June 18
8:00a- rough night. Didn’t fall asleep until after 1am so much pain. Woke every about two hours.
9:30a- made pineapple upside down pancakes for Jakob. They were delicious.
10:36a- its thunderstorming! Every nerve hurts. Extra unbalanced. Sinuses congested in overdrive. Brewing some thyme tea with oil of oregano to help.
1:53p- need to pick up few items from store. Sitting on floor in Wal-Mart. I’m wore out from shopping for few items. No wheelchairs available. Realized I forgot to drink my tea.
2:30p- came home, ate lunch, and crashed for about hour.
10:29p- kids finally home. Whole body aches. Lower left leg numbish.
Rt hip aching. Headache – was migraine earlier but took rx to ease it. Low back aches. Muscles randomly twitching throughout body. Neck hurts. Muscles fewl tight. Having trouble remembering to do things.
June 19
Had tough day trying to get things accomplished. Scatter brained today even with list.
Head & brain on the dizzy side most of day. If move head too fast .
Recvd bad new that my chiropractor had massive heart attack over weekend. Next 24 hrs critical. Prayers for his survival and comfort for the family.
Rt hip throbbing intensely. Arms and lft hand numb. Headache. Lower left leg numbish with tourniquit feeling. Hands swollen and achy. Whole body aches. Upper shoulders burning and sting.
Took walk with Joe short ways. Had to stop part way to catch up with sea tossed brain. Felt like I was about to tumble. Happened at store couple times too.