Feb 13
6:15p- very rough night. Fell asleep out of pure exhaustion after midnight. Woke at 2:30 in xtreme pain. Ended up in Embryo pose to try to relieve the lower back pain.
Woke again shortly after 6 burning up but freezing. Need to get potatoes on. I hurt all over. Legs are throbbing. Low back rt side aches.
8:12a- put potato casserole in slow cooker and went back to bed. I hurt so much & so tired. Phone is grand central station this morning. Pain intense but I need to function. Will probably take rx.
10:00a- Co-op Valentine’s Party. Kids had fun. Able to help fellow co-op mom with Abeka 2nd grade reader book. Relearned one friend works at one of local hospitals. Told me to call her if I ever need to go to ER again. She will call ahead for me to get me through faster. Pretty neat though I hope I don’t have to.
Another friend’s husband works at local paint store. His store sells miscolored paint for three dollars a gallon. Wow!
Another friend brought me TT Algebra DVDs to check out for son next year. Gonna let me get them for very affordable price. Thank you , Lord.
Another friend impromptu invited us over to her house for fellowship for couple hours after party. Our sons are friends at co-op. I gladly accepted because we don’t get invited to people’s homes much. It’s nice having friends that accept you at face value.
It’s been a blessed day so far.
Brain fog supplements
2:30p- Got home and crashed for a while. I’m exhausted. Dezirae even took nap. Joe snoozed a little bit. He’s been working long hours past couple weeks.
3:30p- Had potatoes leftover from Valentine’s Party so I added ingredients to make soup. Let it stew for while while I relaxed a bit.
4:00p- Asked Joe to feel my rt hip where it was throbbing. Says I have a knot in the muscle. Don’t know how it got there or what causes it.
4:30p- Went with Joe to run errands for church plus pick up few additional items for dinner. Bump into church couple. Chit chat for few minutes. Boots no grip I turned corner while walking behind buggy and slid almost fell. Ouch! Stopped in tracks for while now I hurt worse. Just want to get done and go home. Place is much busier than my comfort zone.
6:30p- Discover that I somehow managed to ruin the potato soup the milk curddled. Ugh! Family gracious bc we’re also having BLTs. Joe & kids serve me bx I’m hurting so bad.
9:00p- Decide to soak in Epsom Salt Bath. It helps itchy skin but rt hip is still throbbing.
11:14p- I’m exhausted but still awake. Stomach aching. Low back throbbing. Rt hip throbbing. Feet hurting. Hands achy. Neck aches. Head hurts little. Brain foggy and swimmerish.
Took stabilized liquid oxygen treatment twice today
Feb 14
7:30a- I actually slept 7 straight hours last night. It felt good to sleep that long. I hurt all over. Don’t feel like getting up but know I need to. Need to get food ready for dinner at church tonight.
John 13:34-35
A new commandment I give unto you, That ye love one another; as I have loved you, that ye also love one another. By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another.
10:00a- Dezirae helped me make the brownies. I decided to double the box by using my penny pincher recipe.
I started putting the rigatoni together to cook in crockpot, but ended up splitting the skin under my nail when I accidentally jammed my finger on the pyrex measuring cup. Ouch! Dezirae came to the rescue and finished putting it together while I told her what needed to be done. We washed up the dishes we dirtied so we don’t have to do it later. My back is now throbbing so I need to rest a bit.
Joe came inside after helping my Dad finish cleaning his roof. I heard him talking to Jordon but was finishing up at kitchen sink (I’m praying for a working dishwasher). He started to talk to me and scared me to death! I screamed!!! Now my nerves are jumpy and I hurt more. Joe gave me hug and apologized while chuckling. I’m sure normally it’d be funny but not when I hurt.
1:30p- both kids have dentist apt today. Sitting while they’re getting cavities filled. My upper back is stinging & throbbing. Headache. Neck hurts. Lights are too bright. Hands throbbing. I just realized I forgot to eat anything so far today. I think I’ve only drank 16oz of fluid. Gotta work on that. I’m rarely hungry anymore.
Can hear woman’s phone vibrating in her purse from across the room.
My eyes hurt. Center of chest now hurting.
2:03p- my lft thumb has finally healed from burn but it’s left a scar.
2:40p- I can tell school is just letting out. Waiting room is starting to fill up. It’s getting noisy. Sadly, most adults are staring at their phones or talking on them. I find it humorous that a dad can scold his son in a foreign language for throwing a toy after he was told not to do it again while keeping a calm tone and none of the other English speaking adults have a clue what’s he’s doing. Makes the child sit a while then gives him a kiss on head and tells him he loves him. Morayah
3:05p- starting to get nervous. I have three hours to get ready for banquet tonight and kids are still not done. Can feel my face getting flushed.
3:15p- kids finally done. Now to rush home to change pick up food and head to church.
10:48p- overall tonight went well. I started to feel a little week in knees around 4:30. realized still hadn’t eaten. Joe made me eat some pretzels. Dezirae took pics for me. Ladies all jumped in and helped with food set up and clean up. Several of the girls gave me Valentine’s cards. It was so sweet. I wasn’t even expecting it.
I’m exhausted. Feet throbbing. Rt hip hurts. Hands tingly. Headache. Toes freezing. Upper back pins and needles. Thirsty. Ankles ache. Can’t think straight. Center of chest hurts. Rt arm aches. Legs hurt.
Mrs. Sooter was telling us about keifer. Suppose to be easy and very healthy for you. I’ll have to check it out.
Wow! The exact moment lightning strikes water.
Feb 15
Treating Candidiasis…
*Sleep 8-10 hours nightly
*Take 1000 mg Vitamin C 2x daily
*Drink water with lemon juice(1TBS) – 4-6oz every 45 minutes to stay well hydrated
*Take Epsom Salt Bath (3-4 cups) nightly
*Take 1 t Diatomaceous Earth 3x daily just before meals
*Take probiotic (Saccharomyces boulardii) 2xs daily
*Rotate between herbs: grapefruit seed extract, zinc, biotin, oregano oil, olive leaf extract, GI Microbe X, and undecylenic acid. Take herbs 3xs daily for 1 to 2 weeks then rotate.
Subduing Die Off Symptoms-
*Sinus Issues: Oil pulling (2 TBS coconut oil with 1 drop Frankincense or lemon oil)
*Headaches: Rub Frankincense oil on temples, forehead, and back of neck
*Skin Rashes: Make Skin Rescue Cream with almond oil, coconut oil, and tea tree oil. Bentonite Clay Mask (1 t Bentonite Clay, 1/4 t Apple Cider Vinegar, 1 t raw honey, 2 drops Lavendar oil, and little water). Apply mask to face. Allow to dry for 10-15 minutes. Wash off with warm water. Pat face dry.
9:00a- I guess ydays events wore me out. I slept until 7am. Having trouble waking up. Hands numbish & tingly, low rt hip aches, skin itches
11:00a- trying to cut up green apple for snack cut two fingers on lft hand when rt hand jerked and I missed the apple! Kids to rescue. Both told me that I didn’t need to be cutting things. That’s the third cut this week. Dezirae finished cutting up apple. Sweet.
Thankful they’re homeschooling to help me out.
1:30p- Spent time this morning trying work on getting taxes ready to take to CPA. All the numbers blurr after while. Redoing calculations multiple times even though using computer. Typing numbers and letters flipped or backwards making at times frustrating. If I look at negative, I get upset bc I used to do this for companies before you could punch info into online system. If I look at postive, I’m thankful to be able to at least prepare and gather info though not without struggles for our CPA to do it. Too much stress now. Anxiouses me out!
Anyhow, even in the valley God is good.
Have to rest my brain for a while. My brain is a bit blurry and spinning. Upper body aches and pains. Rt hip aches. Headache coming on.
Told kids they were on their own for lunch. Both agreed that was fine bc plenty of leftovers in fridge.
2:30p- recvd call from sweet friend I haven’t talked to in a while. I enjoyed the phone call. Got my mind off in another direction for a change. Refreshing.
5:50p- just finished up painting Dezirae’s room. Looks pretty good though I know I’ll have few touch ups later. Struggled a bit today pushing roller. Glad this part is finally done.
I’m ready for my house to look halfway decent. It’s a mess! Dezirae keeps thanking me. I’ve been talking about it for over a year now. Pushing myself to keep a promise. Next step is to get new comforter & curtains. Actually, it’s put her room back together & get it out of livingroom.
I’m exhausted and really hurting all over. Hands swollen and achy. Low back throbbing. Arms hurt. Feet freezing & throbbing. Skin itches. Eyes blurry. Upper back pins and needles. Muscles sore all over. Headache.
Yea, I know. If you know you’re gonna hurt afterwards why do it? Because I love my kids! A promise made is a promise kept. We’ve struggled since the strike, but I think it’s brought our family once again closer.
11:14p- I’m exhausted and really hurting, but not like I thought I would. Might hurt more before night’s over, but I feel like I finally got a big task accomplished! Thank you, Lord!