Feb 27
8:45a- woke at 6:30 muscles spazing in legs. Back throbbing. Headaches. Spring is in the air my sinuses are amuck. Neck and chest hurt when I cough. Co-op today for kids. They are so excited they want to be there early! For the moment, I choose to be thankful for God’s faithfulness and mercies for they are new every morning.
1:00- co-op went well today. Bunch of families out sick. I enjoy the US Geography class. Kids learning states and their capitals. I was able to do the game with kids today. Had fun.
The class really stretches my brain and gives headache. Have to rest a while when I get home.
Feeling weak, rt hip throbbing, tailbone throbbing, headache, rt arm hurts, hands swollen and achy, neck hurts, shoulders tight, pain in left center of chest.
Cat nap lasted about 10 minutes if that. Received call from Jakob. Got cut short because Joe was calling him. Figures.
9:51p- Jakob called back later. Needed help with his taxes. Unable to comprehend all he’s telling me. He said just him being able to talk it out with me helped. It probably would be better if I could see what he’s talking about. It was nice to be able to talk with him bc it’s been a long time since we talk that long. I miss my Bubba.
I’m exhausted but awake. In bed by 9:30. Lower half of body throbbing and tingling. Upper left side of chest throbbing. Rt shoulder hurts. Thrush still there. Headache. Dr apt tomorrow. Left shin & foot going numb feels weird.
10:15p- arms stinging
Feb 28
5:51a- woke at 2am & 5am. Woke from unsettling dream (only thing I remember is that I had argument with best friend and I was driving down wrong side of road thinking I was on right side). Muscles randomly twitching thru body, tears escaping my eyes, headache, need to get some sleep.
7:42a- pain is great today…must be dreary weather. Nervous about Dr apt. Need to have him fill out paperwork for atty. Don’t recall being asked any of the questions before. Lord, I need thee every hour!
8:45a- Dr apt. Bp 113/69 hrt 69 weight 198 temp 97.7
The nurse, Joseph, had never met lightning survivor. Struggling remembering how old I am. I think it’s irrelevant, but they keep asking me. Still trips me up everytime. Mom had to explain why I had trouble remembering. Jospeh (I can remember his name bc it’s my husband’s name)
Saw someone familiar in hallway but I couldn’t place why I knew him. Told nurse that he looked familiar but I have no clue why. Dezirae kindly reminded me that he was from my TBI group. Oh, but I still don’t remember his name.
When mom explained why I had struggle with memory. The guy got excited. He thought it was cool but not cool I was injured. I told him I understood – it’s cool from a medical aspect. He never met a lightning survivor so he asked for my story.
Thrush has improved but I have to wait one week then take 2nd round of medicine. I’m sick of medicine.
12:05p- Dr didn’t fill out paperwork. Atty said not to worry. They’ll build case on medical records.
Chest in between shoulder blades just below chin just popped. Ouch! Feet are freezing!
7:25p- sharp pain left center of chest