Feb 19
Mom took me to GNC – no, no scratch that – took me to Health Hut to talk to the guy about my thrush. he said when he was younger (so wish I could remember the details. So much information to process is hard to retain. It’s not that I’m not trying to focus I look people in eye so they know I’m trying too much info at once gets lost in my brain somewhere or maybe it goes out the other ear) somebody that he knew had thrush she would take liquid acidophilus. He said I needed to alkaline my system and suggested I take a teaspoon of baking soda in water use it as a mouth wash in am wait 15 minutes then take probiotic. Wait for 5 to 10 minutes before eating early in morning.
I’m sure I messed up some of that info but this is what comes out. Supposedly a goo roo dr in either Birmingham or Atlanta says that besides reducing gluten, yeasts, processed foods, sugars one also needs to avoid block cheeses and vinegars because they’re made with yeast. Good grief!
Feb 20
9:07a- Crazy morning! I set my alarm for 6:30 so I could be ready to leave for co-op by 8:40 but that didn’t happen. I never heard the alarm! Woke at 7:30. Had to get a pkg ready for mail but too big for mailbox. Ugh!
Gluten free toast for breakfast. Tasted pretty good.
Getting bag ready for co-op realized I forgot to laminate the maps for geography class. Have to bring my laminator and pages with me. I can do it first hour.
I was going to freshen my memory for the Bible study I’m doing with another mom but that didn’t happen. Ugh! Lord, please go before me and help me say the right things. Help me be an encourager and show You can be our strength in time of need. I am nothing but You are everything.
11:15a- Missed 2 phone calls because hands were full. I found the check I misplaced. It was right where I put it (computer bag). Phone calls were reminders for Dr apts tomorrow and that I have Rx ready to be picked up.
Bible study went well. It was encouraging to me as well. I enjoy being able to talk about God without reservation. I also like learning. If money were no option, I’d be a lifetime student. Need to find a hobby.
Slight headache. Eyes feel blurry. Scattered thoughts. Hands swollen and achy. Rt hip throbbing.
3:00p- felt odd after eating late lunch yucky feeling all over and as if I were to faint. I don’t ever remember fainting so that would be weird. Decided to lay down for half hour. Never fell asleep.
Remember that I needed to mail pkg at p.o. Burning pain in middle of lower back. Wore out from todays events.
10:39p- wide awake, hands swollen and achy, lower & middle back aches, head hurts.
Trying something different to get rid of thrush. Swishing with baking soda water in am. Taking 50 billion culture probiotic (has to be refrigerated). Wait 15 minutes to eat breakfast. Swishing with baking soda water in pm. Taking 1 Tbs Diatomaceous Earth in pm. I think tongue is already looking better. I hope to be over this stuff soon.
Chest hurts, neck hurts, rt side aches.
Feb 21
Edarbyclor $203.57 (3) =610.71
Dexliant $202.66 (1) = 202.66
Relpax $64.27 (5) = 321.25
Nasonex $69.83 (3) = 209.49
Fluconazole $12.67 (7) = 88.75
Total =$1,432.86
Cash paid – $19.50
Amount saved – $1,413.36 WOW! Thank you, Lord!