Feb 10
2:18a- woke up at 6:30. My alarm didn’t go off as normal my phone just vibrated but I heard it. Snoozed like 3 times before getting up. Took shower. Got ready. Took rx. Swished with coconut & oregano oil for thrush. Tongue looking much better just a little more to go. I’m feeling better.
9:00a- went to check on mission house to make sure it was ready for a missionary this afternoon. My world was turned upside down and off kilter. Looked like someone got in house left crumbs on table & stove that molded. Someone turned off a/c units and mold was everywhere! I told Dezirae we were gonna have to clean it. Went & told Joe. Entire family jumped in to help wipe whole house down & clean it back up. Need a better vacuum & dust pan. Got it clean but am exhausted and hurting!
1:00p- Upper back is stinging needles. Can’t sleep when it hurts like that. Have to also start decorating for Valentine’s dinner on Thursday.
11:00p- I’m exhausted but having trouble falling asleep. Whole body hurting. Hands swollen and achy and tingling. Skin itchy, eyes watering, rt hip throbbing like toothache, low back throbbing.
Had dinner with missionaries. Enjoyed listening to everyone talking. I’m ready to crash just wish I could.
Feb 11
7:00a- woke with headache. hands swollen, achy, & tingly. Rt hip & back aches. Muscles twitching throughout body. Eyes watery. Chilling sensation in center of chest. Face itches. Center of chest hurts. Neck hurts. Slightly congested.
9:00a- kids were sweet and brought me breakfast in bed.
10:30a- able to get Valentine’s care package in mail for Jakob today.
11:30- working on next item for taxes…my brain and eyes are already feeling blurry and my speech is messed up (making up words, reversing letters & numbers, etc). Called tuna “turkey” and told the kids to squinch it to make it go farther. Jordon asked what that meant. I told him I had no idea just made it up. I meant to tell them try to make it go farther but couldn’t remember word to use. Lol!
*It’s important to learn to laugh at ones self or you’ll die of frustration and embarrassment. Don’t misunderstand bc I do get quite embarrassed at times especially in public, but I’m working on learning how to love myself inspite of my shortcomings.
12:30- turned wrong and whole body cramping. Severe cramping on right side. Oh, it hurts so!!! Joe told me to check to make sure I’m taking enough calcium and magnesium. Told him I expected it bc I overdid it this weekend with walking too much on Saturday, having to clean mission trailer unexpectedly on Sunday and decorating for Valentine’s dinner.
2:59- need to rest a bit. Brain is swimming & headache in beginning to surface. Upper back is throbbing and stinging slightly. Neck hurts. Legs and feet are freezing. It’s 71 inside. Craving fried lentils. Weird.
8:00p- spot on head hurting bad. Checked in mirror. Barely touched and it popped. Ugh! Cleaned it as best I could. Can only hold my arms up for a short while before they throb like a toothache. Applied Frankincense oil to keep infection away.
11:49p- stinging pain in hands, skin feels itchy, headache, and head hurts, chest feels like my ribs are caught together. My body feels hot to touch but I’m freezing.
It’s really hard to fall asleep when there’s stinging pain. When I overdo it, I suffer for next two or three days depending on how bad I overdo. It’s just my new normal.
Not complaining in the least. I pray God can use this for His glory. If I can bring awareness and help others along the way then so be it. Tonight is one of the nights I’ll probably have to take pain rx & relaxer to get to sleep.
Feb 12
7:00a- woke from a nightmare! Hands numb & tingling. Neck hurts. Tired. Cold.
7:59a- sitting in bed reading. Nose starts bleeding. So wish I could figure out cause. Nerves are tingly thru body.
8:05a- nosebleed lasted about 3 minutes. Now I have a headache.
It’s a good thing to give thanks to the Lord and sing praises to His name
(if only I could remember rest of the song).
10:07a- having seemingly allergy attack this morning – major trouble with sinuses all of a sudden. Only things I’ve had so far is my medicine/vitamins (Edarbyclor, probiotic, alpha lipoic acid, b complex, propranolol, b-12), grits n egg, water. I don’t understand. Drinking cup of hot green decaf tea with peppermint and copabia oils to see it’ll help. Gotta figure out how to heal my neurological system.
11:19a- Just finished posting rest of journal entries for September 2017. Need to rest my brain. Eyes & brain feel blurry and swimish.
11:45a- I have a headache. I have a headache. hey-hey-hey-hey
12:43p- serious indigestion. Eating yogurt to calm it.
3:00p- managed to paint 2nd wall in Dezirae’s room, but I’m done for rest of day. Out of breath, brain swimming, unable to focus much, gait off, need to rest.
5:00p- trouble getting rice to cook. Forgot to replace lid so it took like forever to cook – way past 30 minutes. Kids had my kitchen hijacked to work on their valentine boxes for co-op tomorrow. I have no idea what we’re going to bring.
6:49p – Second wall painted today. I know pic isn’t very good. It’s coming along.

11:19p- lower back is throbbing like toothache. Took rx & melatonin. May need heating pad, but I’m really hot so I’m trying to avoid more heat. Even turned on box fan which I’m not feeling much of. It’s on Joe’s side. Head hurts. Hands tingly. Skin itchy. Feet hurt. Neck hurts. Diffusing Lavendar oil.
Thrush still not completely gone but it’s much better. Taking Echinacea. Though I think I forgot to today. Did swish with oil of oregano & coconut oil this morning. Upper chest aching & tense. Rt side cramping. Feet throbbing. Hiccups?