March 1
7:00a- woke with tailbone stinging burning pain. Feet feel like I’m walking on needles.
Song on mind 🎶Jesus What a Wondeful Name🎶& 🎶It’s a good day to give thanks to the Lord and sing praises to His name in the morning (can’t remember any more)🎶
10:02a decided to try to declutter bedroom. Washing two loads. Sewed button on suit pants. Empty trash. Get kids focused on schoolwork and morning chores. Put some clothes away. I’m exhausted now, but feel like I accomplished a little. Whole body aches. Feet dont feel like pins and needles anymore but do ache a little. Tailbone aches. Rt hip aches. Hands swollen and achy. Wobbly. Brain blurry and hurts some. Need to rest a bit before I can do more.
Since the stike, it’s very difficult for me to drive at night. The lights still bother my eyes and it’s hard to focus. Lightning survivor friend suggested I get optomapping done at next eye exam.
The benefits of having an optomap ultra-widefield retinal image taken are:- optomap facilitates early protection from vision impairment or blindness- Early detection of life-threatening diseases like cancer, stroke, and cardiovascular disease
The unique optomap ultra-widefield view helps your eye care practitioner detect early signs of retinal disease more effectively and efficiently than with traditional eye exams
11:00a- icy sensation in center of back
1:04p- just finished making homemade bisquick mix & homemade cake mix. I cheat a little and use my ninja to mix it up. Not able to mix it physically anymore without causing much pain. Decided to make homemade peanut butter cake. Dezirae volunteered to make the icing when it’s time.I’m physically exhausted and must rest for a while. Hands and arms throbbing pain. Center of chest starting to feel icy.I may be physically exhausted presently but my spirit is happy cuz the mixes will last a month or two before I need to make more. Learning to live frugally has it’s perks! ☺
1:52p- have to crash for a little while rt ear ringing, neck hurts, headache
2:08p- just realized that I forgot to eat anything so far
7:25p- put my feet next to Joe. I thought he was going to jump out of his skin. Said my feet are like ice! Lol.
10:50p- rt eye twitching, lower back throbbing, rt hip hurts, getting tired, neck hurts – used pain rub on it
March 2
5:00a- woke in sweat from nightmare. Only remember bits and pieces…running for my life…trying to rescue a child from kidnapper…being kidnapped – when I woke the verse “lead me to the rock that is higher than I for thou hast been a shelter for me” was repeating in my mind. Whole body was tense and burning pain. Tailbone throbbing. I guess I moaned bc Joe started rubbing my back which helped to ease tense muscles. Muscles twitching/spazzing in legs.
2:58p- starting to feel weird and a bit dizzy. Need to rest a bit.
10:38- finished printing bulletin I’m going to bed
11:37p- rt hip throbbing, tired, low back aches, noticed I’ve developed a rash in middle of chest
Does anyone have vision problems since their strike? Yes, I notice it more when I try to focus in on something – vision gets blurry & my brain feels foggy/jumbled. I struggle with reading things because I now see words/letters backwards or it doesn’t register first time or words that aren’t really there. Oh, and forget flashy signs…lights too bright and words move too fast.
March 3
6:30a- woke with slight headache, stuffy nose, calves cramping, neck hurts, back aches, rt ear ringing🎶It’s a gpod thing to give thanks to the Lord and sing praises to His name in the morning we will…🎶 If only I could remember the rest of it.
7:30a- taking showers tire me out and make me feel weak. Gotta remember to be thankful in all things (1 Thessalonians 5:18).
8:30a- I’m not feeling so good…headache, weak, overall yucky It’s very dreary & foggy outside.
2:00p- tried to lay down to take nap but that didn’t happen…couldn’t sleep and wind boisterous outside.
3:00p- decided to do some work at my desk. Able to get couple of things done before it started thundering and lightning. Unplugged computer right away. Too much have to go away from windows and plugs. Went to fellowship hall. Worked on cutting out letters for bulletin board. Had Dezirae help me.
4:30p- decided to try to lay back down for half hour to rest before people start coming for church. Didn’t sleep though.
10:30p- I’m exhausted but awake. Whole body aches. Neck hurts. Left shoulder blade area stiff & hurt. Toes freezing. Have socks on. Rt hip throbbing. Focus isn’t clear but able to plan meals for week with help. Rt ear ringing. Mom’s taking me shopping tomorrow & bank in am. I’d like to just have a whole day off to rest. Kids finally got their rooms clean this weekend. Now for them to keep it that way.
Only off rx 1 day and thrush is making vengeance comeback. If only I could find way to get rid of it once and for all. Only thing that seems to help feminine itching is an antifungal essential oils blend that I made. I’m convinced I have a compromised immune system, but have to wait one week without meds and then take another round of Rx before calling Dr.
Lord, please give wisdom to combat this. Thank you, Lord.