them. 

Still have a headache.

1:00pm- had to type up biz mtg minutes for church, but had to look up verbiage bc I wasn’t computing how to word it. Took me long time. Brain started feeling squirly and eyes were blurry and tunneling. Joe said he could tell bc my eyes were starting to look glossy.

Nosebleeds after Concussion

You need to get couple of blood test done which include CRP, RF, CBC, BT, CT, INR. That should help.

CRP – checks for inflammation

RF – Rheumatoid factor

CBC – Complete blood count which checks overall health

BT – Bleeding time which checks how quickly your blood clots to stop bleeding

CT – cat scan??

INR – International Normalized Ratio 

Test for blood clotting time (for those using blood thinners)

Info on Traumatic Brain Injury


I was sitting on my chair in livingroom trying to relax. All of a sudden my right thumb started burning. I looked at it and it was turning white! It’s burns like crazy & feels like it’s on fire!  I’ve tried rinsing with water. I have not done any cleaning today. I don’t know what to think.

Went over to mom’s for help. Joe at church. Rinsed with cool water. Made me drink glass of water. Still burning. Rinsed some more. Applied aloe vera. Soaked in egg white. Starting to look a little better but still burns. Rinsed in cool water. Soaked in egg white again. Rinsed again. White ash look gone. Not burning like before. Tender to touch. 

Joe came home & checked counters. They’re dry. Joe smelled bleach on some of drinking straws. Possibly my straw had some & didn’t realized it.

Applied Lavender oil to help soothe. 


Hands tingling, headache, neck hurts, exhausted, can’t sleep, low back throbbing 

Nov 30

5:17am woke just before 5am. Center of chest is hurting. Headache. 

6:30am decided to get up since I wasn’t sleeping. Made door draft stopper for front door. Washed load of clothez. 

10:00am- bloody nose

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