Lightning Strike Recovery Journal Entries 2019 Feb 22-24

Feb 22

6:51a- Had Joe rub pain relief essential oils blend on back and I cried myself to sleep last night around  10pm. Not sure what time I fell asleep but I slept soundly until 5am. Pain had diminished but I still hurt greatly. 

Legs feel like lead but I haven’t even gotten up yet. Middle and lower back throbbing. Neck hurts. Headache not as bad but still there. Eyes watery. Lft ear ringing. Stomach stopped hurting. Muscles twitching throughout body. Need to get mind off pain. Stuffy nose. Calves throbbing.

Thank you, Lord, for the sweet sleep.

Tender moments of my husband’s care make me love him all the more. ❤

5:30p- Joe was sweet and brought home pizza for dinner. He makes my heart skip beats. ☺

Found this article interesting.

Are You a Human Barometer?  Feeling the Migraine Pressure

10:13p- Still trying to work on Dezirae’s room. Washed 5 loads today. Told her that was too much. Needs to purge. Feeling it now. I’m really hurting all over! 

News had a story about a pastor that was struck by lightning in Birmingham recently. He had a short stay in the hospital but no lasting effects. 

Tried new regimen for getting rid of candida. Baking soda water mouth rinse. Take probiotic. Wait 15 minutes. Take Diatomaceous Earth. Wait 1 hour. Take morning meds. D.E. gave me some energy today. I guess that’s why I felt like I could do the laundry. Got to remember to not push it. Ugh! Now whole body is throbbing. Chest and torso pain so much. Need to take pain rx, muscle relaxer, night meds and go to bed. Gotta muster up strength to get out of chair to go to bed.

Feb 23

9:38a- woke in great pain…arms hands legs back neck. Migraine. Gait is wobbly. Need something but don’t know what. Stomach hurts.  

Managed to make waffles for breakfast for kids. I ate scrambled egg.

So sleepy.

11:42p- migraine starting to ease. Lft cut on ring finger is oozing pus. Need to put baindaid on it. Overall lethargic.

Wearing sunglasses inside.

3:30p- managed to eat ramen soup for lunch. Had kids make their own lunch. Crashed on chair in livingroom while watching movie. I know I have things that need to be done, but I don’t function well with migraine in tow. Headache eased slightly.  Dezirae hung out with me. Think she took nap too. Mom came over to check on me. I woke when she opened door. 

5:00- Mom made spaghetti for us for dinner to help me out. Sweet. Realized why I hurt so bad – overdid it yday – cleaned my bathroom floor and washed 5 loads laundry. Gotta remember to only do so much when I do feel good. 

11:29p- Dezirae’s been wanting to make homemade face mask with bentonite clay and asked me to do it with her. I checked ingredients. Thought it was okay. Dezirae had a reaction and made her face all red, burning feeling & itchy. Had her wash face with cool water. My face not as bad of reaction. Applied aloe no good. Wash face with warm hypoallergenic soapy water and cloth. Gave benadryl. Took 30 minutes or so face to calm down. Apply hypoallergenic hydrating lotion. Be while for trying that again. 

As I was finishing up bulletin and posting on blog heard thunder. Frightened me. Hurried up and turned off electronics and unplugged them. Going to my safe place.

Chest throbbing, indigestion, stomach hurts, throat hurts, hands swollen and achy, rt hip hurts, headache, feet cold, pain rx not easing pain. So sleepy, lack of concentration, low back throbbing.

Feb 24

12:30a- stinging pain in hands and wrists, calves throbbing, stinging needle pain in back, rt ear ringing

8:19a- woke around 6:30 thinking I overslept. Calves throbbing. Muscles twitching thru body. Hands swollen and throbbing. 

Discovered if I eat something small before I take my meds my stomach doesn’t hurt as bad. Stuffy and congested. Headache.

Cut on lft ring finger is now blistering just like the burn on my thumb did.  Thunb 

12:30p- actually played 2 hymns this morning with more than 2 sharps. I usually can’t do this but recenlty not able to explain how or why can transpose some hymns and play it. I only ever took about 1 year of piano lessons when little. Everything else I learned on my own. Not good with timing only play how I’ve heard it sung before.

4:30p- took nap after lunch about 2 hours. Dezirae helped me prep mission house for missionary on Thursday. Finding if I make lists of things I need to get done it helps me stay focused enough to complete tasks.  

6:23p- eyes blurring, headache, coughing, rt ear ringing, feeling a bit dizzy

10:27p- case of hiccups are giving me stinging needle pain in my back. Ouch!

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