Sept 21
11:51p- almost forgot to write today.
At church from 9am-3pm. Did follow ups today with Joe & daughter. First stop, man given gospel but didn’t want to pray. Second stop, man remembers me. Glad to see us. Joe talked with him little bit. Going to mom’s church. Encouraged him to get baptized.
Back at church, rested up little then started working on changing out decor for fall. Got side tracked then back to fall decor. Joe studied for sermons tomorrow.
Then delivered goodie bags to fire fighters and police officers. Then home. Once home, felt wore out and decided to take nap before working on bulletin. Nap only lasted about 20 minutes. Startled by a noise. Couldn’t get back to sleep. Finished bulletin. Started turkey rollups for dinner snack…not really hungry.
Rt wrist and hand throbbing. Rt elbow aches. Rt side hurts. Back of knees hurt. Lower lft leg tourniquit tighten feeling with some numbness. Exhausted. Neck hurts. Sharp pain in sides. Feet cold periodically. Tingling in both lower legs. Sinuses congested. Random sharp stabbing pain thru body. Thirsty (didn’t drink enough today). Random muscle spams thru body.
Sept 22
7:00a- woke from nightmare. Whole body aches. Rt hip throbbing. Muscles pulsating in upper back. Hands swollen and throbbing. Eyes hurt. Tired.
♫It’s a good thing to give thanks to the Lord and sing praises to His name in the morning He will show His love…♫ wish I could remember the rest. Maybe I’ll just have to write it myself.
9:55a- feeling extra wobbly & dizzy today. Almost fell just walking in auditorium at church.
10:30- rt hip throbbing. Headache.
11:00a- Do you know how difficult it is to play piano for services when your head hurts and your brain feels like its bouncing on a stormy sea? I really flubbed up on music playing but I did my best. Ears ringing. Had to sit in pew to support back. Piano bench is extra hard today. Rt hip really hurts.
While playing offertory hymn I was trying to tell Joe that the people not standing. He was busy trying to write me a note to ask if I could play a certain song for the special. When he got up to pray he asked if I read the note. Told him I didnt know he wrote me a note. Read note. At least I know how to play song – Victory in Jesus.
11:49a- rt side of head at my 2 feels like large spike has been driven through. Feet getting cold.
1:00p- feel like I’m going to crash. Need to lay down. Asked Jakob if he would go to dollar store to get me anbesol. Rt jaw throbbing immensely. He graciously got me two kinds. Relief feels good.
1:30p- loud noise stsrtled me just as I was about to dose off. Setting alarm for 3. Have things to do but really need to rest.
3:45- oops I guess I shut alarm off unknowingly. Needed to rest. Time to make cookies with kids.
6:30- told Joe that dizziness and playing piano don’t mix. He checked my eyes. My vertigo is kicking in. He said eyes are very jumpy. He told me to stop playing. I forgot and did best to play next hymn but quit at last chorus. Played intro to next hymn then stopped. Joe asked church to pray for me bc vertigo kicked in.
8:30p- had trouble walking down hall. Joe helped me to chair in livingroom. Joe sweet to cook dinner too.
Needing to wear sunglasses inside. Lights hurting eyes. Lower back & rt hip throbbing like toothache. Headache.
9:20- going to bed
Sept 23
5:30a- Joe have bad headache causing vomiting. Tried to help but he needs to sleep.
6:30a- take Jordon to work
7:30a- decided I was going to try to do little clean up in kitchen.
Made bisquick mix, coffee cake muffins (name doesn’t match there’s no coffee in them. Things that make you go hmm?), wash some of dishes.
1:54p- exhausted. Need to crash few minutes. Have to leave to take Dezirae to volleyball. It’s away. Not going today couldn’t handle it today anyhow.
2:15p- Woke in time to take Dezirae to vball.
4:30p- praise Jordon’s co-worker dropped him off at home.
Trouble with ears ringing. At times, it’s like my wjole ear get clogged and I can’t hear out of it. Been jumping back and forth from rt to lft randomly most of day.
8:00p- cooking dinner late. Asked boys to do dishes.
9:25p- muscle spams in my lft lip. Ugh!
10:30p- feet freezing & tingly. Headache worsening. Ears have been ringing off and on most of day. Several times left ear seems clogged while it’s ringing. Neck hurts both side. Upper shoylders ache. Back aches. Hands swollen and achy. Random muscle spams thru body. Tired. Dizzy still. Loud noises & bright lights bothersome. Hands feel extra dry & itchy. Rt hip aches. Eyes watery.