July 5
8:50a- sure wish I could figure out cause of bloody noses. This one came on without warning. Lasted 5 min or so.
9:10a- went to p.o. to overnight books for my sister. Apparently bc its a weekend the earliest would be Monday. (That’s 4 days not 2 days). Frustrating!
3:15p- feel like I’m fixing to crash
4:53p- slept for over hour and half hands and arms numb upon waking.
10:30p- time for bed and I’m exhausted. Didn’t hardly do anything most of day. Lower lft leg numbish feeling down to lft toes. Neck hurts. Rt hip throbbing. Hard time doing clamshells tonight…not able to do 7 just 5 before it hurt too much. Headache. Low back aches. Hands swollen. Lft hand tingly. Calves ache. Middle of back itches.
July 6
1:48p- work day at church didn’t start off too well. My brain didn’t think the vbs decorations thru and I forgot we used the projector. Had difficulty trying to express what I was thinking. Joe was trying to straighten it all out, but I wasn’t following/comprhending what he was saying. I chose to sit down and let him work it out. I was just getting more flustered at myself bc I wasn’t even making sense to myself anymore.
With everyone showing up, we got all the jobs chosen completed before 11am. Think that was fastest time. Auditorium looks good. Poor Reni is sick.
1:57p- home resting now…I’m wore out. Still need to do bulletin for tomorrow. Don’t know what’s for dinner. Need to meal plan.
3:30- laid down for while but only fell asleep for about half hour. Need to figure out dinner.
11:00p- dinner was pork chops, tator tots, and mixed veggies. Need more veggies. Need to get my pressure canner fixed. Lost my green beans cuz theu didn’t seal right. Ugh!
Bulletins done. Took me about 6 hours. Had Dezirae help me with fillers. Brain was starting to blur. Ordered some vitamins as well.
Need to get some sleep for tomorrow.
Wide awake.
Neck hurts, lower lft leg numbish feeling, low back & rt hip throbbing, hands ache, skin itchez, muscles randomly twitching thru body
July 7
6:15a- woke with rt hip intensely throbbing. More I moved worse it hurt. Hard to get motivated to move.
6:45a- Joe graciously used pain roller over hip area. Pain is easing some.
7:15a- decided to wash hair in sink bc I knew taking shower would hurt my arms and wear me out. Guess it didn’t matter either way bc washing hair in sink hurt my lower back and made me out of breath. Wish I could figure that out. Hope Dr’s apt will have answers from xrays and bloodwork.
9:42a- rt hip throbbing, neck hurts, upper back burning
2:00p- tried to laid down for nap but hurt too bad to get comfortable or fall asleep
6:28p- lft ear ringing
11:24p- really hurting right now. Rt hip intense throbbing. Hard yo get comfortable. Skin nerves on edge. Tired but not sleeping. Hard to get comfortable. Neck hurts. Brain hurts, hands swollen and achy, lft shoulder aches, back throbbing, rt ear hurts, hot, headache, stuffy nose