June 24
11:53a- Received call from Dr. I do NOT have yeast in my throat! It doesn’t explain bumps on tongue and down throat. While it’s good news, guess I’ve perplexed Dr’s once again. Lol
12:00- Chiro apt in Pensacola, FL. Did spinal scan and xrays. Have to make apt to come back for follow up apt. Gave me copy of read out. Funny thing is the spot that read normal is where I hurt when I lift my arms for any length of time.
Everyone was really friendly even the dog. Pleasantly surprised to see scripture on the walls. Got impression it’s for rich people though. At least first 2 visits are paid for already.
5:30p- met missionaries at church. Family helped me with putting vinyl letters on VBS banner. Guys hung it for me. I am hurting!!! Feel like a decrepit old granny (except I’m not even a granny yet haha). Pain hurts none the less.
6:00p- I’m spent no more go in me. Suggested to family leftovers for dinner.
8:00p- I passed out on chase lounge in livingroom for over an hour.
11:27p- took 2 Tylenol and muscle relaxer. Doc wants me off the Naproxen. Called pharmacy earlier today. New pain rx not ready yet. I sure hope it helps ease my pain.
Muscles cramping thru body tensing up while lying in bed. I hurt so much that eyes are watery. Pain from head to toes. Headache, neck throbbing, shoulders & upper back aching, low back throbbing, muscles in legs tense and crampy, calves ache, feet and ankles ache, hands swollen and achy, thirsty, rt ear hurts, left ear ringing off and on, muscles twitching on face
June 25
6:45a- Oh, the pain! Why do I have to hurt so bad upon waking? Woke from nightmare. Hurt from head to toe throbbing pain. Level 9
8:00a- fasting blood work this morning…not sure if I should take pain rx…wish I could but I’ll play it safe
12:45p- attending funeral/celebration of life for Dr Phillip Shouppe. Around 300 people attended. He certainly left behind a positive legacy for his family, friends, and patients alike. So many people showed that they had to add chairs and even then over 50 people were standing.
30 plus years of service as a Chiropractor in the Mobile area. I was his first lightning survivor patient. His family even knew me as such (that tickled me). I expressed to the son that his father was the only Dr that had cared about my recovery. He thanked me and replied that was a good way to be remembered and encouraged me to do the same. Thankful that he knew the Lord as his Saviour and one day we’ll meet again.
My dad put my nerves on tight rope. His driving scared me today. I even watched YouTube videos on way home to keep my brain occupied (if you know me at all, those things irriate me).
10:46p- most of body throbbing pain with eyes slightly watering. Took muscle relaxer…body is so tense. Random muscle spams up and down body. Lower lft leg tourniquit tighten feeling with some numbness in lft foot. Left ankle area swollen. Bad headache. Bright lights bothersome. Low back intense throbbing. Hands swollen and achy.