KJV Dictionary Definition: pure, a. L. purus. – Genuine; real; true; incorrupt; unadulterated; as pure religion. James 1.
Merriam-Webster Definition: PURE – Not mixed with anything else; clean and not harmful in any way; having a smooth and clear sound that is not mixed with other sounds; morally good
Psalm 119:1-2 states “Blessed are the undefiled in the way, who walk in the law of the Lord. Blessed are they that keep his testimonies, and that seek him with the whole heart.”
Have you ever thought, “How Am I suppose to live a pure life when the world around me is so wicked?”
The Greek word for pure is αγνός, which translates into English as chaste, clean, or clear.
Psalm 119:9 tells us the way to make our ways pure is to take heed to God’s Word.
“Wherewithal shall a young man cleanse his way? by taking heed thereto according to thy word.” Psalm 119:9
In essence, we are to keep our state of mind and actions pure.
Sadly, our culture encourages the young people to live life to the fullest and if it feels good to do it. Purity seems to be regarded as no big deal. We cannot fill our minds with junk and expect to be able to live a pure life.
We must guard our hearts diligently, be aware of our weaknesses and guard them at all costs (Proverbs 4:23). The devil will hit you when you least expect it.
The story of Joseph in Genesis 39 is a good example. Joseph was sold into slavery as a young man. He was torn from a godly family and thrown into a wicked world he knew nothing of. Yet, God was with him, and with God’s strength, he prospered in all he did.
Temptation saw an opportunity to bring him down. Because Joseph kept a close relationship with his Heavenly Father, he was able to resist temptation when it came knocking.
Not only must we commit to be pure in every area of our lives, but we also need to develop a strategy to stay pure. Joseph was able to remain pure because he had made a prior commitment to moral purity. If you commit to being a person of integrity in all areas of your life, it will be easier to resist temptation when it comes along.
We keep our hearts and minds pure by focusing upon living out the Word of God in our daily lives. The only way we can do that is to determine to study and memorized God’s Word.
How does one live a pure life?
Accept Christ as your personal Saviour.
The first step to living a pure life is to have Christ living in your heart (Acts 16:31; Romans 10:9-10; John 3:16). It is impossible to evade the temptations of this world in your own strength. God’s grace will help you through each trial and He will guide your steps (Proverbs 3:5-6).
Seek God in all you do
Simply desire to keep Christ at the center of all you do (Matthew 6:33; 1 Chronicles 16:11; Hebrews 11:1)
Memorize Scripture
The Bible contains a wealth of truths and wisdom that can be applied to our daily lives.
Memorizing Scripture will help you resist temptation (Psalm 119:9-16; James 4:7; Galatians 5:13-15 )
Memorizing Scripture helps us live obediently (2 Corinthians 10:5; Psalm 119:9)
Memorizing Scripture brings blessings and success (Joshua 1:8; Psalm 1)
Memorizing Scripture allows us to be ready to encourage others (Romans 15:4; 1 Thessalonians 4:18; Philippians 4:13; Proverbs 3:5-6; Isaiah 41:10)
“The Bible will keep you from sin, or sin will keep you from the Bible.” ― Dwight L. Moody
Value Your Family and Choose Your Friends Wisely
Your relationships can greatly influence the person you are. It’s one thing to be friends with a person who is working on growing in the Lord, but it is very different to be friends with one who doesn’t care about his sin nor controls it. Our spiritual growth can be significantly hindered if we choose to hang around ungodly people. (2 Corinthians 6:14)
Be Transformed By Renewing Your Mind
Christ is our refuge, strength, and help in times of trouble (2 Samuel 22:3; Psalm 46:1; Isaiah 25:4). We can only succeed in spiritual warfare by arming ourselves with spiritual weapons as in Ephesians 6:10-18 and 2 Corinthians 10:1-6. We keep our minds spiritually renewed by meditating on God’s Word daily and prayer. We must ask the Lord daily for the strength to withstand the wiles of the devil (Ephesians 6:11).
Daily ask the Lord for wisdom and guidance to live a pure life.
7:00a- woke with tailbone stinging burning pain. Feet feel like I’m walking on needles.
Song on mind 🎶Jesus What a Wondeful Name🎶& 🎶It’s a good day to give thanks to the Lord and sing praises to His name in the morning (can’t remember any more)🎶
10:02a decided to try to declutter bedroom. Washing two loads. Sewed button on suit pants. Empty trash. Get kids focused on schoolwork and morning chores. Put some clothes away. I’m exhausted now, but feel like I accomplished a little. Whole body aches. Feet dont feel like pins and needles anymore but do ache a little. Tailbone aches. Rt hip aches. Hands swollen and achy. Wobbly. Brain blurry and hurts some. Need to rest a bit before I can do more.
Since the stike, it’s very difficult for me to drive at night. The lights still bother my eyes and it’s hard to focus. Lightning survivor friend suggested I get optomapping done at next eye exam.
The benefits of having an optomap ultra-widefield retinal image taken are:- optomap facilitates early protection from vision impairment or blindness- Early detection of life-threatening diseases like cancer, stroke, and cardiovascular disease The unique optomap ultra-widefield view helps your eye care practitioner detect early signs of retinal disease more effectively and efficiently than with traditional eye examshttp://optomap.com/en-US/optomap-Retinal-Exam/
11:00a- icy sensation in center of back
1:04p- just finished making homemade bisquick mix & homemade cake mix. I cheat a little and use my ninja to mix it up. Not able to mix it physically anymore without causing much pain. Decided to make homemade peanut butter cake. Dezirae volunteered to make the icing when it’s time.I’m physically exhausted and must rest for a while. Hands and arms throbbing pain. Center of chest starting to feel icy.I may be physically exhausted presently but my spirit is happy cuz the mixes will last a month or two before I need to make more. Learning to live frugally has it’s perks! ☺
1:52p- have to crash for a little while rt ear ringing, neck hurts, headache
2:08p- just realized that I forgot to eat anything so far
7:25p- put my feet next to Joe. I thought he was going to jump out of his skin. Said my feet are like ice! Lol.
10:50p- rt eye twitching, lower back throbbing, rt hip hurts, getting tired, neck hurts – used pain rub on it
March 2
5:00a- woke in sweat from nightmare. Only remember bits and pieces…running for my life…trying to rescue a child from kidnapper…being kidnapped – when I woke the verse “lead me to the rock that is higher than I for thou hast been a shelter for me” was repeating in my mind. Whole body was tense and burning pain. Tailbone throbbing. I guess I moaned bc Joe started rubbing my back which helped to ease tense muscles. Muscles twitching/spazzing in legs.
2:58p- starting to feel weird and a bit dizzy. Need to rest a bit.
10:38- finished printing bulletin I’m going to bed
11:37p- rt hip throbbing, tired, low back aches, noticed I’ve developed a rash in middle of chest
Does anyone have vision problems since their strike? Yes, I notice it more when I try to focus in on something – vision gets blurry & my brain feels foggy/jumbled. I struggle with reading things because I now see words/letters backwards or it doesn’t register first time or words that aren’t really there. Oh, and forget flashy signs…lights too bright and words move too fast.
March 3
6:30a- woke with slight headache, stuffy nose, calves cramping, neck hurts, back aches, rt ear ringing🎶It’s a gpod thing to give thanks to the Lord and sing praises to His name in the morning we will…🎶 If only I could remember the rest of it.
7:30a- taking showers tire me out and make me feel weak. Gotta remember to be thankful in all things (1 Thessalonians 5:18).
8:30a- I’m not feeling so good…headache, weak, overall yucky It’s very dreary & foggy outside.
2:00p- tried to lay down to take nap but that didn’t happen…couldn’t sleep and wind boisterous outside.
3:00p- decided to do some work at my desk. Able to get couple of things done before it started thundering and lightning. Unplugged computer right away. Too much have to go away from windows and plugs. Went to fellowship hall. Worked on cutting out letters for bulletin board. Had Dezirae help me.
4:30p- decided to try to lay back down for half hour to rest before people start coming for church. Didn’t sleep though.
10:30p- I’m exhausted but awake. Whole body aches. Neck hurts. Left shoulder blade area stiff & hurt. Toes freezing. Have socks on. Rt hip throbbing. Focus isn’t clear but able to plan meals for week with help. Rt ear ringing. Mom’s taking me shopping tomorrow & bank in am. I’d like to just have a whole day off to rest. Kids finally got their rooms clean this weekend. Now for them to keep it that way.
Only off rx 1 day and thrush is making vengeance comeback. If only I could find way to get rid of it once and for all. Only thing that seems to help feminine itching is an antifungal essential oils blend that I made. I’m convinced I have a compromised immune system, but have to wait one week without meds and then take another round of Rx before calling Dr.
Lord, please give wisdom to combat this. Thank you, Lord.
Psalm 127:1-5 Except the LORD build the house, they labour in vain that build it: except the LORD keep the city, the watchman waketh but in vain. It is vain for you to rise up early, to sit up late, to eat the bread of sorrows: for so he giveth his beloved sleep. Lo, children are an heritage of the LORD: and the fruit of the womb is his reward. As arrows are in the hand of a mighty man; so are children of the youth. Happy is the man that hath his quiver full of them: they shall not be ashamed, but they shall speak with the enemies in the gate.
I am thankful for the children that God allowed me to be a mother, especially when the doctors told me that I couldn’t have children. I claimed Psalm 37:3-5 trusting God would give me the desires of my heart. And He Did!
Striving to raise your children in the nurture and admonition of the Lord (Ephesians 6:4) is a difficult task. It is also a very rewarding one.
*Teach your children to love the Lord with all their being and to respect His house and His Holy Word (Deut 6:4-9, Proverbs 22:6).
*Help them hide God’s Word in their hearts (Psalm 119:11, Joshua 1:9).
*Show them how to study and apply His precepts to every day life (2 Timothy 2:15, Psalm 19:7-10).
*Pray for God to surround them with angels to protect them from harm (Psalm 91:11, Matthew 18:10).
*Encourage them to climb every obstacle and become courageous followers of truth (Joshua 1:9, Ephesians 6:10-20).
*Motivate them to live lives of purity, kindness, and compassion that they may shine as bright lights in the world (Matthew 5:13-16, Philippians 4:8, 1 Timothy 4:12).
8:45a- woke at 6:30 muscles spazing in legs. Back throbbing. Headaches. Spring is in the air my sinuses are amuck. Neck and chest hurt when I cough. Co-op today for kids. They are so excited they want to be there early! For the moment, I choose to be thankful for God’s faithfulness and mercies for they are new every morning.
1:00- co-op went well today. Bunch of families out sick. I enjoy the US Geography class. Kids learning states and their capitals. I was able to do the game with kids today. Had fun.
The class really stretches my brain and gives headache. Have to rest a while when I get home.
Feeling weak, rt hip throbbing, tailbone throbbing, headache, rt arm hurts, hands swollen and achy, neck hurts, shoulders tight, pain in left center of chest.
Cat nap lasted about 10 minutes if that. Received call from Jakob. Got cut short because Joe was calling him. Figures.
9:51p- Jakob called back later. Needed help with his taxes. Unable to comprehend all he’s telling me. He said just him being able to talk it out with me helped. It probably would be better if I could see what he’s talking about. It was nice to be able to talk with him bc it’s been a long time since we talk that long. I miss my Bubba.
I’m exhausted but awake. In bed by 9:30. Lower half of body throbbing and tingling. Upper left side of chest throbbing. Rt shoulder hurts. Thrush still there. Headache. Dr apt tomorrow. Left shin & foot going numb feels weird.
10:15p- arms stinging
Feb 28
5:51a- woke at 2am & 5am. Woke from unsettling dream (only thing I remember is that I had argument with best friend and I was driving down wrong side of road thinking I was on right side). Muscles randomly twitching thru body, tears escaping my eyes, headache, need to get some sleep.
7:42a- pain is great today…must be dreary weather. Nervous about Dr apt. Need to have him fill out paperwork for atty. Don’t recall being asked any of the questions before. Lord, I need thee every hour!
8:45a- Dr apt. Bp 113/69 hrt 69 weight 198 temp 97.7
The nurse, Joseph, had never met lightning survivor. Struggling remembering how old I am. I think it’s irrelevant, but they keep asking me. Still trips me up everytime. Mom had to explain why I had trouble remembering. Jospeh (I can remember his name bc it’s my husband’s name)
Saw someone familiar in hallway but I couldn’t place why I knew him. Told nurse that he looked familiar but I have no clue why. Dezirae kindly reminded me that he was from my TBI group. Oh, but I still don’t remember his name.
When mom explained why I had struggle with memory. The guy got excited. He thought it was cool but not cool I was injured. I told him I understood – it’s cool from a medical aspect. He never met a lightning survivor so he asked for my story.
Thrush has improved but I have to wait one week then take 2nd round of medicine. I’m sick of medicine.
12:05p- Dr didn’t fill out paperwork. Atty said not to worry. They’ll build case on medical records.
Chest in between shoulder blades just below chin just popped. Ouch! Feet are freezing!
7:30a – woke with calves throbbing and feeling like I got beat up
10:00a- It’s apparent that we’re going to have to get our dog put down Gracie is very sick and suffering. Family had a boohoo moment. Will take her within next week.
11:25a- Joe not work today. Decided for us to turn in taxes to cpa. Though I’ve been slowly working on them since December, I’m not ready yet. Took morning to try to finish up. Feel like I’m forgetting something but don’t know what. Dropped off at cpa. Explained I think it’s all there but not 100% sure. Stressing out! Will call if they have questions.
11:55a- Headache. Brain fogging over and feels scrambled. Tailbone throbbing.
2:15p- really need to lay down a while but have to run to store to pick up Dezirae’s curtains & one of my meds.
Tongue looks a little better this morning. Discovered the gluten free bread I’ve been eating sparingly has yeast in it. Ugh!
4:00p- decided I better take some D.E. so I’ll have energy for tonight. Invited to revival services at three different churches going on this week. Feels oddly nice to be invited places for a change. Doesn’t all make sense to me, but I’ll go with the flow. I trust my husband’s judgement.
11:00p- attended revival services at another local church. Guest preacher is Andy Gleiser. Name sounds familiar but I can’t place it. It was nice visiting with people we knew. Felt like the popular kid for a change -odd but nice.
My legs are aching. Calves throbbing. Tailbone swollen and throbbing. Hands swollen and achy. Brain foggy. Toes hurt. Upper back aches.
I enjoyed having Joe home today for a change. Even though I’m in pain and waiting to take next pain rx it’s been a good day. I’m glad my faith doesn’t depend on what kind of day my God is having. Whew!
Feb 26
7;00a- finally fell asleep shortly after 2am woke at 4:30 back awake at 7a
Rt hip & low back throbbing
10:30p- went to food pantry today to get a little food to hold us over until payday. When we got home, we were getting food out of trunk. I forgot trunk didn’t stay up on it’s own. Dezirae let go as I leaned forward and the trunk came crashing down on my head!! Ouch!! I cried instantly. Went to bathroom to see if it made a mark. No thankfully. I just want to go to sleep but know I can’t. Have to give quizzes.
12:45p-Heading pounding. Need to lay down for a piece. Calves throbbing and legs feel extra heavy.
5:23p- think I’ll be okay eventually. Muscles twitching randomly throughout body. Calves ache. Back throbbing. Laying down to rest it momentarily. I’m so tired.
I can feel my muscles tensing up in thru my body. It doesn’t feel good. I can feel my.energy draining. It hurts so to lift my arms to do my hair usually have to ask Dezirae to help.
6:00p- need energy to attend revival services at another church in town. Not drinking D.E. because I was up til after 2am! Drank cup of coffee.
10:21p- enjoyed services. Guest Pastor was R. Ouellette (sp?). Revelations 3 not being lukewarm Christian. Went forward to altar to pray. Didn’t think it through. Knelt down to pray. It hurt to kneel so I ended up sitting on my butt. When it was time to get up, I thought to myself shoot didn’t think this through how am I gonna get up without making a spectacle of myself. Lord, please help. Thankfully, as I was getting up my precious husband swooped in and leant a helping hand. Brownie points for sure. Whew!
Tired but wide awake. Chest hurting, rt hip throbbing, feet and toes ache, suppose to eat lots of yogurt. Head hurts. Took muscle relaxer. Hopefully I’ll fall asleep soon. Hips hurt. Figure if I’m gonna hurt all the time I can hurt at church just as well as at home. Might as well enjoy the company of others while the pain isn’t too bad and I’m not so grouchy. I love singing. It encourages my heart so. I’m not able to sing much at our church bc of playing the piano. It’s okay cuz music sets the tone of service. I like hearing the people sing too. shoulders ache
6:51a- Had Joe rub pain relief essential oils blend on back and I cried myself to sleep last night around 10pm. Not sure what time I fell asleep but I slept soundly until 5am. Pain had diminished but I still hurt greatly.
Legs feel like lead but I haven’t even gotten up yet. Middle and lower back throbbing. Neck hurts. Headache not as bad but still there. Eyes watery. Lft ear ringing. Stomach stopped hurting. Muscles twitching throughout body. Need to get mind off pain. Stuffy nose. Calves throbbing.
Thank you, Lord, for the sweet sleep.
Tender moments of my husband’s care make me love him all the more.
5:30p- Joe was sweet and brought home pizza for dinner. He makes my heart skip beats.
Found this article interesting.
Are You a Human Barometer? Feeling the Migraine Pressure
10:13p- Still trying to work on Dezirae’s room. Washed 5 loads today. Told her that was too much. Needs to purge. Feeling it now. I’m really hurting all over!
News had a story about a pastor that was struck by lightning in Birmingham recently. He had a short stay in the hospital but no lasting effects.
Tried new regimen for getting rid of candida. Baking soda water mouth rinse. Take probiotic. Wait 15 minutes. Take Diatomaceous Earth. Wait 1 hour. Take morning meds. D.E. gave me some energy today. I guess that’s why I felt like I could do the laundry. Got to remember to not push it. Ugh! Now whole body is throbbing. Chest and torso pain so much. Need to take pain rx, muscle relaxer, night meds and go to bed. Gotta muster up strength to get out of chair to go to bed.
Feb 23
9:38a- woke in great pain…arms hands legs back neck. Migraine. Gait is wobbly. Need something but don’t know what. Stomach hurts.
Managed to make waffles for breakfast for kids. I ate scrambled egg.
So sleepy.
11:42p- migraine starting to ease. Lft cut on ring finger is oozing pus. Need to put baindaid on it. Overall lethargic.
Wearing sunglasses inside.
3:30p- managed to eat ramen soup for lunch. Had kids make their own lunch. Crashed on chair in livingroom while watching movie. I know I have things that need to be done, but I don’t function well with migraine in tow. Headache eased slightly. Dezirae hung out with me. Think she took nap too. Mom came over to check on me. I woke when she opened door.
5:00- Mom made spaghetti for us for dinner to help me out. Sweet. Realized why I hurt so bad – overdid it yday – cleaned my bathroom floor and washed 5 loads laundry. Gotta remember to only do so much when I do feel good.
11:29p- Dezirae’s been wanting to make homemade face mask with bentonite clay and asked me to do it with her. I checked ingredients. Thought it was okay. Dezirae had a reaction and made her face all red, burning feeling & itchy. Had her wash face with cool water. My face not as bad of reaction. Applied aloe no good. Wash face with warm hypoallergenic soapy water and cloth. Gave benadryl. Took 30 minutes or so face to calm down. Apply hypoallergenic hydrating lotion. Be while for trying that again.
As I was finishing up bulletin and posting on blog heard thunder. Frightened me. Hurried up and turned off electronics and unplugged them. Going to my safe place.
Chest throbbing, indigestion, stomach hurts, throat hurts, hands swollen and achy, rt hip hurts, headache, feet cold, pain rx not easing pain. So sleepy, lack of concentration, low back throbbing.
Feb 24
12:30a- stinging pain in hands and wrists, calves throbbing, stinging needle pain in back, rt ear ringing
8:19a- woke around 6:30 thinking I overslept. Calves throbbing. Muscles twitching thru body. Hands swollen and throbbing.
Discovered if I eat something small before I take my meds my stomach doesn’t hurt as bad. Stuffy and congested. Headache.
Cut on lft ring finger is now blistering just like the burn on my thumb did. Thunb
12:30p- actually played 2 hymns this morning with more than 2 sharps. I usually can’t do this but recenlty not able to explain how or why can transpose some hymns and play it. I only ever took about 1 year of piano lessons when little. Everything else I learned on my own. Not good with timing only play how I’ve heard it sung before.
4:30p- took nap after lunch about 2 hours. Dezirae helped me prep mission house for missionary on Thursday. Finding if I make lists of things I need to get done it helps me stay focused enough to complete tasks.
6:23p- eyes blurring, headache, coughing, rt ear ringing, feeling a bit dizzy
10:27p- case of hiccups are giving me stinging needle pain in my back. Ouch!
Mom took me to GNC – no, no scratch that – took me to Health Hut to talk to the guy about my thrush. he said when he was younger (so wish I could remember the details. So much information to process is hard to retain. It’s not that I’m not trying to focus I look people in eye so they know I’m trying too much info at once gets lost in my brain somewhere or maybe it goes out the other ear) somebody that he knew had thrush she would take liquid acidophilus. He said I needed to alkaline my system and suggested I take a teaspoon of baking soda in water use it as a mouth wash in am wait 15 minutes then take probiotic. Wait for 5 to 10 minutes before eating early in morning.
I’m sure I messed up some of that info but this is what comes out. Supposedly a goo roo dr in either Birmingham or Atlanta says that besides reducing gluten, yeasts, processed foods, sugars one also needs to avoid block cheeses and vinegars because they’re made with yeast. Good grief!
Feb 20
9:07a- Crazy morning! I set my alarm for 6:30 so I could be ready to leave for co-op by 8:40 but that didn’t happen. I never heard the alarm! Woke at 7:30. Had to get a pkg ready for mail but too big for mailbox. Ugh!
Gluten free toast for breakfast. Tasted pretty good.
Getting bag ready for co-op realized I forgot to laminate the maps for geography class. Have to bring my laminator and pages with me. I can do it first hour.
I was going to freshen my memory for the Bible study I’m doing with another mom but that didn’t happen. Ugh! Lord, please go before me and help me say the right things. Help me be an encourager and show You can be our strength in time of need. I am nothing but You are everything.
11:15a- Missed 2 phone calls because hands were full. I found the check I misplaced. It was right where I put it (computer bag). Phone calls were reminders for Dr apts tomorrow and that I have Rx ready to be picked up.
Bible study went well. It was encouraging to me as well. I enjoy being able to talk about God without reservation. I also like learning. If money were no option, I’d be a lifetime student. Need to find a hobby.
Slight headache. Eyes feel blurry. Scattered thoughts. Hands swollen and achy. Rt hip throbbing.
3:00p- felt odd after eating late lunch yucky feeling all over and as if I were to faint. I don’t ever remember fainting so that would be weird. Decided to lay down for half hour. Never fell asleep.
Remember that I needed to mail pkg at p.o. Burning pain in middle of lower back. Wore out from todays events.
10:39p- wide awake, hands swollen and achy, lower & middle back aches, head hurts.
Trying something different to get rid of thrush. Swishing with baking soda water in am. Taking 50 billion culture probiotic (has to be refrigerated). Wait 15 minutes to eat breakfast. Swishing with baking soda water in pm. Taking 1 Tbs Diatomaceous Earth in pm. I think tongue is already looking better. I hope to be over this stuff soon.
8:30a Thankful that I have unlimited access to my Heavenly Father on a daily basis.
9:00a- Fell asleep just after midnight. Woke around 4:30 am in serious pain! Doze off and on rest of night. Terrible dream that turned crazy.
Serious pain all over. Rt hip throbbing! Pain rate 9. Need pain rx to move much.
11:42p- Treated kids to Marble Slab. Tasted a little of their ice cream but held back on ordering one for me. I’m trying so hard to get rid of this thrush. Joe not convinced it’s just thrush could be geographic tongue too. I’m confused. Just want it to go away.
Ended up having a long discussion on my research about getting better. Didn’t understand what Joe was trying to say and took it the wrong way. All I want to do is get better. I’m tired of not being able to do things that I know I used to be able to do or think I should be able to. Joe wants me to stop stressing myself out trying to research what to do and allow my brain and body to rest so it can heal. I just want explanations of what’s going on. I guess I just need to learn how to balance it all.
Feb 17
1:37a- very rough morning. Woke with a migraine. I down spiraled from there. Overwhelmed by previous night’s conversation and not getting better. Tongue is getting worse again. I’m exhausted and tired of fighting it all. I’m discouraged but not defeated. Can’t seem to think straight or keep things straight.
Ended up arguing with Joe. Anxiety overtook and I did something dumb – getting out of car while it’s moving. Almost fell in process. I need help but don’t know who or where to turn. Keep quoting Lord lead me to the rock that is higher than I for thou has been a shelter for me.
9:45p- solemn day. Took two hour nap this afternoon. Joe actually had to wake me up. Took nap on mattress in nursery. I’m still tired. Trying to relearn some music for offeratory. Coming along slowly. Singing same songs repetitively is irritating to me. Just want to be held and told it’s gonna be okay. I’m so tired.
Gonna call dr in am to see if they can test for strand candida and cost to see if we can get rid of this junk once and for all. 5 bites of ice cream and this much reaction is insane (tongue slightly swollen, difficulty swallowing, more rash patches on tongue, etc)
Low back throbbing, headache has dimished but not gone, exhausted, discouraged, hands swollen and achy, rt hip aches.
10:55p- hands and arms went numb had to change position, legs throbbing, feet pulsing throb, blankets feel like lead, skin itchy. Took melatonin and pain rx
Feb 18
5:30a- long night. Up since 3am. Fell asleep close to midnight. I’m exhausted and in much pain. Rx didn’t do much. Can tell I’ve run out of MSM. Having more muscle pains and spasms. Odd how one thing can affect the whole.
6:24a- still an emotional basket case… tears leaking out of mine eyes. I guess it’s worse when I don’t get much sleep. Gonna try to take nap before kids get up. Did Bible reading. Will do devotions a little later. I’m freezing right now. Need to warm up.
9:30 1/2 muscle relaxer knocked me out for three hrs. Got to get up. So sleepy.
11:57a- I’m so tired. Two loads washed. Jordon helped me finish making bed. I hurt all over. Touched up walls in Dezirae’s room. I’m exhausted. Upper back stinging needle pain. Hands swollen and achy. So lethargic must lay down for a piece.
12:16p- Atty called. Court getting ready to schedule hearing. Atty collecting additional info to build my case. Sending me paperwork to take to doctor.
4:11p- center of chest hurting with a chilly tingling sensation, stomach hurts, made dr apt for Thursday re thrush is getting worse again 10:00p- gotta remember to get more MSM. Muscle twitching in legs. Center chest pain increasing.
6:15p- very rough night. Fell asleep out of pure exhaustion after midnight. Woke at 2:30 in xtreme pain. Ended up in Embryo pose to try to relieve the lower back pain.
Woke again shortly after 6 burning up but freezing. Need to get potatoes on. I hurt all over. Legs are throbbing. Low back rt side aches.
8:12a- put potato casserole in slow cooker and went back to bed. I hurt so much & so tired. Phone is grand central station this morning. Pain intense but I need to function. Will probably take rx.
10:00a- Co-op Valentine’s Party. Kids had fun. Able to help fellow co-op mom with Abeka 2nd grade reader book. Relearned one friend works at one of local hospitals. Told me to call her if I ever need to go to ER again. She will call ahead for me to get me through faster. Pretty neat though I hope I don’t have to.
Another friend’s husband works at local paint store. His store sells miscolored paint for three dollars a gallon. Wow!
Another friend brought me TT Algebra DVDs to check out for son next year. Gonna let me get them for very affordable price. Thank you , Lord.
Another friend impromptu invited us over to her house for fellowship for couple hours after party. Our sons are friends at co-op. I gladly accepted because we don’t get invited to people’s homes much. It’s nice having friends that accept you at face value.
2:30p- Got home and crashed for a while. I’m exhausted. Dezirae even took nap. Joe snoozed a little bit. He’s been working long hours past couple weeks.
3:30p- Had potatoes leftover from Valentine’s Party so I added ingredients to make soup. Let it stew for while while I relaxed a bit.
4:00p- Asked Joe to feel my rt hip where it was throbbing. Says I have a knot in the muscle. Don’t know how it got there or what causes it.
4:30p- Went with Joe to run errands for church plus pick up few additional items for dinner. Bump into church couple. Chit chat for few minutes. Boots no grip I turned corner while walking behind buggy and slid almost fell. Ouch! Stopped in tracks for while now I hurt worse. Just want to get done and go home. Place is much busier than my comfort zone.
6:30p- Discover that I somehow managed to ruin the potato soup the milk curddled. Ugh! Family gracious bc we’re also having BLTs. Joe & kids serve me bx I’m hurting so bad.
9:00p- Decide to soak in Epsom Salt Bath. It helps itchy skin but rt hip is still throbbing.
11:14p- I’m exhausted but still awake. Stomach aching. Low back throbbing. Rt hip throbbing. Feet hurting. Hands achy. Neck aches. Head hurts little. Brain foggy and swimmerish.
Took stabilized liquid oxygen treatment twice today
Feb 14
7:30a- I actually slept 7 straight hours last night. It felt good to sleep that long. I hurt all over. Don’t feel like getting up but know I need to. Need to get food ready for dinner at church tonight.
John 13:34-35 A new commandment I give unto you, That ye love one another; as I have loved you, that ye also love one another. By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another.
10:00a- Dezirae helped me make the brownies. I decided to double the box by using my penny pincher recipe.
I started putting the rigatoni together to cook in crockpot, but ended up splitting the skin under my nail when I accidentally jammed my finger on the pyrex measuring cup. Ouch! Dezirae came to the rescue and finished putting it together while I told her what needed to be done. We washed up the dishes we dirtied so we don’t have to do it later. My back is now throbbing so I need to rest a bit.
Joe came inside after helping my Dad finish cleaning his roof. I heard him talking to Jordon but was finishing up at kitchen sink (I’m praying for a working dishwasher). He started to talk to me and scared me to death! I screamed!!! Now my nerves are jumpy and I hurt more. Joe gave me hug and apologized while chuckling. I’m sure normally it’d be funny but not when I hurt.
1:30p- both kids have dentist apt today. Sitting while they’re getting cavities filled. My upper back is stinging & throbbing. Headache. Neck hurts. Lights are too bright. Hands throbbing. I just realized I forgot to eat anything so far today. I think I’ve only drank 16oz of fluid. Gotta work on that. I’m rarely hungry anymore.
Can hear woman’s phone vibrating in her purse from across the room.
My eyes hurt. Center of chest now hurting.
2:03p- my lft thumb has finally healed from burn but it’s left a scar.
2:40p- I can tell school is just letting out. Waiting room is starting to fill up. It’s getting noisy. Sadly, most adults are staring at their phones or talking on them. I find it humorous that a dad can scold his son in a foreign language for throwing a toy after he was told not to do it again while keeping a calm tone and none of the other English speaking adults have a clue what’s he’s doing. Makes the child sit a while then gives him a kiss on head and tells him he loves him. Morayah
3:05p- starting to get nervous. I have three hours to get ready for banquet tonight and kids are still not done. Can feel my face getting flushed.
3:15p- kids finally done. Now to rush home to change pick up food and head to church.
10:48p- overall tonight went well. I started to feel a little week in knees around 4:30. realized still hadn’t eaten. Joe made me eat some pretzels. Dezirae took pics for me. Ladies all jumped in and helped with food set up and clean up. Several of the girls gave me Valentine’s cards. It was so sweet. I wasn’t even expecting it.
I’m exhausted. Feet throbbing. Rt hip hurts. Hands tingly. Headache. Toes freezing. Upper back pins and needles. Thirsty. Ankles ache. Can’t think straight. Center of chest hurts. Rt arm aches. Legs hurt.
Mrs. Sooter was telling us about keifer. Suppose to be easy and very healthy for you. I’ll have to check it out.
Wow! The exact moment lightning strikes water.
Feb 15
Treating Candidiasis…
*Sleep 8-10 hours nightly
*Take 1000 mg Vitamin C 2x daily
*Drink water with lemon juice(1TBS) – 4-6oz every 45 minutes to stay well hydrated
*Take Epsom Salt Bath (3-4 cups) nightly
*Take 1 t Diatomaceous Earth 3x daily just before meals
*Rotate between herbs: grapefruit seed extract, zinc, biotin, oregano oil, olive leaf extract, GI Microbe X, and undecylenic acid. Take herbs 3xs daily for 1 to 2 weeks then rotate.
*Sinus Issues: Oil pulling (2 TBS coconut oil with 1 drop Frankincense or lemon oil)
*Headaches: Rub Frankincense oil on temples, forehead, and back of neck
*Skin Rashes: Make Skin Rescue Cream with almond oil, coconut oil, and tea tree oil. Bentonite Clay Mask (1 t Bentonite Clay, 1/4 t Apple Cider Vinegar, 1 t raw honey, 2 drops Lavendar oil, and little water). Apply mask to face. Allow to dry for 10-15 minutes. Wash off with warm water. Pat face dry.
9:00a- I guess ydays events wore me out. I slept until 7am. Having trouble waking up. Hands numbish & tingly, low rt hip aches, skin itches
11:00a- trying to cut up green apple for snack cut two fingers on lft hand when rt hand jerked and I missed the apple! Kids to rescue. Both told me that I didn’t need to be cutting things. That’s the third cut this week. Dezirae finished cutting up apple. Sweet.
Thankful they’re homeschooling to help me out.
1:30p- Spent time this morning trying work on getting taxes ready to take to CPA. All the numbers blurr after while. Redoing calculations multiple times even though using computer. Typing numbers and letters flipped or backwards making at times frustrating. If I look at negative, I get upset bc I used to do this for companies before you could punch info into online system. If I look at postive, I’m thankful to be able to at least prepare and gather info though not without struggles for our CPA to do it. Too much stress now. Anxiouses me out!
Anyhow, even in the valley God is good.
Have to rest my brain for a while. My brain is a bit blurry and spinning. Upper body aches and pains. Rt hip aches. Headache coming on.
Told kids they were on their own for lunch. Both agreed that was fine bc plenty of leftovers in fridge.
2:30p- recvd call from sweet friend I haven’t talked to in a while. I enjoyed the phone call. Got my mind off in another direction for a change. Refreshing.
5:50p- just finished up painting Dezirae’s room. Looks pretty good though I know I’ll have few touch ups later. Struggled a bit today pushing roller. Glad this part is finally done.
I’m ready for my house to look halfway decent. It’s a mess! Dezirae keeps thanking me. I’ve been talking about it for over a year now. Pushing myself to keep a promise. Next step is to get new comforter & curtains. Actually, it’s put her room back together & get it out of livingroom.
I’m exhausted and really hurting all over. Hands swollen and achy. Low back throbbing. Arms hurt. Feet freezing & throbbing. Skin itches. Eyes blurry. Upper back pins and needles. Muscles sore all over. Headache.
Yea, I know. If you know you’re gonna hurt afterwards why do it? Because I love my kids! A promise made is a promise kept. We’ve struggled since the strike, but I think it’s brought our family once again closer.
11:14p- I’m exhausted and really hurting, but not like I thought I would. Might hurt more before night’s over, but I feel like I finally got a big task accomplished! Thank you, Lord!
2:18a- woke up at 6:30. My alarm didn’t go off as normal my phone just vibrated but I heard it. Snoozed like 3 times before getting up. Took shower. Got ready. Took rx. Swished with coconut & oregano oil for thrush. Tongue looking much better just a little more to go. I’m feeling better.
9:00a- went to check on mission house to make sure it was ready for a missionary this afternoon. My world was turned upside down and off kilter. Looked like someone got in house left crumbs on table & stove that molded. Someone turned off a/c units and mold was everywhere! I told Dezirae we were gonna have to clean it. Went & told Joe. Entire family jumped in to help wipe whole house down & clean it back up. Need a better vacuum & dust pan. Got it clean but am exhausted and hurting!
1:00p- Upper back is stinging needles. Can’t sleep when it hurts like that. Have to also start decorating for Valentine’s dinner on Thursday.
11:00p- I’m exhausted but having trouble falling asleep. Whole body hurting. Hands swollen and achy and tingling. Skin itchy, eyes watering, rt hip throbbing like toothache, low back throbbing.
Had dinner with missionaries. Enjoyed listening to everyone talking. I’m ready to crash just wish I could.
Feb 11
7:00a- woke with headache. hands swollen, achy, & tingly. Rt hip & back aches. Muscles twitching throughout body. Eyes watery. Chilling sensation in center of chest. Face itches. Center of chest hurts. Neck hurts. Slightly congested.
9:00a- kids were sweet and brought me breakfast in bed.
10:30a- able to get Valentine’s care package in mail for Jakob today.
11:30- working on next item for taxes…my brain and eyes are already feeling blurry and my speech is messed up (making up words, reversing letters & numbers, etc). Called tuna “turkey” and told the kids to squinch it to make it go farther. Jordon asked what that meant. I told him I had no idea just made it up. I meant to tell them try to make it go farther but couldn’t remember word to use. Lol!
*It’s important to learn to laugh at ones self or you’ll die of frustration and embarrassment. Don’t misunderstand bc I do get quite embarrassed at times especially in public, but I’m working on learning how to love myself inspite of my shortcomings.
12:30- turned wrong and whole body cramping. Severe cramping on right side. Oh, it hurts so!!! Joe told me to check to make sure I’m taking enough calcium and magnesium. Told him I expected it bc I overdid it this weekend with walking too much on Saturday, having to clean mission trailer unexpectedly on Sunday and decorating for Valentine’s dinner.
2:59- need to rest a bit. Brain is swimming & headache in beginning to surface. Upper back is throbbing and stinging slightly. Neck hurts. Legs and feet are freezing. It’s 71 inside. Craving fried lentils. Weird.
8:00p- spot on head hurting bad. Checked in mirror. Barely touched and it popped. Ugh! Cleaned it as best I could. Can only hold my arms up for a short while before they throb like a toothache. Applied Frankincense oil to keep infection away.
11:49p- stinging pain in hands, skin feels itchy, headache, and head hurts, chest feels like my ribs are caught together. My body feels hot to touch but I’m freezing.
It’s really hard to fall asleep when there’s stinging pain. When I overdo it, I suffer for next two or three days depending on how bad I overdo. It’s just my new normal.
Not complaining in the least. I pray God can use this for His glory. If I can bring awareness and help others along the way then so be it. Tonight is one of the nights I’ll probably have to take pain rx & relaxer to get to sleep.
Feb 12
7:00a- woke from a nightmare! Hands numb & tingling. Neck hurts. Tired. Cold.
7:59a- sitting in bed reading. Nose starts bleeding. So wish I could figure out cause. Nerves are tingly thru body.
8:05a- nosebleed lasted about 3 minutes. Now I have a headache.
It’s a good thing to give thanks to the Lord and sing praises to His name (if only I could remember rest of the song).
10:07a- having seemingly allergy attack this morning – major trouble with sinuses all of a sudden. Only things I’ve had so far is my medicine/vitamins (Edarbyclor, probiotic, alpha lipoic acid, b complex, propranolol, b-12), grits n egg, water. I don’t understand. Drinking cup of hot green decaf tea with peppermint and copabia oils to see it’ll help. Gotta figure out how to heal my neurological system.
11:19a- Just finished posting rest of journal entries for September 2017. Need to rest my brain. Eyes & brain feel blurry and swimish.
11:45a- I have a headache. I have a headache. hey-hey-hey-hey
12:43p- serious indigestion. Eating yogurt to calm it.
3:00p- managed to paint 2nd wall in Dezirae’s room, but I’m done for rest of day. Out of breath, brain swimming, unable to focus much, gait off, need to rest.
5:00p- trouble getting rice to cook. Forgot to replace lid so it took like forever to cook – way past 30 minutes. Kids had my kitchen hijacked to work on their valentine boxes for co-op tomorrow. I have no idea what we’re going to bring.
6:49p – Second wall painted today. I know pic isn’t very good. It’s coming along.
11:19p- lower back is throbbing like toothache. Took rx & melatonin. May need heating pad, but I’m really hot so I’m trying to avoid more heat. Even turned on box fan which I’m not feeling much of. It’s on Joe’s side. Head hurts. Hands tingly. Skin itchy. Feet hurt. Neck hurts. Diffusing Lavendar oil.
Thrush still not completely gone but it’s much better. Taking Echinacea. Though I think I forgot to today. Did swish with oil of oregano & coconut oil this morning. Upper chest aching & tense. Rt side cramping. Feet throbbing. Hiccups?