Thankful that my salvation and help come from the Lord!

Life is hard. Kindness, courage, and love will help you prosper.
Thankful that my salvation and help come from the Lord!
June 14
7:00a- rt hip is throbbing!!! Tears leaking from eyes. Joe felt that it’s really swollen this morning. I must’ve overdid it yday. Ugh! Still trying to learn my limitations. Used pain roller blend to help ease pain and took Naproxen rx.
8:00a- Holy cow!!! I just received message from local news media asking to do an interview regarding what it’s like to recover from lightning strike. I agreed to do interview.
I’m excited but nervous. Praying for God’s wisdom and help to make aware the struggles of being a lightning survivor.
12:00p- phone interview lasted about an hour. I have migraine now. Took rx to ease headache. Laying down to rest for a bit.
1:30p- Joe taking me out for lunch. Hankerin for Greek food. Taking me to Jerusalem Cafe. Decided on Jerusalem Feast for Two. Food was delicious though the meat a little dry. Lamb had too much spice. My favorites were the Lentil soup and the Pistachio Baklava.
4:45p- I’m exhausted and really hurting. Icing rt hip down. Arms hurting. Nerves twitching. Center of chest aches. Upper back aches. Think I’m going to crash a while before prepping foods for tomorrow.
5:15p- crashed on chair in livingroom for 30 minutes. Aching all over. Lights bothersome. Neck hurts if I turn too far it shoots sharp pain down center of back. Lft shoulder throbbing.
Need my afternoon energy drink to make the dessert for tomorrow.
10:38p- rt hip still throbbing. Migraine eased to headache but still have it. Joe helped me make the dessert for tomorrow (Mississippi Mud Pie). Made it diabetic-friendly & gluten free.
Center of chest aches, lft shoulder aches, back aches with chilling sensation in center rt, low back aches, legs ache, muscles randomly twitching thru body, feet hurt, rt hip throbbing!, tourniquet feeling left lower leg, neck hurts. Skin starting to feel itchy.
11:38p- can’t sleep. Trying to listen to soothing music (wholetones) to help me sleep but rt ear swollen so that earbud wouldn’t fit. Rt ear hurts
Random hiccups. Dizzy.
June 15
7:00a- sharp shooting pain in rt arm to tip of pinky woke me thus am. Ugh! Lower back & rt hip throbbing like toothache. Headache. Yucky taste in mouth. Hands swollen and achy.
9:00a- PT exercises. Breathing, Supine push, Knee Rock, Half Squat to Chair, Standing hip side kick (slow), VOR 1 exercise, Breathing.
Standing hip side kick getting sharp pain in rt hip each time. Think I’ll stop til talk with therapist.
10:55a- trying to get things ready for Men’s activity. Cutting up tomatoes & cucumbers caused upper back & shoulders to sting. Had to step away & rest. Washing dishes and making tea caused lower back to throb like infected toothache! Had to sit & ice back for a bit. Ice therapy seems to work better than heating pad at times.
3:20p- feel like I’m crashing need t lay down a bit
5:00p- out for almost 2 hours. Still tired.
11:18p- not able to do too much rest of day. I hurt too too much. Rt hip throbbing with pain shooting down rt leg, low back throbbing, trying to not be grouchy but it’s hard, rt lower left leg tourniquit tighten feeling with some numbness in lft foot, rt eye socket hurts, hands swollen and achy, headache. Tried to wash dishes made me hurt worse. Muscles twitching throughout body.
Have to remind self to be thankful in the good and the painful. Maybe some sleep with ease pain.