Lightning Strikes Journal Entries 20-21 June 2019

June 20

5:00a- woke in severe pain in rt hip & headache.

6:00a- took Naproxen, Joe applied pain rub to rt hip area – still throbbing

6:20a- applying ice pack to rt hip. Feet throbbing. Pain increaseth causing tears to leak out eyes. 

6:49a- lft ear ringing, head pounding, neck hurts, arms aching

8:30a- took nap. Head still pounding. Took migraine rx. Legs throbbing, neck hurts, rt hip throbbing, muscles spazzing randomly throughout body

1:00p- took 2nd nap.

2:00p- been hard to maneuver bc my legs feel like lead bricks today. Don’t know how to explain or cause. Migraine has eased. Still have slight headache. Things prepped for VBS mtg tonight (I think).

Feeling lethargic and weak presently.

Making D.E. drink. Maybe it’ll give me enough energy for rest of day.

4:00p- leave for church. Kids going to help with mission house. Recvd call letting me know Dr Shouppe, my chiropractor, passed away this morning.  🙁 He was one of only Dr’s that cared about my recovery.

11:55p- wide awake. Lower legs throbbing, tingly. Lower lft leg tourniquit tighten feeling. Lower back & rt hip aches, muscles randomly twitching thru body, neck hurts, hands ache, skin itchy, feet cold, head hurts

June 21

7am- woke from nightmare. Neck & rt hip throbbing, headache too. Muscle randomly twitching.

9:30a- going to The Explorium as family today. 

4:30p- saw new Dr today. Joe & I really like him. Very thorough. Did neck xray. Multiple muscle spams down spine from neck to lower back. Throat culture to check type of yeast in order to know how to treat. Took time to ask questions and listen.

He’s surprised that other Drs haven’t done much testing that should’ve already been done. Started today with neck xrays, throat culture (still battling thrush), fasting labs next week. Because I still battle vertigo, he said I most likely have inner ear damage.

Changing pain rx. Wants me off Naproxen as it could be a contributor to the thrush. Keep up with homeopathic/natural remedies for thrush. Increase Echinacea.  Glad I’m taking it.

Said other Dr should’ve treated me more strongly in beginning for thrush. Said there’s other things they should’ve already done but haven’t. Dr wants copies of file from other Dr.  I told him not sure wants in my file and explained what neurologist suggested. He was appalled. Told him they want to put me on botox, dementia rx, & antidepressants and I refused bc after research I felt side effects would’ve magnified symptoms. He said I did right for me.

Dr willing to learn and work with me treating one thing at a time. He’s okay with me using natural remedies. Dr says I have a good attitude considering all I’ve been thru…lucky to be alive. Told him I told Dr that God still has a purpose for me. Dr said, “He must have bc you’re still here.”

I thank the Lord for answered prayers!!! 

6:00p- exhausted! Resting until friends come in from out of town. Going to meet them for dinner.  

11:20p- had good visit. I’m exhausted.

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