Dec 19
Lightning survivor friend shares link on her website about Probiotics reducing inflammation in gutt
6:48a- woke at 6am to dogs barking. I’m surely hurting all over!!! Song in head, “Oh i want to see Him look upon His face there to sing forever of His saving grace cares all past hope at last ever to rejoice”. Don’t know if lryics are correct but it sure would be nice to be rid of this throbbing pain!!
I so need to get to a better plateau of living. Gotta wrap my mind around how. Only God can give me direction bc my doctor’s aren’t. I cling to Christ for my hope because without Him I’d surely fail and be depressed.
I knew pushing the buggy and being hit by another was gonna hurt but I didn’t think it would hurt this much. Ugh!
Once I get up I think I’ll try drinking hot tea with peppermint and copaiba essential oil to see if that’ll ease the pain.
7:35a- when I sneeze the cartlidge in my chest pops. It hurts so. So much inflammation. Shouldn’t have eaten that sugar cookie.
10:15a- have blister looking soar the size of a dime on left thumb. Don’t know what caused it & it’s not a blister. I tried popping it but it won’t pop. It hurts even more so when I touch it.
10:00p baked cookies for church Christmas party. I’m exhausted but wide awake. Going to bed don’t want to watch avenger dc comic movies.
Dec 20
Update: Jordon’s MRI & Echocardiogram results are normal
Specialist said it wasn’t uncommon for teens to have this issue. She diagnosed as Vasovagal Syncope. Said we could try increasing his salt intake first. If that don’t work then will put him on an rx. I’m to make sure he eats salty snacks like pickles and pretzels. Thankful for a simple and natural remedy.
8:58a- woke at 5am to use bathroom. Didn’t fall asleep until after 12:30a. Had a bad dream – don’t remember details but I do remember thinking where’s Joe when I need him why isnt he here?
I mentioned to Joe. He told me he was there and I kept pulling his hand on me and as long as he was touching me I seemed to relax some.
Neck hurts. Slight headache. Hands swollen and achy. Low back aches.
9:28a- sitting in waiting room while kids see dentist. I’m not too fond of not being able to be in exam room but he’s an older dentist and they have worked me regarding treatments and honoring my preferences. Currently trying to plan meals for the next week. I haven’t done it in weeks and it stresses me more when I have to fix meals on the fly. Thankfully, Dezirae has stepped up and asked to cook on Tuesday’s. This is such a help especially after my TBI mtgs I am so spent and exhausted some weeks I can’t even think straight afterwards.
2:06p- both kids had cavities this time. Made appts. Stopped at grocery store as God provided $. It felt nicely odd to be able to get some of what we needed. Have to lay down I’m crashing.
3:00 – Joe had Jordon try to wake me but I had trouble waking up. Seems like I can’t get enough sleep – so tired.
4:30p – stabbing pain in brain. ouch!
7:19p- center of chest burning throb, rt arm hurts, hands swollen and achy, brain foggy.
7:41p- inner right ear itches like crazy, chin itches too
914 Haha! My feet are an instant ice pack for my husband. This tickles my funny bone.
Dec 21
12:04a- rt leg & hip throbbing, it’s raining and cold outside, center of chest throbbing. Kind of windy at times.
12:30a-Back n neck throbbing. Skin very itchy.
7:00a- woke with neck achy & low back throbbing. Shoulders hurt. Runny stuffy nose. Song in my mind “It Is Well with my Soul”. Though my body is in pain it kind of gives peace to my soul 🙂
9:00a- decided to work some on culminating school grades for report cards. Didn’t work on it long before it gave me a headache, blurry eyes, & foggy brain.
9:39a- picking up produce at lil Brian’s. Tummy hurts.
11:45a- left leg twitching/shaking as if I’m sitting on a nerve but I’m not. Would video but it’s not doing it enough to be visible on video.
12:43p- nose rt gushing blood ugh! No reason? Bp 120/86
5:36p- Jakob made it home for Christmas. Yeah!
8:01a- heart beating hard, short on breath, not feeling well, been sneezing a lot
10:34p- not feeling well. Sharp stabbing pain in left shoulder. Heart still feels like its beating hard. Bad indigestion.
Diffusing lavender oil for a little while. Also sprayed pillows with lavender & orange oil to see if that’ll help me sleep.