June 8
Habakkuk 3:18-19
Yet I will rejoice in the Lord, I will joy in the God of my salvation.
The Lord God is my strength, and he will make my feet like hinds’ feet, and he will make me to walk upon mine high places.
7:30a- rough night. Took while to fall asleep. Woke around 1:30a with severe indigestion that I almost vomited. Took while to fall asleep again.
Woke in severe pain. Breathing exercise. Knee Rock exercise. Supine Push. Trying to breath out pain.
Folded load of clothes. Arms and chest hurt to tears. Need to rest. Headache begin. Took morning meds and pain rx. Going back to bed.
8:30a- Joe graciously suggested I stay home and rest today. I’m thankful. I don’t think pushing myself would be good idea so much today. Yday activities & thunderstorms kicked my butt.
9:30a- pain rx is finally taking edge of pain. Nap helped too. Probably sleep more.
11:45a- father’s day presents arrived today. Yeah! I’m not gonna be late…now to not lose them.
4:00p- went to thrift store with my sister, mom, & daughter trying to help my sister shop for items needed in Nepal. Found couple things for myself. Got Joe pair dress socks for father’s day.
6:00p- Dezirae helped me fix dinner – tacos. Joe asked what happened because it’s not Tuesday. I just told him thought I’d be different (it’s been Taco Tuesday since the Lego movie). I don’t really remember what I was thinking.
6:45p- decided to take walk after dinner. Able to walk to stop sign and back with long pause in middle.
7:45p- homemade donuts with family. Nice to talk for while.
10:40p- finished bulletins, finished posting January to blog, took shower & going to bed
I’m flat wore out. Legs & feet aching. Rt hip aching. Low back throbbing. Hands swollen and achy. Rt middle back aching. Neck hurts. Chest throbbing. Skin itching.
June 9
7:00a- woke to muscles randomly spazzing thru body.
8:00a- right arm throbbing at minutest movement. Headache.
10:15a- I just got extremely tired as if I’m gonna crash. Don’t know why.
1:31p- laying down to take nap. Ears ringing. Just heard a snapping in my head and felt jolt from top of head to lft shoulder. Made me jump. Low back throbbing. Need to pass out a while.
5:00p- took nap til 3pm. Thanks to new program able to write research passages for scripture journaling on next subject for March. Started resesrching plans for VBS.
10:28p- did third set exercises and chest is now throbbing on top of headache I’ve had since I heard the pop in my head. Took pain rx.
Arms aching, low back throbbing, rt hip aching, legs ache, tourniquet feeling left lower leg, feet aching, headache, lights bothersome, head hurts, skin itches, feet cold, hands swollen and achy, rt ear throbbing