July 3
6:00a- woke in intense pain in chest and lower back. Hurts to move.
7:30a- PT exercises are difficult this morning. I don’t comprehend muscle issues. Maybe need to ask therapist next visit.
8:00a- think I’ll take shower and let hot water loosen up muscles.
10am- went with mom and Dezirae to church to paint small section of baseboards in auditorium. Have to pace myself in order to not over do it.
12:00p- back home to rest a while.
1:00 cleaning out fridge
2:00p- goodness I totally forgot about tomorrow being the 4th. I’m not prepared. Asking Joe what he wants to eat. I’m craving potato salad.
3:00p- Joe’s rx ready. Going to store will pick up patties, potatoes, & watermelon.
4:00p- back home to rest again.
5:30p- dinner is leftover stew (ham, cabbage, potatoes, pork broth, blavk beans, avacado, amaranth, corn). It’s too hot for stew but I’m trying to clean out fridge/freezer a bit. Family said it tasted good. Tasted like it needed crackers.
Rested a while after dinner. Starting to hurt all over more.
6:40p- decided to try to walk some today bc I won’t be able to tomorrow. Rested for a piece once home.
8:00p- decided work on blog info for little bit.
9:00p- I’m exhausted and hurting more. Headache. Rt hip aching. Rt side feels like it was punched.
9:10p- sister called from Nepal. They’re getting more kids in school. Need more books. Checking to see if I have some of them in my library. Wrote list down. Will check tomorrow.
10:00p- I’m exhausted and wide awake. Took muscle relaxer as muscles are now randomly spazzing thru body. Hands swollen and throbbing. Neck hurts. Lower lft leg numbish feeling. Legs ache. Lft side center chest hurts like pulled muscle. Need to find a photography class for elective.
10:30p- neighbor boy shooting into his pool again. Everytime he does my nerves jump causing tension and spasms. Pain increases. It’s going to be long night!
10:59p- found it…learning photography in your homeschool for free. https://www.freehomeschooldeals.com/learning-photography-in-your-homeschool-for-free/
July 4
4:00a- woke to muscle spasms, rt hip throbbing and both arms numb. It’s too early. Joe helped ease the spasms by rubbing my back.
7:30a – alarm went off hitting snooze I just fell back to sleep
8:30a- oops didn’t mean to sleep that long
3:00p- cut Joe’s hair my arms throb longer I hold clippers up especially rt arm. Oh the pain! Why do my muscles fatigue so?
7:44p- frustrated too many different noises while playing offeratory I couldn’t focus and really messed up maybe I should wear ear plugs.
How can companies call gum sugar-free if it has sugar substitutes in them?
I forgot to drink my energy drink this afternoo. I’m exhausted. Still more day to go
9:00p- sat thru firworks a few made me jump. They hurt more than scare me. My nerves jumpy and bones ache. 11:46p- I’m exhausted. Hopefully I’ll fall asleep soon