Dec 25
12:00am- IT’S CHRISTMAS!!! The angels are singing and I know the reason the SAVIOUR is born!
Just finished wrapping presents a little bit ago…wait I just remembered two more. My back is throbbing tremendously!!! My tail bone is throbbing. I’m exhausted but excited its Christmas! Discovered a sore on left side of chest. Not sure how to treat it or what caused it. Need to get some sleep.
9:00a- Joe has turkey in smoker. Homemade cinnamon rolls are baked. This year I cheated and bought cream cheese frosting for the topping. Joe read Christmas story from Matthew. Jordon prayed. We opened presents.
Afterwards we all pitched in to cut veggies for relish/veggie platter, potatoes in crockpot. Joe and kids helped clean up livingroom and kitchen. I felt as if I was going to crash so I went to lay down for a few minutes. Whole body aches. Nerve tips in arms & legs feel like they’re screaming “fire”.
10:41a- homemade crescent rolls are rising and I need to rest. Eyes are getting heavy.
11:45a- gf corn casserole in oven. Tip of tongue is tingling. Weird!
2:00p- Christmas dinner (lunch)
6:00p- Christmas dinner (supper) & presents at Grandparents house.
9:24p- so apparently the only Christmas tradition that I actually remembered was the cinnamon rolls for breakfast. Have no clue what traditions I’m forgetting. Apparently we watch a Christmas movie together as a family as well as a Christmas parade. I thought it was only on thanksgiving? Oh, well. I guess I’ll just have to take notes and build from there.
11:06p- I’m exhausted!! Sinuses are haywire. Sneezing most of day, nasal drainage, rt ear hurts, rt jaw hurts. Hands swollen and achy, rt hip throbbing, feet freezing, eyes watery, low back aches, bright lights bothering me.
Today was pretty good day. Took 2 naps cat just to keep going. Don’t want to spoil Christmas for the kids. Jakob goes back to college tomorrow due to work. He’s training for promotion. He did well first semester 2 A’s, 4 B’s, & 1 C. Proud of him. Just wish we could help more.
Noticed in mirror bathroom that my left eye looks kind of droopy. I notice it more when I’m extra tired or have done too much.
Dec 26
8:00a – I don’t know what time I finally fell asleep last night, but it was well after 12:30am. Woke with headache, entire back aches, both arms ache, lft arm feels like it fell asleep and is now waking up.
1030a Thankful for not only what my children are learning in school, but also being able to direct what they learn. Jordon was able to change out an electrical outlet that went bad.
11:31a- just received email notification that I have my first blog follower! Didn’t know that part was set up yet, but cool!
2:24p- muscles have been twitching randomly thru body. Rt eye twitching.
Trouble with calves cramping today. Id I walk too much it feels like someone is grabbing them and squeezing hard!!!
9:03p- eyes watery, rt ear hurts, toothaches, sinuses ache, eyes burning. Enjoying watching Christmas Hallmark movies with my family. Husband is being sweet bc I know he doesn’t like them. He’s earning brownie points for sure!
11:50p- musclez in legs cramping more. Ended up taking muscle relaxer hoping the cramping will ease enough to let me sleep a little. Left ear ringing. Stuffy nose & congested. Left eye burning. Skin is itching and feels like ants crawling. I suppose I’ve overdone it for Christmas. I sure did enjoy being more active though. I miss it.
Our eldest went back to college today. He was hesitant dragging feet rather. I’m sure he wasn’t looking forward to long drive by himself. I always enjoy having him home, but things were different this time like something was wrong. I know he’s dealing with some aches due to some unexpected recent events, but there was something else too. It made my heart hurt. I can only pray God protects him, guides his path, and he obeys.
Dec 27
2:11a- thought I wrote before now…guess not.
Woke at 7am with headache, whole body hurts, lower back cramping, very sleepy too. Sleepiness is ecpected bc muscle relaxers put me out and I’m sleepy for 8-10 hours (wish I could sleep that long sometimes).
Twas gonna can pumpkin but it was rotten. Ugh! I guess I’ll wash some clothes.
Worked on reorganizing my eBay bins & posting a few items. Started collecting data for filing taxes. If I start now maybe we can file earlier.
Talked with a friend, Kim, for a little bit. It was nice to chat and hear how God is working in their lives.
Washed hair in sink now my lower back is throbbing & my upper legs are cramping. I’m exhausted. Gets frustrating at times but I’m still thankful to be alive.
I don’t have a clue what to make for dinner. I lost the weekly menu plan I worked on last week. It was for two weeks. Lot of good that did. Oh, well. I’ll rest a bit and ask for help. Have to do that alot now. Prayer is how I’m making it through. Thankful Jesus is with me every step of way.
Oh, prayer. My friend is gonna try to remember to talk with her doctor about her willingness to work with me on my healing journey.
3:18 lft eye is droopy. I noticed my eye was slightly droopy last night but thought I was just tired. I can feel it some but wouldn’t have known unless I looked in mirror. It’s just noticeable enough to cause concern. Asked for suggestions on FB group.
Did you know that lightning can occur during winter weather?

According to, “Strong winter snowstorms and blizzards commonly produce lightning strikes, a phenomenon referred to as ‘thundersnow’. Lightning and thunder can occur with any type of winter precipitation – including snow, sleet (‘thundersleet’) and freezing rain.”
6:34p- had to lay down a bit…so tired. Neck hurts. Major headache, whole body aches. Eyes tunnely & blurry & hurting. Sinuses hurt.
9:45p – sinuses hurt. Nasal rinse burns, but I can breathe better some. Took Rx for migraine – headache not going away. Whole body aches.lft eye still droopy. Hope to catch some shut eye. I’m exhausted.
11:51p- still awake. Hands tingly. Very thirsty.